900字范文 > 胃虚 deficiency syndrome of the stomach英语短句 例句大全

胃虚 deficiency syndrome of the stomach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-11 12:08:40


胃虚 deficiency syndrome of the stomach英语短句 例句大全

胃虚,deficiency syndrome of the stomach

1)deficiency syndrome of the stomach胃虚


1.Clinical Research of "An Wei Ying" Decoction on Chronic Gastritis of Insufficiency-Cold in Spleen and Stomach;安胃饮治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性胃炎的临床研究

2.Rusults: The syndrome could be divided into3 types: Ganweibuhe, Weiyinkuixu and Piweixuhan.结果:胃炎(脘痛)床证候可分为三类:肝胃不和、阴亏虚、胃虚寒。

3.Experimental Study of Wenwei Yin on the Neuropeptide of Stomach Intestine of Model Rat with Gastric Ulcer of Deficiency Cold of Spleen and Stomach Type温胃饮对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠胃肠神经肽影响的实验研究

4.Curative Effect Observation of Method of Invigorating Spleen to Warm Middle Warmer on Chronic Gastritis Belonging to Type of Deficiency-cold of Spleen健脾温中法治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性胃炎疗效观察

5.Clinical observation of treatment in spleen-stomach weak-coled stomachache by Chinese traditional medicine differentiation nursing中医辨证施护脾胃虚寒型胃痛临床观察

6.Clinical Study of FU FANG WEI BAO Capsule on Patients with Deficiency in Spleen and Stomach of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis;复方胃宝胶囊治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎脾胃虚弱证的临床研究

7.The Relationship between TCM Syndrome-type of Chronic Gastritis and Helicobacter Pylori;脾胃湿热、脾胃虚弱型慢性胃炎与幽门螺旋杆菌的关系

8.Effect of WWY on the Levels of Defensive Factors in Gastric Ulcer Model Rat with Insufficiency of Spleen-YANG and Stomach;温胃饮对大鼠脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡防御因子水平的影响

9.Experimental Study of Wenwei Yin on the Endocrine Level of Model Rat with Gastric Ulcer of Deficiency Cold of Spleen and Stomach Type;温胃饮对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠内分泌调节的实验研究

10.Clinical Study on the Therapy of Functional Dyspepsia (FD) of Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Type by Strengthening Spleen and Harmonizing Stomach Method;健脾和胃法治疗功能性消化不良脾胃虚弱证的临床研究

11.The Fibergastoscopic Diagnosis and Clinical Research of Spleen Stomach Qi Deficiency Gastric Ulcer;脾胃气虚型胃溃疡的胃镜诊断与临床研究

12.Research on the Relation of Gastric Movement Obstruction Caused by Spleen Deficiency Syndrome or Dampness-heat in Spleen and Stomach Syndrome;脾气虚证、脾胃湿热证与胃动力的关系问题探讨

13.Research on "Le Wei Yin" Effect on the Spleen-deficient Rat at the Level of Gastro-intestinal Hormone;“乐胃饮”对实验性脾虚大鼠胃肠激素影响的研究

14.Clinical Study of Banxia and Stomach Granule in the Treatment of Chronic Superficial Gastritis (Pi Xu Wei Re) Spleen Insufficiency Stomach Heat Syndrome;半夏和胃颗粒治疗慢性浅表性胃炎(脾虚胃热证)的临床研究

15.Effects of Xiaohua Fu Ning Decoction on Gastrin,Motilin and Gastrointestinal Motility in Rats with Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver-qi and Deficiency of Spleen消化复宁汤对肝郁脾虚大鼠胃泌素、胃动素和胃肠运动功能的影响

16.The Clinical Study of Applying Tonic Lifting-Thrusting Needling in the Treatment of Chronic Gastritis with Deficient Syndrome提插补法治疗虚证慢性胃炎疗效观察

17.Di scussion and Analysis on Chinese Medicine and Drugs Treatment Of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis from the Vital Deficiency,and the Qi Stagnancy,and the Poison,and the blood stasis从虚郁毒瘀治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎探析

18.The Observation of Chinese and Western Medicine"s Combining Curative Effect on Asthenia of Gastroyin in 76 Cases中西医结合治疗胃阴虚76例疗效观察


yin asthenia of gastropathy阴虚胃病

3)Asthenia of Gastroyin胃阴虚

1.Discuss of the Relations of Asthenic Splenoyin andAsthenia of Gastroyin;浅论脾阴虚与胃阴虚辨证论治特点

2.Objective It aims to evaluate the combining curative effect of Chinese traditional medicine yiwei soup and Western medicine on asthenia of gastroyin.目的观察中药益胃汤结合西药治疗胃阴虚的疗效。

4)deficiency of the stomach-yin胃阴亏虚

5)spleen stomach qi deficiency脾胃气虚

1.Methods:Thirty four cases of spleen stomach damp heat (SSDH) type,31 cases ofspleen stomach qi deficiency (SSQD) type and 11 common people were selected and the inflammation cells in colon mucosa,the expression of P16 and TGF α were observed.方法 :选取符合久泄脾胃湿热证患者 34例 ,脾胃气虚证 31例和正常对照组 11例进行结肠镜检查及炎性细胞和 P16、TGF- α测定。

6)yin deficiency in spleen胃阴虚证


胃虚胃虚 胃虚 证名。因胃气虚、胃阴虚所出现的病证。《脉经》卷二:“胃虚……病苦胫寒不得卧,恶寒淅淅,目急,腹中痛,虚鸣,……时寒时热,唇口干,面目浮肿。”参见胃病、胃气不足、胃阳虚等条。
