900字范文 > 复合式干选机 compound coal dry-cleaning machine英语短句 例句大全

复合式干选机 compound coal dry-cleaning machine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-10 23:39:01


复合式干选机 compound coal dry-cleaning machine英语短句 例句大全

复合式干选机,compound coal dry-cleaning machine

1)compound coal dry-cleaning machine复合式干选机

2)multiple dry concentrator复合式干法选煤机

1.Utization of FGX-9 typemultiple dry concentrator in Dahonggou Coal Preparation Plant;FGX-9型复合式干法选煤机在大洪沟选煤厂的利用

3)dry-compound machine干式复合机

1.This paper designeddry-compound machine based on the PIC singlechip.该文设计了基于单片机(Pic18f66j10)的干式复合机控制系统。


1.The Design and Realization of Virtual Dry Compound Machine Based on Embedded Structure;基于嵌入式结构虚拟干式复合机的设计与实现

2.Program of Deal with the Accidend of Compound Heat Drum Rupture;复合式转筒烘干机断裂事故处理方案

3.Influence of wing location on rotor-wing interaction of compound helicopter机翼位置对复合式直升机旋翼-机翼干扰的影响

4.Rotor-wing interaction analysis of a compound helicopter in forward flight复合式直升机前飞状态旋翼-机翼干扰计算分析

5.dry process indirect method electrostatic copying machine干式间接法静电复印机

6.dry process direct method electrostatic copying machine干式直接法静电复印机

7.Investigation on Wing-Rotor Aerodynamic Interaction of the Compound Helicopter in Hover;复合式高速直升机悬停状态旋翼/机翼气动干扰研究

8.In particular, the production pingqie machine andthe gummy assembly and does the powder type gummy assembly theperformance to seize first the status in the colleague industry.尤其是,生产的平切机和胶粘复合机及干粉式胶粘复合机的性能在同行业中占领先地位。

pound swinging type jaw crusher复合摆动型腭式破碎机

10.mixed oil drilling rig复合式石油钻井钻机

11.straight compounded gas turbine直列复合式燃气轮机

12.Study on Dry-lamination Process of BOPP/LDPE FilmBOPP/LDPE薄膜干式复合工艺的研究

bined Cyclic Corrosion Tester盐水、干燥、加湿、浸渍复合腐蚀试验机

14.engine ,steam, single-action, compund or triple-expansion单动式、复合或三级膨胀式蒸汽机

15.No-contaminative binders of dry vibration mix for tundish lining中间包干式料用多羟基糖复合结合剂的研究

16.The Research of Balance Mechanism of Compound Turntable in Five-axis Machine Tool五轴机床复合式转台平衡机构的研究

17.Study on the Cutting Performance of Multicomponent Coated Hss Tools--Wear Rule and Failure Mechanism Under Dry Drilling;多元复合涂层高速钢刀具切削性能研究——干式钻削时的磨损规律和失效机理

bination steamer[织物精练用]组合式汽蒸机,复合式汽蒸箱


multiple dry concentrator复合式干法选煤机

1.Utization of FGX-9 typemultiple dry concentrator in Dahonggou Coal Preparation Plant;FGX-9型复合式干法选煤机在大洪沟选煤厂的利用

3)dry-compound machine干式复合机

1.This paper designeddry-compound machine based on the PIC singlechip.该文设计了基于单片机(Pic18f66j10)的干式复合机控制系统。

4)compound dry coal preparation复合式干法选煤

1.Application ofcompound dry coal preparation in Fuli Mine;复合式干法选煤在富力矿的应用

2.The practice application situation ofcompound dry coal preparation is introduced Sulfur content of NO 10 coal seam reach 4 2% Sulfur content can be reduced through dry coal preparation At the same time, a better economic benefit can be gained.介绍了复合式干法选煤技术在曹村矿实际应用情况。

5)dry lamination干式复合

1.Study on a new alcohol-soluble adhesive fordry lamination;新型醇溶性干式复合胶的研制

2.A two - component polyurethane adhesive with high solid content, low viscosity fordry lamination was prepared.研制了一种具有高固含量、低粘度的干式复合用双组分聚氨酯胶粘剂,考察了聚酯多元醇,扩链剂丙三醇/乙二醇(摩尔比)、NCO/OH(摩尔比),双组分胶配比以及缓凝剂等因素对该胶粘剂性能的影响,并用红外光谱对胶的固化过程进行了表征。

3.From investigating the properties and raw materials of AD adhesive fordry lamination and synthesis technology of acrylate copolymer, we can draw the conclusion that along with the cost of AD adhesive reduced by 20—30%, its properties can reach or even be superior to those of common polyurethane adhesives for dry lami-nation.本文研究了AD干式复合胶粘剂(干复胶)的性能和单体组成,丙烯酸酯共聚物的合成工艺以及成份之间的相互关系。

6)dry laminating干式复合

1.Study on vinyl acetate-acrylate-styrene emulsion adhesive for paper/plasticdry laminating;醋-丙-苯乳液型纸塑干式复合胶粘剂的研制

2.The preparation method and performance of a new type of alcohol-soluble acrylate adhesive modified by epoxy resin fordry laminating film are introduced.实验结果表明,该复膜胶可用于制备塑料复合薄膜,具有环保、无毒、剥离强度高和快速固化等特点,适用于快速干式复合薄膜的生产线。


