900字范文 > 传光束 light guide bundle英语短句 例句大全

传光束 light guide bundle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-04 11:01:53


传光束 light guide bundle英语短句 例句大全

传光束,light guide bundle

1)light guide bundle传光束

1.Generallight guide bundle of POF(polymer optical fiber) can be used under the temperature of 70℃.普通聚合物光纤POF传光束可在 70℃以下使用 ,耐温型POF传光束可在 15 0℃以下正常使用。

2.In thelight guide bundle of polymer optical fiber (POF) , POFs were put in square or hexagonal or rectangular order, its end- tip can be square, circularity, hexagon or rectangle.在聚合物光纤(POF)传光束中,POF可采用正方形、六边形或长方形排列,其端套可为正方形或圆形或六边形或长方形,通过计算得知,POF以六边形排列六边形端套或长方形端套时,POF传光束可获得较高的填充率值0。


1.Calculation of Packing Fraction and Packing Efficiency of Optical Fiber Bundle光纤传光束敛集率及其填充率的计算

2.Theoretical Investigation of Propagation of Laser Beam and Ultrashort Pulsed Beam;激光光束传输及超短脉冲光束传输的理论研究

3.The Beam Propagation Factor and the Focal Shift of Truncated Gaussian Beams截断高斯光束的光束传输因子和焦移

4.Beam Combination Characteristics of Partially Coherent Beams部分相干光光束并合的光束传输变换特性

5.The Transmission Characteristics of Coherent and Incoherent Combinations of Non-paraxial Off-axis Gaussian Beams of One-dimensional Linear Array非傍轴离轴高斯光束的合成光束传输特性

6.Study of the Beam Characterization, Propagation and Spectrum Properties;光束描述、传输变换和光谱特性研究

7.Study of Two Kinds of Double Beam Interference Optical Fiber Sensor;两种双光束干涉型光纤传感器的研究

8.Study on the Propagation and Control of the Beam in the Photorefractive Crystals;光折变晶体中光束的传输与控制研究

9.Atmosphere Transmission Characteristic of Hermite-Gaussian Beam Laser at Sea海上厄米-高斯光束激光大气传输特性

10.The Propagation Properties of Hermitian-Gaussian Beams Passing through the Diaphragm厄米-高斯光束通过光阑的传输特性

11.Analysis of the beam characteristics and the propagation model of spectral combining systems for Yb-doped fiber lasers掺Yb光纤激光器阵列谱合成系统的光束传输模型及光束特性分析

12.Propagation and Transformation of Laser Beams Through Optical System with Aperture;激光束通过含光阑光学系统的传输变换

13.Propagation of Light Beams Through Optical System with Hard-edge Aperture光束通过含有硬边光阑光学系统的传输

14.Propagation of a Lorentz beam through an apertured misaligned paraxial optical system洛伦兹光束经光阑失调傍轴光学系统的传输

15.Influence of Beam Quality on Propagation and Focus of Laser Beam and Quality of Laser Materials Processing;激光光束质量对光束传输聚焦和加工质量的影响

16.Study on the Focusing Properties of Beams and the Spreading of Partially Coherent Beams Propagating Through Turbulent Atmosphere;光束的聚焦特性和部分相干光通过湍流大气传输光束扩展的研究

17.Set the function of the selected bi-static beam sensor.设置所选收发分设光束传感器的功能。

18.Study on the Propagation and Transformation Properties of Semiconductor Laser Beams;半导体激光束的传输与变换特性研究


image bundle传像光束

3)propagating beam传输光束

4)beam propagation光束传输

1.Based on classics Maxwell equations and the theory of diffraction integral equation is used to solve results ofbeam propagation when the Fresnel number of resonator is not far higher than 1.根据菲涅耳—基尔霍夫衍射积分方程建立数值模型,采用matlab数值模拟的方法,对环型激光束传输方向的近场及远场强度的空间分布进行了分析。

2.Based on the second-order moment theory ofbeam propagation,the properties of Lorentz beam have been investigated.运用光束传输的二阶矩理论,对洛伦兹光束的传输特性进行了研究,给出了束腰、横向发散角和光束传输因子的表达式。

3.Based on the nonparaxial vectorial moment theory of lightbeam propagation, the propagation characteristics of nonparaxial vector Gaussian beam have been systemically investigated.运用非傍轴光束传输的矢量矩理论 ,对非傍轴矢量高斯光束的传输特性进行了系统的研究 。

5)beam propagation光束传播


1.MethodsOptical adapter was constructed by calculation and design at the same time of optimizingimage-guide-bunching and CCD during experimentation.方法在光学实验室中,通过对光学适配器的计算与设计,完成光学适配器的构建,同时对传像光纤束、彩色数字式摄像机(CCD)像素进行不断的优化。


