900字范文 > 柴油车尾气 diesel exhaust英语短句 例句大全

柴油车尾气 diesel exhaust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-06 06:13:17


柴油车尾气 diesel exhaust英语短句 例句大全

柴油车尾气,diesel exhaust

1)diesel exhaust柴油车尾气

1.The role of SiC foam conductive ceramic for purifying CO and HC ofdiesel exhaust;导电SiC泡沫陶瓷在净化柴油车尾气中的作用

2.Synthesis of heat-resistant WO_3-CeO_2-ZrO_2 catalyst and its performance for NH_3-SCR of NO indiesel exhaust;耐高温WO_3-CeO_2-ZrO_2催化剂的合成及其在柴油车尾气氨-选择性催化还原一氧化氮中的应用

3.Research and preparation ondiesel exhaust purifying regenerated catalyst柴油车尾气净化再生催化剂的研究与制备


1.The Preparation and Performance of Diesel Oxidation Catalysts;柴油车尾气氧化催化剂的制备和性能

2.Research and preparation on diesel exhaust purifying regenerated catalyst柴油车尾气净化再生催化剂的研究与制备

3.Purifying Diesel Exhaust Over La_(1-x)K_xCoO_3 Perovskite-Type CatalystLa_(1-x)K_xCoO_3钙钛矿型催化剂在柴油车尾气净化中的性能

4.Diesel oxidation catalyst is the most effective technique in currently practical application.在柴油车尾气后处理技术中,氧化催化剂是当前实际应用最广泛的技术措施。

5.Pressure Drop Gradient of Carbonized Micro-Length Wood Fiber DPF柴油车碳化微米长木纤维DPF尾气排放的压降梯度

6.Aftertreatment system for diesel vehicle exhaust based on Freescale MCU基于Freescale单片机的柴油机尾气处理系统

7.An experimental study of improving the diesel particulate filter柴油机尾气处理装置(DPF)的试验研究

8.Research on Control and Purification of Exhaust Gas of China-made Flameproof Diesel Engine国产防爆柴油机尾气控制和净化探讨

9.The effects of sulfur and aromatic in diesel on engine exhause emissions and changes of diesel standards are analyzed.分析了燃料油中硫和芳烃对控制汽车尾气排放的作用及各国柴油标准的变化。

10.Simulative Research on Solid-gas Two-phase Flow of the Diesel Particulate Trapping柴油机尾气颗粒捕集气固两相流模拟研究

11.Study on the Waste Gas Heat Regulation for Diesel Engine and Its Application;柴油机尾气热量排放规律及其应用研究

12.Study on Application of Catalytic Technique on Diesel Engine Exhaust;催化技术应用于柴油机尾气净化的研究

13.Study on the Optimization of Ozone Quantity Based on Purifying the Vent Gas of Diesel Engine;柴油机尾气排放净化臭氧量的优化研究

14.Melting algorithm about measuring relative humidity when waste-gas of the diesel engine was processed柴油机尾气处理中的湿度检测融合算法

15.Experimental Research on Diesel Catalytic Converter Sealing Mat柴油机尾气催化转化器衬垫的实验研究

16.PM Physiochemical Characteristic of Diesel Engine Fueled with Oxygenated Fuel含氧燃料对柴油机尾气中颗粒理化特性的影响

17.NO_x treatment of diesel engine exhaust by non-thermal plasma非热等离子体对柴油机尾气中NO_x的治理

18.Experimental Research on the Performance of Diesel-LPG Dual Fuel Engine;车用柴油机使用液化石油气-柴油双燃料的试验研究


diesel oil vehicle exhaust柴油机动车尾气

1.Objective The genotoxicity and its molecular mechanism ofdiesel oil vehicle exhaust were discussed through analysing the oxidative DNA damage induced by exhaust components.目的通过研究以柴油为燃料的机动车尾气成分 ,及其对DNA分子的生物氧化能力 ,在分子生物学水平上探讨燃柴油机动车尾气污染物的遗传毒性效应与机制。

3)Diesel Exhausts Purification柴油车尾气净化

4)Diesel exhaust particles extracts柴油车尾气颗粒物

5)diesel exhaust柴油机尾气

1.A Study on Decontamination Technology of Off-Road Diesel Exhaust Gas;非道路用柴油机尾气净化研究

6)diesel exhaust gas柴油机尾气

1.Removing NO_x fromdiesel exhaust gas via catalytic oxidation with attapulgite clay;凹凸棒石催化氧化脱除柴油机尾气中的NO_x


清洁柴油车 清洁柴油车,以其油耗低,二氧化碳排放量小的特点,正在欧洲日益普及。这种现象的背后,是其发动机、过滤器以及新型燃料等技术的开发和利用。 柴油车能够比相同排量的汽油车节省20%—30%的燃料费,二氧化碳的排放量也要低20%,这对防止地球变暖具有相当重要的意义,因此柴油车可望成为未来的“生态车”。 上世纪90年代后半期,一种用高压将燃料压成雾状后喷出,从而提高燃料效率的高压喷油技术问世。拥有了这项技术,汽车尾气的清洁度较从前有了很大的提高。而运用了这种技术的“清洁柴油车”不但减少了噪音和振动,就连乘坐也变得相当舒适。 与汽油车相比,柴油车还有一大优点,那就是可以燃烧多种燃料。 虽然目前柴油车的尾气比以前更加清洁了,但柴油车排出的主要污染物质——固体颗粒物和氮氧化物,却仍比汽油车多。今后,欧美和日本的尾气排放标准肯定会不断提高,因此,为达到未来新的尾气排放标准,柴油车必须要迎头赶上。
