900字范文 > 集体参与 collective participation英语短句 例句大全

集体参与 collective participation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-25 23:32:29


集体参与 collective participation英语短句 例句大全

集体参与,collective participation

1)collective participation集体参与

1.Taking major-changed undergraduates in Beijing Normal University (BNU) who enrolled in , and ,this study draws on the status quo of major-changed undergraduates\" learning and life:their general adaptation to new circumstances is well while the rate of excellent ones is low; they have diffi culties in choosing courses,obtaining information andcollective participation.以北京师范大学、、级转专业本科生为对象进行调查,得出对转专业学生学习与生活现状的基本判断:总体适应情况良好但优秀率低;存在选课难、信息获取不易、集体参与不够等问题。


1.The Features of Collective - attending Method in Maoism Outline;“集体参与法”在“毛论课”中的实践特色

2.It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions.此乃浑然天成之事(4)网络空间透过我们集体参与而自行茁壮、长的。

3.participation by all members of a group.一个集体的全体成员都参与。

4.He will see that he is participating in all the decisions of the collective.他会注意参与所有的集体决策。

5.End-user Evolved Network Video Media Aggregated with Desktop Application;用户参与的网络视频媒体与桌面应用集成

6.And he announced that Japan will study how it can take part in Collective Defense efforts with the United States.他宣布,日本将研究如何努力参与美国集体防卫。

7.Review the application of participatory approach in collective forest tenure reform;参与式方法在集体林权制度改革中的应用思考

8.Mechanism Investigation on Motivating Farmers to Participate in the Reform of Collective Forest Authority System激励农户参与集体林权制度改革的机制探讨

9.Women"s Liberation and Taking Part in Collective Production in Shanghai in the 1950s20世纪50年代上海的妇女解放与参加集体生产

10.When there was group dancing they all joined in有集体舞,他们全都参加。


12.Phagocytosis and agglutination of coelomocytes in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with relation to water temperature仿刺参体腔细胞吞噬与凝集功能及其与温度的关系

13.II. Highly-collectible political system weakened people"s democratic rights of participation;二是高度集权的政治体制削弱了人们的民主参与权利 ;

14.Study on Theory and Approach of the Participatory Multi-Purposes Integrated Management for Collective Natural Forest Areas;集体天然林区参与式多目标综合管理理论和方法的研究

15.- To work collectively for more inclusive political processes, allowing genuine participation by all citizens in all our countries.- 作出集体努力,以促进更具包容性的政治进程,让我们所有国家的全体公民都能够真正参与。

16.To experience science and technology is a new, exciting and effective approach to science popularization.科技体验是一种集科技性、知识性、趣味性和参与性于一体的新型科普方式。

17.The Relationship of Motivation and Degree of Sports Participation;体育参与动机与参与程度之关系研究

18.The requirements for entering the Contest are as follows:有关征集参赛作品的具体要求如下:


party integration参与方集成

1.information integration,process integration andparty integration.本文通过对目前我国工程建设项目的现状进行分析,阐述了工程建设项目大型化趋势及其特点, 分析论证了大型工程建设项目在实际管理中存在的问题,并给出了采用集成化管理的思想解决这些问题的建议,即采用信息级成、过程集成、参与方集成的思想方法对大型工程建设项目进行集成化管理。


1.Study on Forest Ecotourism Based on Participants in China;基于参与主体的我国森林生态旅游管理研究

2.To this end,from the perspective of theparticipants,the depth of the existing new IICA the reality of their plight and seek new type of rural cooperative medical path optimization is of gre.为此,从参与主体的分析视角,深入探析现行新农合存在的现实困境,并寻求新型农村合作医疗的优化路径具有重要现实意义。

4)subjective participation主体参与

ments on the ideas ofsubjective participation of some influential educationists;英语国家教学论流派中典型的主体参与思想析解

2.This paper discussed how to achievesubjective participation during mathematical teaching.主体参与是数学课程实施的关键因素,主体参与可以创造数学课程的理想境界,探讨了在数学课堂教学中如何实现主体参与。

3.In teaching process,under the teacher s guidance,the students actively explore scientific bilateral activity,in the practice of accounting class ofsubjective participation,it tries to create participating situation and approach and strengthen the trains on students cognitive strategy and innovative thinking,gra."主体参与"特别强调学习者的主体地位,要求教师在学科活动中主动创设启发诱导的情景,引导学生探索、独立思考、发现和提出问题并创造性地解决问题,把学科教学过程作为在教师指导下学生主动探索科学的双边活动过程,在主体参与型会计课堂教学方法实施方案中,特别强调给学生创设参与情景与提供参与途径,以加大学生认知策略和创新思维的训练,逐步培养学生掌握科学的学习方法,增强学生的创新意识和创新能力。

5)meida participation媒体参与

6)sports participation体育参与

1.Study On the Constraints and Countermeasures of Chinese Urban Youths Sports Participation;中国城市青年体育参与的阻碍因素与对策分析

2.Since the economic reform,the rapid growth of women ssports participation at the grassroots is not just a sports phenomenon but also a social phenomenon.改革开放以来,女性体育参与的迅速扩大不仅是一种体育现象,更是一种社会现象。

3.This essay starts with the research on current status of cadressports participation,thus discovers that their body health and self-evaluation on work are not optimistic mainly because of the different characteristics and certain problems on the time,contents,places,forms and emotions for their exercises.对处级以上领导干部的体育参与现状进行调查,发现处级以上领导干部健康和工作自我感知结果不容乐观;在体育锻炼的时间、内容、场所、形式、动机方面表现出不同特点和存在着一定的问题。


