900字范文 > 肾虚肝亢 renal deficiency and liver accentuation英语短句 例句大全

肾虚肝亢 renal deficiency and liver accentuation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-26 08:23:44


肾虚肝亢 renal deficiency and liver accentuation英语短句 例句大全

肾虚肝亢,renal deficiency and liver accentuation

1)renal deficiency and liver accentuation肾虚肝亢


1.The Clinical Research on Treatment of Multipe Tics in Children by Means of Jingan Oral Liquid静安合剂治疗肾虚肝亢型小儿多发性抽动症的临床疗效与评估

2.Study on Hepatic Mitochondria Proteome of Kidney-yin Deficiency Rats Induced by Hyperthyrea甲亢型肾阴虚大鼠肝线粒体蛋白质组的研究

3.Clinical Study on the Effect of ZiShenPingGan Decoction in Treating Premenstrual Syndrome;滋肾平肝汤治疗阴虚阳亢型经前期综合征的临床研究

4.Proteomics Analysis of Hypothalamuses and Adrenal Glands in Hyperthyroidism Rats with Hyperactivity of Liver-yang;甲亢肝阳上亢证大鼠下丘脑和肾上腺组织的蛋白质组学分析

5.Effects of Calming the Liver and Suppressing the Hyperactive Yang Recipe on Hypothalamuses and Adrenal Glands Protein of the Hyperthyroidism Rats with Hyperactivity of Liver-yang;平肝潜阳方对甲亢肝阳上亢证大鼠下丘脑和肾上腺蛋白质表达的影响

6.Clinical Research of Qianyangjiangya Formula in Treating Renal Parenchymal Hypertension (Yin Vacuity with Yang Hyperactivity Pattern);潜阳降压方治疗肾实质性高血压(阴虚阳亢候)的临床研究

7.Hypothalamus and Adrenal Glands Proteomic Study in Experiment Migraine Rat with Hyperactivity of Liver-yang;实验性偏头痛肝阳上亢证大鼠下丘脑和肾上腺的蛋白质组学研究

8.Clinical Research on the Effect of Zhenganxifeng Detoction on Treating Primary Hypertension with Syndrome of Insubstantial Yin and Flourishing Yang;镇肝熄风汤治疗阴虚阳亢型原发性高血压的临床疗效研究

9.The Clinic & Experiment Investigation in Zishentiaogantang Anti Women s Kidney Deficiency and Senility;滋肾调肝汤抗女性肾虚衰老的临床及实验研究

10.These people are manifesting red face constitution of Liver/ Kidney Yin vacuity.表现为面色发红,肝肾阴虚的体质特征。

11.Proteomics Analysis of Hypothalamuses and Adrenal Glands in Hypertensive Rats with Hyperactivity of Liver-yang with Pinggan-Qianyang Treatment;平肝潜阳法治疗高血压肝阳上亢证大鼠下丘脑、肾上腺的蛋白质组学研究

12.Conclusion: The pathogenesis of the early renal damage induced by essential hypertension is the deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin complicated ‘with Qi deficiency and blood stasis.结论:原发性高血压早期肾损害的主要病机为肝肾阴虚兼气虚血瘀。

13.The Clinical Reserch on Impact of Kidney-and-Liver Nourishing on Serum CA125 in the Trimester Threatened Abortion Patient with the Kidney Deficiency and Liver Depressed滋肾柔肝法对肾虚肝郁型早期先兆流产血清CA125影响的临床研究

14.The Clinical Study on the Effect of ZiShenQingGan Decoction in Treating Perimenopausal Syndrome of Deficiency of Kidney and Hyperactivity of Liver-fire滋肾清肝汤治疗肾虚肝旺证围绝经期综合征的临床研究

15.Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup on the Effect of Dysfuctional Uterine Bleeding of Lutetal Phase Defect with Kidney Deficiency with Liver Stagnation益肾疏肝调经汤治疗肾虚肝郁型黄体功能不全功血的临床研究

16.The Clinical Effects and Significance of Serum sFas/sFasL Study on Treatment of Lupus Nephritis by Yi Shen Granule;益肾颗粒剂对肝肾阴虚型狼疮肾炎患者血清sFas/sFasL水平的影响

17.Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect on Liver Fibrosis of Chronic Viral Hepatitis with Herbal Compound Rougan Decoction;柔肝汤治疗慢性病毒性肝炎肾阴虚兼血瘀证肝纤维化临床观察

18.Analysis of Personality of 50 Infertility Patients Due to Deficiency of Kidney and Stagnation of Liver Qi50例肾虚肝郁不孕症患者人格结构分析


syndrome of deficiency of liver yin and hyperactivity of liver yang肝阴虚阳亢证

3)liver depression and kidney insufficiency肝郁肾虚

1.Clinical research of Shugan Mingmu pill on syndrome ofliver depression and kidney insufficiency in dry type of age-related macular degeneration;舒肝明目丸治疗肝郁肾虚型年龄相关性黄斑变性(干性)的临床研究

4)kidney deficiency and liver-qi stagnation肾虚肝郁

1.Clinical curative effects of Yinaojieyu Recipe on depression with syndrome ofkidney deficiency and liver-qi stagnation;颐脑解郁方治疗抑郁症肾虚肝郁型的临床疗效观察

5)excess of liver and deficiency of kidney肝实肾虚

6)Deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin肝肾阴虚

1.Method: 203 cases of diabetes B were divided, by means of differentiation of syndromes, into deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin type, deficiency of spleen-yang and kidney-yang type and damp-heat of gallbladder and stomach type.方法 :将 2 0 3例 2型糖尿病患者辨证分为肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型和胆胃湿热型 ,同时记录兼血瘀证者 ,将其分布例数进行男女两性之间、0~ 5a病程组和 5a以上病程组之间的比较。


