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管理体会 Management experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 02:13:23


管理体会 Management experience英语短句 例句大全

管理体会,Management experience

1)Management experience管理体会

1.The management experience about supervise the construction of local high class road;关于对地方高等级公路施工监理的管理体会

2)accounting management system会计管理体制

1.One country′s accounting model is determined by its accounting management wystem,however,every country show different ideas aboutaccounting management system because the establishment ofaccounting management system is not only affected by accounting function,accounting objective,the recognition of accounting entity but also by economic environment.会计管理体制决定一国会计模式,是一个国家或地区在自身所处的社会经济环境基础上做出的选择。

2.Centralized accounting is a new practice ofaccounting management system reform, which has a positive influence on regulating basic work of accounting, and shows some limitations in the practice, such as unfavourable for accountant management, weakening financial supervision, adding the risk of financial sections, and so on.会计集中核算是会计管理体制改革的尝试,在规范会计基础工作等方面,确实起到了积极作用。


1.On the new reform of the accounting control system-accounting appointment system;谈会计管理体制的新改革——会计委派制

2.The Influences of Management System Innovation of Accounting on Quality of Accounting Information;论会计管理体制创新对会计信息质量的影响

3.The Problems in the Non - public Ownership Economy Accounting Management System and Countermeasures;非公有制经济会计管理体制存在的问题与对策

4.The Feasibility Research of Accountant Appointment System --the Innovation of Accounting Management System;会计委派制可行性研究——兼议会计管理体制的创新

5.On the System of Accounting Regulation;论企业会计管理体制——兼评企业会计人员政府委派制

6.Problems of Accounting Management System in China and Solutions;我国会计管理体制存在的问题及对策探析

7.Practice and Considerations on Constructing the Law-regulating Accounting Management System in China;构建我国“立法主导型”会计管理体制的思考

8.A Dialectic View on Perfecting the Supervision of Accountancy Through the Surplus Management;辩证看待盈余管理 完善会计监管体制

9.Reform of accountant accreditation and personnel administration system;会计委派制与会计人员管理体制的改革

10.New Ideas on Accounting Law and the Model of Accountants Management System ──Discussion on "Accountants Appointment System;《会计法》与会计人员管理体制模式新构想──兼评“会计委派制”会计人员管理体制

11.A New Concept about Accounting Law and the Model of Accountants Management System--And the Comment of “The Appointing Accountant System” to the Accountant Management System;《会计法》与会计人员管理体制模式新构想——兼评“会计委派制”会计人员管理体制

12.Accountant Management System Reform from the Perspective of Accounting Personnel Market从会计人才市场化看会计人员管理体制改革

13.On the Model of Accounting Personnel Management in Multi-Phase Economic System;论多元经济体制下会计人员管理模式

14.Management System of Certified Public Accountant: a Game Analysis;注册会计师职业管理体制的博弈分析

15.The Malpractice and the Countermeasure on theManagement System of Current Accountants;现行会计人员管理体制的弊端及对策

parison of Control System of Foreign CPA and Its Enlightenment;国外注册会计师管理体制比较及启示

17.The Reform of Internal Management System of Accounting Firms in Partnership of China我国合伙制会计师事务所内部管理体制改革

18.The Economic Considerations on the System of AccountantAppointment in Enterprises──discussion on reform of accountant management system in enterprises;企业会计委派制度的经济学思考——兼论企业会计人员管理体制改革


accounting management system会计管理体制

1.One country′s accounting model is determined by its accounting management wystem,however,every country show different ideas aboutaccounting management system because the establishment ofaccounting management system is not only affected by accounting function,accounting objective,the recognition of accounting entity but also by economic environment.会计管理体制决定一国会计模式,是一个国家或地区在自身所处的社会经济环境基础上做出的选择。

