900字范文 > 钒电池 vanadium redox battery英语短句 例句大全

钒电池 vanadium redox battery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-04 08:34:27


钒电池 vanadium redox battery英语短句 例句大全

钒电池,vanadium redox battery

1)vanadium redox battery钒电池

1.Effect of additives on the properties of electrolyte forvanadium redox battery;添加剂对钒电池电解液性质的影响

2.Prospect ofvanadium redox battery used in photovoltaic power system;钒电池储能在光伏发电中的应用前景

3.The composition,working mechanism and charge discharge characteristics ofvanadium redox battery were described.简要介绍了钒电池研究样品的组成,工作原理及其充放电特性。


1.Effects of KSCN on Kinetic Characters of the Positive Couple and Performance for Vanadium Redox Flow BatteryKSCN对钒电池正极反应动力学及电池性能的影响

2.In situ monitoring of state of charge for positive electrolyte of vanadium battery钒电池正极电解液荷电状态的原位监测

3.The Study of Carbon Filling Conductive Polymer Used in Vanadium Battery;炭系填充型导电聚合物在钒电池中应用的研究

4.Study on proton exchange membrane of TiO_2/Nafion/PP for vanadium redox flow battery液流钒电池用TiO_2/Nafion/PP质子交换膜的研究

5.Preparation and Performance of Polytetrafluoroethylene Conducting Plastic on Vanadium Redox Flow Battery" Collector钒电池集流体用聚四氟乙烯导电塑料的制备与性能

6.Study on Li_3V_2(PO_4)_3 and all-vanadium lithium-ion batteries磷酸钒锂材料及全钒锂离子电池性能研究

7.Study on Method for Detecting State of Charge of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery全钒液流电池荷电状态检测方法研究

8.Research and development of ion exchange membranes for vanadium redox battery applications钒液流电池用离子交换膜的研究进展

9.Study on the membrane as a separator for all-vanadium redox flow battery全钒液流氧化还原电池中隔膜的研究

10.PVDF based ion exchange membrane for all vanadium redox flow battery全钒液流电池用PVDF基离子交换膜

11.Progress of Research on Proton Exchange Membranes for All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery全钒液流电池离子交换膜的研究进展

12.A Study on Composite Carbon Materials as Electrodes for All Vanadium Redox Flow Battery;复合碳材料用作全钒液流电池电极的研究

13.Investigation of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery and the Mechanism of Its Electrode Reaction;全钒氧化还原液流电池及电极反应机理的研究

14.Study of integral electrode of vanadium redox flow battery全钒氧化还原液流电池一体化复合电极的研究

15.Investigation on Vanadium Halide Electrolyte in Redox Flow Battery氧化还原液流电池卤化钒电解液的性能研究

16.Studies on Synthesis of (Lithium) Vanadium Oxides as Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries锂离子电池正极材料-(锂)钒氧化物的制备研究

17.Study on Lithium Vanadium Phosphate and Lithium Iron Phosphate Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries;磷酸钒锂和磷酸铁锂锂离子电池正极材料研究

18.The characteristics and research status of the vanadium redox flow battery;全钒氧化还原液流电池的特性及研究现状


vanadium battery钒电池

1.Design and primary study ofvanadium battery with carbon-silicon rod as electrodes;碳硅棒作电极钒电池的设计与初步研究

2.Potentiometric titration analysis of electrolyte ofvanadium battery;钒电池电解液的电位滴定分析

3.Study on the ion change rule of allvanadium battery during charge and discharge process;钒电池充放电过程离子变化规律研究

3)vanadium redox flow battery钒电池

1.Electrochemical oxidation of graphite felt materials forvanadium redox flow battery application;研究了用电化学氧化法处理石墨毡电极并用于钒电池的性能,用正交试验法考察了电化学氧化处理的最佳工艺参数。

4)vanadium redox cell钒电池

1.V(Ⅲ)-V(Ⅳ) electrolyte, which is used to preparevanadium redox cell, was synthesized from VOSO4 by electrolysis.以硫酸氧钒(VOSO4)为原料,电解合成了用于制备钒电池的混合价态钒离子[V(Ⅲ)-V(Ⅳ)]电解液。

5)vanadium redox flow battery钒流电池

1.Applications and key materials of thevanadium redox flow battery;钒流电池的应用前景和关键材料

6)vanadium redox flow battery钒液流电池

1.The development and research progress in a energy storage unit——thevanadium redox flow battery;储能钒液流电池研发热点及前景


钒磷铁矿提钒钒磷铁矿提钒extraction of vanadium from the bear vanadium phosphosiderite和94%。fantintiekuang tifan钒磷铁矿提钒(extraetion of vanadium frombear vanadium phosphosiderite)以含钒磷铁矿为原料制取五氧化二钒的帆提取方法。主要包括钠化焙烧和湿法漫出两道作业。直接用作提饥原料的是含饥磷铁。含钒磷铁是饥磷铁矿电炉生产单质磷和磷肥的副产品。钒磷铁矿分布在美国爱达荷、蒙大拿、怀俄明、犹他等州,含Pz05 24%~32%、V:O。0.267%~0.625%和少量的铬、镍和钥等。美国克尔麦吉(Kerr-MeGee)化学公司所用的含钒磷铁含饥3.26%~5 .2%、磷24.7%~26.6%、铁59.9%一68.5%、铬3.4%一5.7%、镍。.84%~1%。先将含钒磷铁磨至粒度小于。.42mm,配入1.4倍纯碱和。.1倍的食盐在回转窑中于1043~lo63K温度下焙烧,钒便转变成水溶性的钠盐。熔烧块在加热到沸腾的水中浸出,钒、铬、磷均溶入浸出液。浸出浆液经过滤处理。滤液冷却结晶析出磷酸钠晶体,用离心机分离。晶体中如仍含有钒和铬,可用水重溶后再结晶分离,直到获得合格的磷酸钠(NaaPO;)晶体产品。若Na3PO‘结晶母液含磷高于0. 989/L时则要加入CaclZ,使其生成磷酸钙沉淀,然后水解回收钒。随后往母液中加入硝酸铅,沉淀出铬酸铅。此工艺的钒、铬和磷的回收率分别为85%、65%
