900字范文 > 胎儿发育 Fetal development英语短句 例句大全

胎儿发育 Fetal development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-10 20:46:41


胎儿发育 Fetal development英语短句 例句大全

胎儿发育,Fetal development

1)Fetal development胎儿发育

1.Fetal development and gestational weeks for triplets pregnancies and the comparison with singletons;目的探讨三胎妊娠的胎儿发育规律及平均孕周的特点。


1.The feasibility of predicting the development of fetus dependent on the length of liver, heart and kidney胎儿心、肝和肾长度预测胎儿发育的可行性探讨

2.Some drugs are beneficial to the growth of fetus and other many are harmful to the growth of fetus or causing deformity or fatal death.有的药物有利于胎儿的发育,也有许多药物不利于胎儿发育,有的甚至可导致胎儿畸形或死胎。

3.the period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days in humans).胎儿发育的时期(人类约持续天)。

4.ABortion: Expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it can survive on its own.流产(堕胎):胎儿发育到能独立生存阶段之前被分娩出子宫外的过程。

5.terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion.用堕胎的办法终止一个胎儿的发育。

6.Study of the formation and development of an embryo and fetus.胚胎学:研究胚胎和胎儿的形成和发育的学科。

7.The stages of development for a baby are zygote, embryo, and fetus.婴儿的发育阶段有受精卵、胚胎、然后是胎儿。

8.Analysis of Morphous and Organs Developping Trend during Embryo and Fetal;胎儿形体与胚胎器官发育变化趋势的初步分析

9.Study on Embryo and Fetal Morphology Development during Early Pregnancy in Yaks;牦牛妊娠早期胚胎及胎儿形态发育的研究

10.Approach of developmental mode of embryo and fetal kidney,adrenal and liver in the near period胚胎及胎儿肾、肾上腺、肝脏发育模式探讨

11.The medical study of the life and development of fetuses and infants during the perinatal period.胎儿医学对于产期婴儿或胎儿生长发育进行的医学研究

12.claimed that fetal development parallels the evolution of the species.声称胎儿的发育与种类物演变相似

13.Now many scientists are studying fetal development.目前许多科学家正在研究胎儿的发育。

14.The Human Fetal Development Time Table of the Major Limb Bones-Ultrasonic Bone Age胎儿主要肢骨发育时间表──超声骨龄

15.Histological Observation of Malformation Fetus of Whom Several Organs Not Developed;多器官未发育畸形胎儿组织结构观察

16.The evaluation of fetal echocardiography in diagnosis of mitral malformation胎儿二尖瓣发育异常的产前超声诊断

17.The Clinical Value of Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Fetal Bone Dysplasia超声对胎儿骨骼发育异常的诊断价值

18.Development of layered structures of fetal cerebral cortex:a MRI study胎儿大脑皮质层状结构发育的MRI分析


Fetus development胎儿发育

3)development of fetus胎儿发育

4)Embryo and fetal development胚胎和胎儿发育

5)Intrauterine growth of fetus胎儿宫内发育

6)Fetal growth胎儿生长发育

1.Objectives To study the correlation of leptin between maternal serum and cord blood and to know relationship between leptin and fetal growth,and the origin of leptin.目的探讨母血清与胎儿脐血瘦素的相关性和瘦素与胎儿生长发育的关系及瘦素的来源。

2.ObjectiveRelationship between fetal growth and coronary heart disease (CHD) during adulthood, i.研究目的 胎儿生长发育与成年冠心病之间的关系是目前国际流行病学研究的热点之一。


