900字范文 > 有效电磁耦合常数 effective electromagnetic coupling constant英语短句 例句大全

有效电磁耦合常数 effective electromagnetic coupling constant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-19 01:44:11


有效电磁耦合常数 effective electromagnetic coupling constant英语短句 例句大全

有效电磁耦合常数,effective electromagnetic coupling constant

effective coupling constant有效耦合常数

3)electromag-netic coupling constant电磁耦合常数

4)magnetic coupling constants磁耦合常数

5)effective electromechanical coupling coefficient有效机电耦合系数

1.To find the optimal performance Unimorph transducer, based on the resonance frequency equation of thin disk flexural transducer with a simply supported boundary, the relations between the resonance frequency, theeffective electromechanical coupling coefficient and size of the transducer have been calculated and analyzed, the optimum design of geometric parameters has been obtained.为了寻求最佳性能的Unimorph换能器,本文根据简支边界下薄圆片弯曲换能器的共振频率方程,计算和分析了这种换能器的共振频率、有效机电耦合系数与换能器尺寸之间的关系,得出了设计换能器的最佳几何参数。

2.The resonance frequency equations were derived, theeffective electromechanical coupling coefficient wasmeasured and the radiating characteristics of the compound transducer were analyzed.推出了恢复合振动系统的共振频率设计方程,分析了各个振动模式的机电转换特性及其声波辐射特性,测量了振动系统的共振频率及其有效机电耦合系数。

6)effective electromechanical coupling factor有效机电耦合系数

1.The change of theeffective electromechanical coupling factor and mechanical quality factor due to silicon rubber which was dipping coated had been researched.首先,利用硅胶对钹型换能器进行了灌封,研究了灌封对换能器的等效压电应变常数d_(33)~(eff)、有效机电耦合系数和机械品质因数的影响,硅胶的束缚使机械品质因数下降,并且解释了换能器在灌封后有效机电耦合系数升高的原因。