2.Centralized accounting is a new practice ofaccounting management system reform, which has a positive influence on regulating basic work of accounting, and shows some limitations in the practice, such as unfavourable for accountant management, weakening financial supervision, adding the risk of financial sections, and so on.会计集中核算是会计管理体制改革的尝试,在规范会计基础工作等方面,确实起到了积极作用。

3)social management system社会管理体制

1.The Basic Idea on Innovation of Social Management System创新社会管理体制的基本理念

2.The reform ofsocial management system is a systemic project,among the relationships of government,society and market,the latter two have a very great likeness on multidimensional lays referring to government.社会管理体制改革是一项系统工程,在政府、社会、市场三者的相互关系中,以政府为参照,社会、市场在多维层面上有着很大的相似性。

3.This paper thus proposes that a feedforward-feedback compound control system in China ssocial management system must be set up.要实现构建和谐社会的目标,必须在我国的社会管理体制中建立前馈-反馈复合控制系统,才能形成适应社会主义市场经济发展和社会结构深刻变化的,更加有效的社会管理体制。

4)management-based accounting system管理型会计体系

5)new managerial system of accounting会计管理新体制

6)accounting management system会计管理体系

1.It requires a new trail to the management and development of personnel resources and theaccounting management system.知识经济时代对现代管理会计提出了具体的要求,它要求人力资源管理会计的发展和会计管理体系的创新。


Pro/E曲面设计体会1、curve和tanget chain的区别。比如做两个连续的四边曲面,曲面A引用了curve1,则在创建曲面B时,最好引用A的tangent chain而不是其原始curve。因为尽管原理上A的边(tangent chain)即curve1,但在生成曲面后,它的边已经和原始curve有了精度上的偏差。所以为了保证曲面的连续性,应尽量选用tangent chain。 补充:在定义边界条件时,tangent chain无须选择曲面(因为本来就在曲面上),而curve则需选择相切曲面,也就是先前通过此curve创建的曲面。 (2)、变截面扫描时选项Pivot Dir(轴心方向)的理解。首先把原始轨迹线看成无数个原点的组合,在任一原点处的截面参照为:原点、原点处的切线、以及过原点且与datum面垂直的直线(可以把它理解为创建point-on-plane轴)。一个很好的例子是ice的鼠标面教程,以分模面作为变截面扫描的datum面,因此能保证任一扫描点处的脱模角。 (3)、创建连续的混合曲面,其curve要连续定义,以保证曲率连续;而曲面则可以先分开生成,再创建中间的连接面。(4),在通过点创建曲线时,可以用tweak进行微调,推荐选择基准平面进行二维的调节,然后再选择另一个基准进行调节,这样控制点就不会乱跑了。(5),如果曲面质量要求较高,尽可能用四边曲面。 (6),扫描曲面尽可能安排在前面,因为它不能定义边界连接。 (7),当出现>4边时,有时可以延长边界线并相交,从而形成四边曲面,然后再进行剪切处理。(8),变截面扫描之垂直于原始轨迹:原始轨迹+X向量轨迹 局部坐标系原点:原始轨迹可以视作无数个点的集合,这些点就是局部坐标系原点; Z轴:原始轨迹在原点处的切线方向; X轴:原始轨迹在任一点处形成与Z轴垂直的平面,该平面与X向量轨迹形成交点,原点指向交点即形成X轴; Y轴:由原点、Z轴、X轴确定。 (9),垂直于轨迹之曲面法向Norm to Surf: 局部坐标系原点:原始轨迹可以视作无数个点的集合,这些点就是局部坐标系原点; Z轴:相切轨迹可以视作无数个点的集合,每个点的切线就是Z轴; X轴:由Z轴可确定XY轴所在的平面,与另一个过原始轨迹的曲面相交,即得到X轴; Y轴:由原点、Z轴、X轴确定。(10)、垂直于轨迹之使用法向轨迹Use Norm Traj: 局部坐标系原点:原始轨迹可以视作无数个点的集合,这些点就是局部坐标系原点; Z轴:相切轨迹可以视作无数个点的集合,每个点的切线就是Z轴;
