900字范文 > 中性粒子 neutral particle英语短句 例句大全

中性粒子 neutral particle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-27 09:17:25


中性粒子 neutral particle英语短句 例句大全

中性粒子,neutral particle

1)neutral particle中性粒子

1.In order to reproduce the flow conditions in the experimental facility more realistically,the background gas is included and simulated directly and theneutral particles are treated separately not as the equilibrium state.为了更真实地再现实验设备中的流动,模拟中包含了背压气体,并在计算中直接模拟,改变了以往的中性粒子平衡态的处理方式。

2.As a discussion, we study the interaction potential energy between theneutral particle with magnetic mom ent μ and the idealized Ioffe trap and derive the classical motion equation of theneutral particle.在许多理论研究中 ,中性粒子在阱中被囚禁的区域通常是近原点的 ,因此 ,一个多项式展开的技巧被利用 ,从而得到近原点条件下 ,理想Ioffe阱中场的近似表达 ,以便于进一步研究中性粒子在阱中的经典运动特性及量子运动特性 。

3.This paper reports the experiment result from a search for lightneutral particle U by measuring the monoenergetic gamma ray in the singlet positronium annihilation: e+e-(1S0)→γ+U.报道利用单态正电子偶素湮没,在过程e+e-(1S0)→γ+U中探测单能γ射线,寻找低质量中性粒子U的实验结果。


1.neutral particle中性粒子,不带电粒子

2.The Classical Motion of the Neutral Particles in the Ioffe Trap;中性粒子在Ioffe阱中的经典运动

3.Research on Neutral Particle Analyzer for HT-7 Tokamak;HT-7托卡马克中性粒子能谱仪的研究

4.A plasma is a quasineutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior.等离子体是带电粒子和中性粒子组成的表现出集体行为的一种准中性气体。

5."eta particle:a neutral elementary particle that has a mass 1,074 times that of an electron."η粒子:质量为电子的1074倍的中性基本粒子.

6.active particles playing an important role in EB curing process;电子束固化过程中起作用的活性粒子;

7.active particles放射性[活性]粒子

8.In quantum mechanics, there is wave-particle duality so the properties of the particle can be described as a wave.在量子力学中,存在波粒二象性,这样看来粒子特性可以描述为波。

9.Interstitial implantation of radioactive seeds ~(125)I combined with chemical sinofuan for the therapy of non-small cell lung cancer放射性粒子~(125)I联合化学性粒子中人氟安治疗非小细胞肺癌

10.giant particle (GP)(核爆炸沉降物中)强放射 性粒子

11.Transverse Force of Rayleigh Particles in the Optical Field光场中瑞利粒子的横向受力特性研究

12.Applications of the DDA Method in Light Scattering by ParticlesDDA在粒子散射特性研究中的应用

13.Nonlinear effect on motion of spinning particles in the gravitational field引力场中自旋粒子运动的非线性效应

14.Prediction of Nanoparticle Transport and Deposition in Bends纳米粒子在弯管中的输运和沉降特性

15.The antiparticle of the neutron.反中子中子的反粒子

16.Any of three electrically neutral subatomic particles in the lepton family.中微子轻微子家族中三种电中性亚原子粒子中的任何一种

17.Investigations on Trapping Force Exerting to the Mie Particles and the Rayleigh Particles in a High Focused Laser Beam;高聚焦激光微束中Mie粒子和Rayleigh粒子受力特性研究

18.Research on the Features of Particle Tracers and Experimental Technique of Laser Particle Image Measurement;激光粒子图像测量中示踪粒子特性及实验方法研究


neutral beam ions中性粒子束

1.The transport process ofneutral beam ions in HT-7 Tokamak was simulated by Monte-Carlo method.模拟结果表明 :随着注入中性粒子束初始能量的增加 ,中性粒子束在等离子体中的渗透距离相应增大 ;而中性粒子在Tokamak中的密度随着注入通量的增加也相应增加 。

3)neutral particle population中性粒子数

4)neutral particle source中性粒子源

5)neutral particle analysis中性粒子分析

6)neutral particle analyzer中性粒子能谱仪


