900字范文 > 协议处理器 protocol processor英语短句 例句大全

协议处理器 protocol processor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-24 10:48:16


协议处理器 protocol processor英语短句 例句大全

协议处理器,protocol processor

1)protocol processor协议处理器

1.The key to the 1553B bus system is theprotocol processor.然而目前国内使用的1553B协议处理器的专用芯片均从国外厂商购买,国内并无生产这种专用芯片的技术。


1.Design and Optimization of PCI Bus HDLC Processor;基于PCI的HDLC协议处理器的设计与优化

2.The Design and Verify of MIL-STD-1553B Based on IP Technology;军用1553B数据总线协议处理器IP核的设计与验证

3.The Discussion of Cache Coherence Protocol多处理器系统cache一致性协议的探讨

4.Realization of IPSec Protocol Based on IXP2350 Network Processor;基于网络处理器IXP2350的IPSec协议实现设计

5.Implementation and Research of MAC Sublayer for Network Processor;网络处理器MAC层协议的实现与研究

6.Research and Implementation of NAT Protocol Based on Network Processor;基于网络处理器的NAT协议研究与实现

7.Software Realization of CANBus Protocol on RISC Processor;RISC处理器上CANBus协议的软件实现

8.Implementation of LwIP TCP/IP stack with ARM-based MCU基于ARM微处理器TCP/IP协议栈LwIP实现

9.Analysis and Treatment of Router Protocol RIP-type Failures路由器RIP协议故障分析及处理方法

10.Design and Implementation of Communication Protocol Controller in Communication Processor SoC;通信处理芯片内通信协议控制器的设计与实现

11.Research and Implement Embedded TCP/IP Stack Basing on Garfield Processor;基于Garfield处理器嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的研究与实现

12.Analysis and Implementation of Cache Coherence Protocols for CMP;多核处理器中CACHE一致性协议研究和实现

13.Realization of Embedded TCP/IP Protocol Based on ARM Microprocessor;基于ARM微处理器的嵌入式TCP/IP协议的实现

14.The Design and Implementation of IGMP Snooping Based On IXP2800 Network Processor;基于IXP2800处理器的IGMP Snooping协议的设计与实现

15.The Implementation of the USB Communication Protocol Based on the STM32 Processor and PC Host基于STM32处理器和PC主机的USB通信协议的实现

16.Design for DSP Embedded Debug System Based on IEEE1149.1一种基于IEEE1149.1协议的DSP处理器片内调试系统设计

17.Key Techniques of Cache Coherence Protocol for Multi-Core Processor多核处理器Cache一致性协议关键技术研究

work overhead on a server consists of network interrupt handling, protocol header processing and data copies.服务器上的网络开销包括中断处理、协议报头处理和数据副本。


SCSI processor-FAS466SCSI协议处理器-FAS466

1.In order to meet the need of the real time storage of high frame frequency and big area CCD digital camera,an imaging storage system that is based onSCSI processor-FAS466 and break away from the flat of computer is designed.为了满足高帧频、大面阵CCD相机数字视频实时存储要求,设计出基于SCSI协议处理器-FAS466,脱离计算机平台的图像数据直接存储系统。

3)SCSI processorSCSI协议处理器

D image data are transferred to DMA controller after buffering in FIFO,and then written into SCSI disk bySCSI processor.利用VHDL语言对FPGA芯片编程实现主控制器和DMA控制器功能,从而协调SCSI协议处理器实现数据的存储。

4)protocol processing协议处理

1.This paper describes the features and typical parameters of the DSPs, and then discusses the DSPs creative application and system architecture inprotocol processing field.首先论述了数字信号处理器的特点及其典型的技术参数,然后讨论了数字信号处理器在协议处理方面的创新应用以及构架方式,最后的结论表明数字信号处理器在协议处理方面同样具有巨大的潜力。

2.With the increase of network bandwidth,high performanceprotocol processing has shown its importance in network systems.网络带宽的增长给协议处理程序的性能提出了更高要求。

3.We find that Load/Store functional unit within processor can bottleneckprotocol processing performance, and for stateful protocol proces.为了解决线程级并行体系结构带来的线程间对于共享资源的竞争问题,利用模拟对协议处理自动机中不同状态阶段的性能特点和在SMT结构上各状态阶段对于Cache竞争的情况进行了对比,指出CPU中Load/Store部件有可能构成协议处理的性能瓶颈之一,且对于有状态协议的处理在建立连接阶段具有较强的Cache竞争能力。

5)protocol process协议处理

1.MPEG2 standard is the base of this dissertation,this article describe the relative knowledge of MPEG2,gave a simple description of how to perform the real time multiplex of TS in software,and introducing theprotocol process and the PCR process in detail.MPEG2是由运动图像专家组织提出的图像及其伴音的通用编码标准,该标准在广电网络获得大量应用,MPEG2标准的研究是本论文的基础,论文对与本课题相关的MPEG2标准进行了说明,给出了软件实现传送流实时复用的方法,并详细介绍了其协议处理和时钟处理的原理和实现。

2.At the same time an advanced network management system based on universal MCU is proposed, among which the function and the realized methods of each module are described in details by introducing hardware and software, including physical layer communication,protocol process, data process.提出基于通用MCU开发的支持SNMP协议的光收发网管系统 ,从硬件和软件的角度介绍了该系统各模块的功能和实现方法 ,包括物理层通信、协议处理、数据处理等。

6)Protocol Layer协议处理层

1.Design and Realization of USB 2.0’SProtocol Layer Based on VHDL;基于VHDL的USB2.0协议处理层的设计与实现


