900字范文 > 常规教学管理 general teaching management英语短句 例句大全

常规教学管理 general teaching management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-13 10:32:40


常规教学管理 general teaching management英语短句 例句大全

常规教学管理,general teaching management

1)general teaching management常规教学管理

2)regular teaching management教学常规管理

1.With the further reform of the new curriculum ,regular teaching management which is the guarantee of the teaching quality and keeping the normal teaching order, is devoted more attention to by the administrators.随着普通高中新课程改革的不断深入,作为维护学校正常教学秩序,提高教学质量的重要保证,教学常规管理越来越受到教学管理者的高度重视。

3)new regulation teaching principle新常规教学理念

4)routine teaching常规教学

1.Also, it argues that reflective teaching, quite different from theroutine teaching, refers to teachers subjecting their beliefs and practices to analysis, allowing teachers to act in a deliberate, intentional manner to improve the teaching quality.认为反思性教学是一种完全不同于常规教学的模式,是教师对自己的教学思想和实践进行批判性的分析,可以使教师有意识的、有目的地从事教学,从而提高教学质量。


1.The Location and Operation of the Comprehensive Study of Chinese in the Regular Classroom常规教学中语文综合性学习的定位与操作

2.The Relationship Between Normal English Teaching and TEM4;正确处理常规教学与英语专业四级统考的关系

3.Through the experiment, basketball tactics area-delimited teaching met hod is better than traditional method.通过实验结果显示,篮球战术划区域教学方法明显优于常规教学法。

4.The class did much better than any of her other classes,which she had taught in the usual way.这个班比其他她用常规教学法教的班的成绩要好得多。

5.A Study on Unconventional Approach for Primary Stage of Chinese Teaching in Technology School of Thailand基于泰国职校汉语初级阶段非常规教学模式初探

6.Study on a new common education management model with teachers" self-control in important links through the whole process of diary teaching新型常规教学全过程重点环节自控管理模式的探索

7.In this study, the authors point out that by contrasting the experiments, the procedure teaching method is used in the experimental class and regular teaching method in the reference class.采用实验对比的方法,对实验班采用“程序教学法”; 对照班采用“常规教学法”。

8.Optimizing Maths Teaching in Class by Means of Electronic Media;运用常规电教媒体优化数学课堂教学

9.Stereotypical Relation and Culture Teaching in College EFL Education;常规关系指导下的大学英语文化教学

10.Differentiation and Analysis of Traditional P.E. Teaching Conventions and Teaching of New P.E. Curriculums;传统体育教学常规与体育新课程教学之辨析

11.On Teaching Routine of Classroom Teaching in Distance Education;远程教育中面授课的教学常规工作研究

ment on the Application of the Conventional Relation Model in the Teaching of College English Writing;大学英语写作教学中常规关系模式的应用

13.The Improvement of Students Consciousness of the Stereotypical Relation in Teaching Listening;在听力教学中培养学生的常规关系意识

14.An introduction for culture transmitting of individual informal teaching method to foreign students;谈留学生非常规个别教学的文化内涵导入

15.They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate.在适当时机他们还可以进行常规的课堂教学。

16.On the Consistency of the Work in Institutions of Higher Learning under the Situation of Teaching Assessment and Daily Routines;论教学工作水平评估与高校常规工作的一致性

17.Thinking and Exploring of SR in Foreign Language Cultural Teaching;常规关系模式在外语文化教学中的思考与探索

18.Learning to Develop with Others Concern--On the Development of Teachers Conventional Education Ability;学会在关注中成长——浅谈教师常规教育能力的发展


regular teaching management教学常规管理

1.With the further reform of the new curriculum ,regular teaching management which is the guarantee of the teaching quality and keeping the normal teaching order, is devoted more attention to by the administrators.随着普通高中新课程改革的不断深入,作为维护学校正常教学秩序,提高教学质量的重要保证,教学常规管理越来越受到教学管理者的高度重视。

3)new regulation teaching principle新常规教学理念

4)routine teaching常规教学

1.Also, it argues that reflective teaching, quite different from theroutine teaching, refers to teachers subjecting their beliefs and practices to analysis, allowing teachers to act in a deliberate, intentional manner to improve the teaching quality.认为反思性教学是一种完全不同于常规教学的模式,是教师对自己的教学思想和实践进行批判性的分析,可以使教师有意识的、有目的地从事教学,从而提高教学质量。

5)teaching routine教学常规

1.Thoughts on innovatingteaching routine in classroom;关于改革课堂教学常规的思考

2.This article analyzes the cause of the phenomenon that theteaching routine is often ignored in some universities, and discusses the basic characteristics ofteaching routine and significance for enhancingteaching routine and management.分析了在部分大学里,教学常规被忽视这一现象产生的原因;论述了教学常规的基本特点以及加强教学常规管理的意义,并针对当前教学常规及管理中存在的问题提出了改进意见。

3.Theteaching routine is the criterion and the requirement which the teacher must follow in the teaching.教学常规是教师在教学过程中必须遵循的规范和要求,是学校最主要的、最根本的制度,它关系到学校教学秩序的正常运行,规定和制约着教师的教学行为,是深入开展教育教学改革的重要前提,是全面提高教学质量的基本保证。

6)standardization of teaching management教学管理规范化


