900字范文 > 初期支护变形 initial support deformation英语短句 例句大全

初期支护变形 initial support deformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-09 05:57:05


初期支护变形 initial support deformation英语短句 例句大全

初期支护变形,initial support deformation

1)initial support deformation初期支护变形


1.Cause analysis on the caving of tunnel lining in the mountainous area after the early deformation by sinking and measures for control山区公路隧道初期支护变形下沉垮塌的成因分析与防治措施

2.How to Effectively Control the Initial Support Deformation of Deep-buried Tunnel with Carbonaceous Shale如何有效控制炭质页岩深埋地层隧道初期支护变形

3.Study of Influence of Variation of Preliminary Lining on Security of Supporting System for Xia"men Sub-Sea Tunnel厦门海底隧道初期支护变异对支护体系安全性影响研究

4.A Method to Assess the Safety of the Primary Lining of Tunnels under Construction with Consideration of Shrinkage and Creep of Shotcrete;考虑干缩和徐变的施工期隧道初期支护安全性评估方法

5.Influence of Primary Support Deterioration on the Security of Secondary Lining for a Large Cross-section Subsea Tunnel大断面海底隧道初期支护变异对二次衬砌安全性的影响

6.A new prediction method of the pressure of early temporary support开巷初期临时支护压力预测的新方法


8.Environment deformation monitoring for deep pit retained by soil nailing structure;土钉支护工程施工中的环境变形监测

9.Simulation analysis of stress and deformation of compound soil nailing复合土钉支护内力与变形的模拟分析

10.Soil Nail Structure Deformation Analysis with FLAC3D土钉支护结构变形的FLAC~(3D)分析

11.Deformation and Broken Rule and Supporting Countermeasure of Coal Roadway with Large Section大断面煤巷变形破坏规律与支护对策

12.Elementary Analysis of Sustainment Modality for Preventing from Distortion in Welding Structural Part of Hydraulic Pressure Bracket液压支架结构件焊接防变形支撑间距初论

13.Study on the Support Effects of Bolt"s Surface Protecting Components in Large Deformation Roadway;大变形巷道锚杆护表构件支护效应研究

14.Optimization Study on the Initial Support Parameters of the Shallow Depth of the Road Double-arch Tunnel;双连拱隧道浅埋地段初期支护参数优化研究

15.Study on the Interaction between Soft-Weak Surrounding Rock and Initial Support of Deep Buried Tunnels;深埋隧道软弱围岩与初期支护相互作用研究

16.Assessment on the Safety of Primary Support of Tunnels隧道初期支护安全性评价理论与方法研究

17.Study on Primary Support Effect of Large Span Tunnel under Shallow and Weak Surrounding Rock浅埋软岩大跨度隧道初期支护效应研究

18.Simple Talking about Construction of Spraying Wet Concrete to Support at Initial Stage in Tunnel浅谈隧道初期支护喷射混凝土湿喷施工


Variation of preliminary lining初期支护变异

3)early support初期支护

bined with practical project,it introduces the fixing of constructing plans,elaborates the constructing methods during the secondary bricking course after the formation of large cross-section digging contacting lineearly supporting structure,discusses constructing supervision of each supervising item in the cave,so as to offer reference for familiar project.结合工程实例,对其施工方案的确定进行了介绍,着重阐述了采用暗挖法施工的联络线多变大断面初期支护结构形成后,二次衬砌形成过程的施工方法,并对洞内各监测项目的施工监测进行了论述,从而为其他类似工程提供了参考。

2.Analyzing reasons of large deformation ofearly supports of Liangfengya Tunnel,the author states treatment measures of large deformation ofearly supports of the tunnel.通过凉风垭隧道初期支护大变形的原因分析,阐述了隧道初期支护大变形的整治措施。

4)preliminary bracing初期支护

1.Aftenpreliminary bracing,support deformation and cracking occurred in partial sections.初期支护后部分地段发生支护变形、开裂。

bined with major works of covered culverts in south-to-north water transfer project, from reinforcement treatment, soil excavation,preliminary bracing, monitoring measurement and other aspects the construction technology of shallow underground excavation method is introduced in order to promote the application of this method in hydraulic tunnel works in city.结合南水北调西四环暗涵主体工程的概况及其工程特点,从地层加固、土体开挖、初期支护、监控量测等方面对浅埋暗挖法施工技术进行了阐述,以推广该技术在城市水工隧洞施工中的应用。

3.Taking the Fenghuangling Tunnel as an example,this paper introduces the bracing method for the loess tunnel and the requirements for the apparent smoothness quality control of thepreliminary bracing,and connecting with the construction practice,puts forward some suggestions and opinions.以凤凰岭隧道为例,详细介绍了黄土隧道的支护方法及初期支护外观平整度质量控制要求,并结合施工实践,提出了一些建议。

5)primary support初期支护

1.Wide span underground chamber excavation andprimary supportin intensely weathered rocks;强风化岩中大跨度硐室开挖与初期支护

2.Treatment technology of clearance-intrusion inprimary support of Huangguoshu tunnel;黄果树隧道初期支护侵限处理技术

3.FLAC~(3D) program and its applications in couple problem betweenprimary support design and rock wall condition in double-arch tunnel;FLAC~(3D)在隧道初期支护与原岩条件的“耦合”问题的应用

6)initial support初期支护

1.Optimum analysis on theinitial support structure of double-arch tunnel in partial pressure;偏压连拱隧道初期支护结构优化研究

2.Discussion on influence ofinitial support to stability and deformation of surrounding rock mass in soft rock tunnel;初期支护对软岩隧道围岩稳定性和位移影响分析

3.Initial Support for Qinling Railway Tunnel Constructed by Open TBM;秦岭隧道开敞式TBM施工的初期支护


初期1.本来期望。 2.早期;开始时期。
