900字范文 > 升麻解毒汤 Cimicifugae Jiedu decoction英语短句 例句大全

升麻解毒汤 Cimicifugae Jiedu decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-13 11:13:17


升麻解毒汤 Cimicifugae Jiedu decoction英语短句 例句大全

升麻解毒汤,Cimicifugae Jiedu decoction

1)Cimicifugae Jiedu decoction升麻解毒汤

1.Objective:To sum up the experience of treating children chronic sinusitis with TAN Jing-shu\"sCimicifugae Jiedu decoction.目的:总结临床运用谭敬书升麻解毒汤治疗儿童慢性鼻窦炎的经验。


1.Experience of Treating Children Chronic Sinusitis with TAN Jing-shu"s Cimicifugae Jiedu Decoction谭敬书升麻解毒汤治疗儿童慢性鼻窦炎的经验

2.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Rosacea with Traditional Chinese Medicines;除湿解毒汤治疗红斑痤疮的临床观察

3.a plant of the genus Actaea having acrid poisonous berries.类叶升麻属的一种植物,结酸的、有毒的浆果。

4.Clinical Study on Treating Viral Myocarditis with JieduYixin Decoction;解毒益心汤治疗病毒性心肌炎的临床研究

5.Treatment of Zona Sequela Neurodynia by ShengMaGeGen Tang:A Clinical Observation of 26 Cases升麻葛根汤加味治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛26例疗效观察

6.Maxingshigan Decoction inhibits the apoptosis of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells infected by influenza virus A麻杏石甘汤对A型流感病毒感染的犬肾传代细胞凋亡的影响

7.Influence of Ganlvjiedu Decoction on histopathological changes of organs in poisoning rats induced by endotoxin甘绿解毒汤对内毒素致中毒大鼠器官组织病理学变化的影响

8.Research on the Active Ingredients and Antitumor Effect of Huanglianjiedu Decoction;黄连解毒汤抗肿瘤活性成分及作用机制研究

9.Clinical Experimental Study on Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure with Shenqi Jiedu Decoction;参芪解毒汤治疗慢性肾衰竭临床与实验研究

10.Studies on Biopharmaceutics of Ultra-fine Powder of Huanglian Jiedutang;黄连解毒汤超细微粉的生物药剂学研究

11.The Effect of JDBS Decoction on Renal Protective Functions of Experimental Diabetic Rats;解毒保肾汤对糖尿病大鼠肾脏保护作用的研究

12.Experimental Study on Jiedubaihu Decoction to Treat Qifen Syndrome of Seasonal Febrile Disease;解毒白虎汤治疗温病气分证的实验研究

13.The Form Reformatory Studies of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction by Semi-bionic Extraction;用半仿生提取法对黄连解毒汤的剂改研究

14.Clinical Experimental Study on Shuanghuajiedutang in Treating Pityrosporum Folliculitis.;双花解毒汤治疗糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎的研究

15.Effects of Jiedutuiyitang Aqueous Extract on Cure and IL-12 Expression in HSK Mice解毒褪翳汤对HSK小鼠血清IL-12影响的实验研究

16.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Acute Eczema (the Type of Damp-heat) with ChuShiJieDuTang除湿解毒汤治疗湿热型急性湿疹的临床研究

17.The Study of Anti-experimental Immune Injury Action and Mechanism of Jie Du Hua Yu Tang解毒化瘀汤抗免疫性肝损伤作用及机理的研究

18.The Mechanism of Bai-Hu-Tang (BHT) Decoction on Fever Induced by Endotoxin (ET)白虎汤对内毒素性发热家兔解热机制的研究


Cimicifuga and Pueraria Decoction升麻葛根汤

3)Shengyang apidutang升阳排毒汤

4)Shengjietongyu Tang(STT)升解通瘀汤

1.Objective:To determine the effect of Shengjietongyu Tang(STT) in protecting the heart of SD rats from ischemia-reperfusion injury(IRI) after induced ischemic event.目的探讨升解通瘀汤对心脏缺血再灌注损伤心功能的影响。

5)ShengMaGeGen Tang升麻葛根汤加味

1.Treatment of Zona Sequela Neurodynia byShengMaGeGen Tang:A Clinical Observation of 26 Cases升麻葛根汤加味治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛26例疗效观察

6)Baogan Jiedu decoction保肝解毒汤

1.The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a traditional Chinese medicine preparation,Baogan Jiedu decoction(BJD) on Na+-K+-ATPase activities in gill,liver and kidney of European eel(Anguilla anguilla) with experimental intoxication induced by copper.应用生物化学方法研究了由茵陈、龙胆、甘草、大黄及栀子组成的中药保肝解毒汤对铜中毒欧鳗鳃、肝、肾组织中Na+-K+-ATPase活性的影响。


排阳排阳 排阳 针灸学术语。指用针体推运摇动排开体表,使邪气随之外泄的刺法。一说作“推扬”解。孙鼎宜曰:“排阳犹推扬,谓转针也。转针得法,邪自随出。”《灵枢·九针十二原》:“泻曰:必持内之,放而出之,排阳得针,邪气得泄。”
