900字范文 > 自动装置 automatic device英语短句 例句大全

自动装置 automatic device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-11 01:49:50


自动装置 automatic device英语短句 例句大全

自动装置,automatic device

1)automatic device自动装置

1.Generic algorithm research for simulation ofautomatic device in DTS;DTS中自动装置仿真通用算法研究

2.In order to meet the technological requirements of unmanned substationautomatic device,a substation APD (reserve source Auto -put-in Device) hardware & software scheme has been proposed.根据变电站综合自动化对自动装置的要求,提出一种适用于新型变电站主结线形式──三主变四分段结线的备用电源自动投入装置的硬件及软件的设计方案,并论述了其技术特点。

3.Based on the analysis on the remote control of relay protection andautomatic device,a scheme for realizing remote switching-on and switching-off of relay protection andautomatic device strap circuit is proposed using high voltage equipment remote control principle.通过对继电保护及自动装置远方控制问题的分析,提出利用远方控制高压电气设备的原理,将电触发命令转换成位置状态变换、用机械闭锁方式实现自保持功能,实现远方投退继电保护及自动装置压板回路的解决方案。


1.AAC = automat and automatical control自动装置与自动控制

2.PARA (Perceiving and Recognition Automation)探测与辨认自动装置

3.The automatic works very well .自动装置运转很灵活。

4.automatic starter for prime mover原动机自动起动装置

5.The mechanism actuating a player piano.自动演奏装置自动钢琴的自动演奏装置

6.electrical and automatic contro电动及自动控制装置

7.automatic control for electric drive电气传动装置自动控制

8.Automatic Turbine Start透平自动起动(装置)

9.automatic diesel engine starting unit柴油机自动起动装置

10.an automatic [a manual] transmission自动 [手动] 变速装置

11.electrical interlocking automatic device电气联动式自动化装置

12.a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device.纠正自动操作装置的手工操作装置。

13.With a device of autocycling and sealedly storing the strong glue.强力胶自动循环装置及密封贮胶装置。

14.automatic equation solver方程式自动解算装置

15.automatic ultrasonic testing device自动超声波探伤装置

16.automatic wire tying device自动式铁丝打结装置

17.the fail-safe mechanism自动保险机械装置.

18.automatic counting and printing assembly自动计数与印刷装置


automation device自动装置

1.Study of protection andautomation device configuration in the island startup mode孤岛启动模式下的预置保护和自动装置研究

2.This paper briefly introduces system configurations and functions of 500 kV step-up substation,generator-transformer unit,auxiliary power supply system computer monitoring,computer-controlled relay protection,andautomation devices of Huaneng Yuhuan Power Plant 4×1 000 MW project.文章介绍了浙江华能玉环4×1000MW电厂工程500kV升压站、发变组、厂用电系统计算机监控、微机型继电保护和自动装置的系统配置和功能特点,在电厂二次线设计以及先进设备的使用做了统一的系统规划,并获得了有效的实施。

3)automatic equipment自动装置

1.Microcomputer basedautomatic equipment—developing trend of power system stability control;微机自动装置是电网稳定控制的发展方向

2.Through the analysis of emergency trip for 110 kV and lower voltage open network,the coordinated application of auto-enclosure and otherautomatic equipments in such network was put forward.通过对110kV及以下开式网络的故障跳闸分析,提出了自动重合闸在110kV及以下开式网络中与其它自动装置的配合具体应用。

binated with theoretical analysis,simulation research by PSCAD and pilot study by RTDS,it researches the effects on transformer protection andautomatic equipment by harmonics and negative sequence of electric railway.本文在已有研究基础上,从数字仿真出发,基于某典型电铁牵引供电系统和公用电网,利用电磁暂态分析程序EMTDC/PSCAD建立了主变差动保护和故障录波器的模型,通过理论分析、PSCAD仿真研究与RTDS试验研究相结合的方式,分析电铁谐波和负序对主变保护和自动装置的影响,最终给出相关的结论和建议。

4)automation devices自动装置

1.User-definedautomation devices simulation in DTS;DTS中基于用户自定义的自动装置模拟

2.The author analyzes the significance ofautomation devices for the stability of the power system ,and proposes suggestions to break out the electromagnetic loop after the 500 kV power system is developed.介绍了河北省南部电网电磁环网运行方式对电网安全稳定的影响及采取的相应措施,分析了电网安全自动装置对保障电网稳定运行的重要意义,提出了500kV网架发展成熟后解环运行的建议。

3.The consequences of this phenomena are as follows: the secure operation of the regional power network is seriously interfered, the normal operation of protective relaying andautomation devices are affected, the safety of power equipments are threatened and the power supply reliability for regional power consumers is decreased.近年来,越来越多的小电厂联网运行,严重干扰了地区电网的安全运行,影响了系统继电保护与自动装置的正常投运,对电力系统的设备安全造成了威胁,降低了地区用户的供电可靠性。




