900字范文 > 拆迁估价 dismantlement valuation英语短句 例句大全

拆迁估价 dismantlement valuation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-08 01:19:12


拆迁估价 dismantlement valuation英语短句 例句大全

拆迁估价,dismantlement valuation

1)dismantlement valuation拆迁估价

1.Based on defining the connotation of thedismantlement valuation of urban houses,this paper illustrates the main technical problems such as how to select valuation institution,how to make affairs of thedismantlement valuation,how to expose the valuation result publicly,and how to mediate and treat the dispute,etc.在明确城市房屋拆迁估价内涵的基础上,说明了如何选择估价机构、拆迁估价实务、估价结果公示、拆迁估价纠纷调处等主要技术性问题。


1.The Application and Understanding of Marketing Comparison in Housing Removal;市场比较法在房屋拆迁估价中运用与体会

2.Considering legal effects of houses evaluation through civil proof;从民事证据角度看拆迁估价结果的法律效力

3.Research on Credit Evaluation Mechanism of Appraisal Agency in the House Relocation Process房屋拆迁过程中估价机构的信誉评价机制研究

4.Value Appraisal Research about the Urban Real Estate Relocation Based on the Hypothetical Development Method;基于假设开发法的城市房屋拆迁价格评估研究

5.Evaluation of compensation for house dismantlement based on real options;基于实物期权的房屋拆迁补偿估价研究

6.Discussion on Compensation Price Evaluation of Urban House Relocation;对城市房屋拆迁补偿价格评估的几点思考

7.Study on Equipment Removal Compensation Value;企业设备拆迁补偿价值评估的初步探讨

8.Application of the Contingent Value Method in Appraisal of the Compensation Price for Removal--A case study of Wuhan city;意愿调查法在房屋拆迁补偿价格评估中的运用——以武汉市为例

9.The Computation of the Price of House Relocation Compensation in City and Countryside Union Department;城乡结合部房屋拆迁补偿价格的计算

10.Efficiency and Justice: the Value Choice about the Housebreaking in the City;效率与公平:城市房屋拆迁的价值选择

11.Thinking about Reaettlement of Real Estate on Hypothetic Development;基于假设开发法的房地产拆迁评估思考

12.Probing into Dismounting Fee Estimation of Construction Pipelines (Poles) in Expressway高速公路建设管(杆)线拆迁费用估算探究

13.On the Transformed Legislation Values of Civic Building Relocation in Urbanization;城市化进程中房屋拆迁立法价值取向变化研究

14.Research on the Relation between House Relocation Compensation and the Price of Newly Built Commodity Apartment;房屋拆迁补偿费与新建商品房价格的关系分析

pensation visulization for the land holding during displacement of town tenement;城市房屋拆迁中土地使用权价值补偿的显化

16.Research on Urban Housing Removal Compensation Evaluation Based on Extension Model基于可拓方法的城市房屋动拆迁补偿评价研究

17.On the objective and impartial assessment of points for Urban Housing Units thinking;关于如何客观、公正地进行城市房屋拆迁评估的几点思考

18.Research on the Forced Housing Demolition System;城市房屋拆迁中的强制拆迁制度研究


evaluation price拆迁估价结果

1.The legal effect of theevaluation price is one of the final decision factors.拆迁估价结果是拆迁人与被拆迁人能否就拆迁问题达成一致的关键点,这使得拆迁估价结果不可避免地成为拆迁话题焦点中的焦点。

3)dismantlement evaluation拆迁评估

4)The Urban Relocated Real Estate Appraisal城市房屋拆迁估价

5)house remove evaluation房屋拆迁评估

6)assessment of the demolition of urban housing城市房屋拆迁评估


