900字范文 > 保质 quality guarantee英语短句 例句大全

保质 quality guarantee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-13 21:15:12


保质 quality guarantee英语短句 例句大全

保质,quality guarantee

1)quality guarantee保质

1.This paper introduced controlled release technology and its application to disinfection &quality guarantee of water, pointed out the prospect, significance & advantages of controlled release technology in disinfection &quality guarantee of water.介绍了控制释放技术及其在水消毒保质方面的应用 ,指出了控制释放技术在水消毒保质方面的优越性、重要意义及应用前

2.In this article,we first introduce some common knowledge of controlled release;then we analyze the feasibility of utilizing various controlled release system on disinfectant andquality guarantee of potable water, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of util.首先介绍了控制释放的一般知识 ,分析了各种控释体系应用于饮用水的消毒保质上的可行性 ,指出了这一技术在饮用水的消毒保质上应用的优点和存在的问题 ,并对其应用前景进行了展望。

2)conservation of quality保质

1.This paper describes the design and testing of concurrent-flow dryer forconservation of quality on basis of the experiment, the drying process-flow, construction and drying parameters of the dryer are represented.采用钢丝带水平输送式结构,与混流、余热回收加热、气流翻铺等先进的干燥工艺对紫花苜蓿加工处理;并在试验的基础上,对牧草保质干燥机的主要结构及其性能参数进行研究,设计出了适合于农牧场及畜牧小区的机型。

2.This paper describes the design and test of concurrent-flow dryer forconservation of quality on the basis of the experiment.在多次试验的基础上,对5HC-1型牧草保质干燥机的工艺流程、主要结构及技术性能参数进行分析研究,研制出了适用于农场、牧场及畜牧小区的牧草干燥机型。

3)Keep the quality and freshness保质保鲜

4)quality and quantity assured保质保量


1.To guarantee quality and quantity is the highest principle of goods production.保质保量是产品生产的最高原则。

2.certificated quality level质量保证,质量认证

3.Stresses of Quality Assurance Audits and Quality Assurance Inspections;质量保证监查和质量保证检查的重点


5.RQAO (Reliability and Quality Assurance Office)可靠性和质量保证局

6.certified grade AAA meat.担保是质量一流的肉。

7.The storekeeper warranted the quality of the coffee.店主保证咖啡的质量。

8.Jiangsu Quality Assurance Center (JQAC)江苏质量保证中心(JQAC)

9.quality assurance technical publications质量保证技术出版物

10.maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods.保持产品的质量标准。

11.Quality assurance, dispute resolution,质量保证,争端解决

12.Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)高等教育质量保障局

13.quality assurance personnel保证产品质量的人员

14.the first-rate Brand, the guarantee of high quality一流名牌,质量的保证

15.3-Year Limited Warranty* on Tank内胆3年有限质量保证

16.1-Year Limited Warranty on Parts配件1年有限质量保证

17.food quality assurance and control食品质量保证和控制

18.One copy of Manufacturers"Certificate of Quality制造商质量保证书一份


conservation of quality保质

1.This paper describes the design and testing of concurrent-flow dryer forconservation of quality on basis of the experiment, the drying process-flow, construction and drying parameters of the dryer are represented.采用钢丝带水平输送式结构,与混流、余热回收加热、气流翻铺等先进的干燥工艺对紫花苜蓿加工处理;并在试验的基础上,对牧草保质干燥机的主要结构及其性能参数进行研究,设计出了适合于农牧场及畜牧小区的机型。

2.This paper describes the design and test of concurrent-flow dryer forconservation of quality on the basis of the experiment.在多次试验的基础上,对5HC-1型牧草保质干燥机的工艺流程、主要结构及技术性能参数进行分析研究,研制出了适用于农场、牧场及畜牧小区的牧草干燥机型。

3)Keep the quality and freshness保质保鲜

4)quality and quantity assured保质保量

5)quality control质量保证

1.An analysis of the issues relating to thequality control system in low-pressure boiler installation;低压锅炉安装质量保证体系的有关问题分析

2.Make,application andquality control of low melting-point lead block;低熔点铅挡块的制作、应用以及质量保证

3.In order to improve the accuracy、scientific and rationality of noise monitoring datas,this paper posed a series ofquality control measures including work condition、instrument、monitor site and microphone site、sampling period and frequency,scene condition,original report,background data revision、check institution.为了提高噪声验收监测数据的准确性、科学性和合理性,需从工况、监测仪器、监测点位和传声器位置、监测采样周期与频次、监测现场条件、监测原始记录、背景值修正及审核制度等方面,提出一系列的质量保证措施。

6)shelf life保质期

1.Effects of palm oil quality onshelf life of biscuit;棕榈油品质对饼干保质期的影响

2.Study on effects of water activity onshelf life of low-sugar preserved fruit;低糖果脯水分活性对保质期影响的研究


