900字范文 > 甲烷重整 methane reforming英语短句 例句大全

甲烷重整 methane reforming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-30 05:28:05


甲烷重整 methane reforming英语短句 例句大全

甲烷重整,methane reforming

1)methane reforming甲烷重整


1.Study on Metallic Support Structured Catalysts for Methane Catalytic Combustion/Methane Reforming Coupling;甲烷催化燃烧耦合甲烷重整金属基催化元件的研究

2.Study of Methane Catalytic Reforming to Hydrogen on Nickel-based Catalysts甲烷重整制氢镍基催化剂制备及活性评价研究

3.Studies on Catalyst of Steam Reforming of Methane for DIR-MCFC用于DIR-MCFC中甲烷重整催化剂的初步研究

4.Thermodynamic Analysis of Combined Reforming and Tri-Reforming of Methane for Syngas Production;甲烷联合重整三重整制合成气的热力学分析

5.Research on Steam Methane Reforming Hydrogen Production System Coupling to HTGR;高温堆甲烷蒸汽重整制氢系统的研究

6.Study and Simulation on Methane Steam Reforming in Membrane Reactors;膜反应器中甲烷蒸汽重整制氢的研究与模拟

7.Tar Formation in Process of CO_2 Reforming Methane Coupling with Coal Pyrolysis;甲烷CO_2重整与煤热解耦合过程的焦油生成规律

8.Study on Preparation and Catalytic Performance of Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane;甲烷二氧化碳重整催化剂制备及反应性能研究

9.Study on Production of Hydrogen via Methane Reforming at Environmental Friendly Conditions环境友好条件下甲烷等离子体重整制氢的研究

10.Process Analysis of Steam Reforming of Methane under Milliseconds Contact Time in Micro-reactors微通道反应器内毫秒级甲烷蒸汽重整过程分析

11.Influence of reaction conditions on removal of CO in reformate by methanation method反应条件对甲烷化法去除重整氢气中CO的影响

12.Milliseconds steam reforming of methane using Rh/MgO/γ-Al_2O_3 catalystRh/MgO/γ-Al_2O_3上的毫秒级甲烷蒸汽重整过程

13.Progress in Methane Catalytic Reforming with Carbon Dioxide to Synthesis Gas甲烷二氧化碳催化重整制取合成气的研究进展

14.Three-dimensional Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane Over Coal Char炭体系下二氧化碳重整甲烷三维数值模拟

15.Novel Catalyst for Methane Steam Reforming Under Low Ratio of Steam to Methane低水碳比下新型甲烷蒸汽重整催化剂的研究


17.Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane to Produce Syngas with Coal Char焦炭体系下二氧化碳重整甲烷制取合成气

18.Thermodynamics Equilibrium Analysis for Syngas Production by Methane Autothermal Reforming甲烷自热重整制合成气热力学平衡分析


dry reforming of methane甲烷干重整

1.Influence of preparation method on the properties and catalytic performance of Ni/La_2O_3/Al_2O_3 catalyst fordry reforming of methane制备方法对甲烷干重整催化剂Ni/La_2O_3/Al_2O_3结构及性能的影响

2.Dry reforming of methane over the prepared catalysts and the commercial catalyst Z118Y for steam reforming of natural gas was investigated.用蒸发法制备了Ni/Al2O3催化剂及浸渍法制备了Ni/α-Al2O3和Ni/γ-Al2O3催化剂,并与商品天然气水蒸气重整催化剂Z118Y一起进行了甲烷干重整实验,考察了各催化剂上表面积炭行为。

3)methane steam reforming甲烷水蒸气重整

1.Modeling of hydrogen production by sorption enhancedmethane steam reforming reactions;吸收增强式甲烷水蒸气重整制氢循环反应模拟

2.Intrinsic kinetics ofmethane steam reforming over a Ni/α Al_2O_3 catalyst;Ni/αAl_2O_3催化剂上甲烷水蒸气重整本征动力学

3.The equilibrium constants of themethane steam reforming reaction system were calculated.目前大型合成氨厂、合成甲醇厂以及制H2工艺中有相当一部分均采用甲烷水蒸气重整工艺制合成气,然后进一步合成目的产物。

4)Methane steam reforming甲烷蒸汽重整

1.In conservative process, the conversion of methane is limited by the thermodynamic equilibrium, so scientists started studying methane steam reforming in membrane reactors, caI led membrane reforming proce.本论文通过对膜反应器中温度,压力,H_2O/CH_4比,膜种类以及Purge气体流量等因素的改变对甲烷蒸汽重整反应中CH_4转化率的影响的研究及其与非膜反应器中的对比,发现膜反应器中CH_4的转化率大大超过非膜反应器中。

2.In the ways of methane reforming, methane steam reforming (MSR) has the advantages of low reaction temperature、high hydrogen production and low carbon monoxide concentration in the reforming products, which is a effective way to provide hydrogen source for FC.在甲烷重整制氢方式中,甲烷蒸汽重整具有反应温度相对较低、产氢率较高和产物中一氧化碳含量低等优点,是解决燃料电池氢源的一有效途径。

3.0,a numerical simulation was conducted on the methane steam reforming in a plate micro-reactor.0和CFD软件,对平板微反应器中Ni催化剂涂层上的甲烷蒸汽重整制合成气进行了数值计算,并结合表面活性组分的分布分析了微通道长度、高度对蒸汽重整性能的影响。

5)autothermal reforming reaction of methane甲烷自热重整

6)Steam reforming of methane甲烷水汽重整


