900字范文 > 黄体功能不全功血 Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup英语短句 例句大全

黄体功能不全功血 Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-01 19:54:23


黄体功能不全功血 Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup英语短句 例句大全

黄体功能不全功血,Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup

1)Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup黄体功能不全功血


1.Yi Shen Shu Gan Tiao Jing Soup on the Effect of Dysfuctional Uterine Bleeding of Lutetal Phase Defect with Kidney Deficiency with Liver Stagnation益肾疏肝调经汤治疗肾虚肝郁型黄体功能不全功血的临床研究

2.Clinical Observation of Bu Shen Yang Xue Treatment in Treating Inferility of Essence Deficiency Type Luteal Phase Defect补肾养血法治疗肾精亏虚型黄体功能不全性不孕症的临床观察

3.Study of Follicular Development in Infertile Women with Luteal Phase Dificiency黄体功能不全不育妇女的卵泡发育研究

4.The Incidence of Luteal Phase Defect and Anovulatory in Female Athletes女运动员黄体功能不全和无排卵发生率研究

5.The Clinical Observation on Jian Huang Ti Zhu Yun Soup in Treating Luteal Phase Deficiency of Kidney Deficiency with Liver Stagnation;健黄体助孕汤治疗肾虚肝郁型黄体功能不全的临床研究

6.Clinical observation of spasfon and Progesterone Capsules on treatment of threatened abortion with luteal phase defect斯帕丰联合黄体酮胶囊治疗黄体功能不全先兆流产临床观察

7.Effects of Bu Chong Wan to ER and PR in Endometria from Patients with Luteal Phase Defect Whose Syndromes Type Belong to Deficiency of Kidney;补冲丸对肾阳虚型黄体功能不全患者子宫内膜雌孕激素受体影响

8.Clinical Observation of Bushen Conditioning Menstrual Cycle with Moxibustion Treat Infertility Due to Luteal Phase Defect补肾调周配合艾灸法治疗黄体功能不全性不孕症的临床观察

9.Clinical Study of Yunkangkoufuye vs HCG in the Treatment of Luteal Phase Defect with60Cases;孕康口服液与HCG配对治疗黄体功能不全60例分析

10.Autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell transplantation improves vascular endothelial function in patients with myocardial infarction and left ventricular dysfunction自体骨髓单个核细胞移植改善心肌梗死并左心功能不全患者血管内皮功能

11.Effects of Xuezhikang on C-reactive Protein and Heart Function in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure血脂康对慢性心功能不全患者C反应蛋白及心功能的影响

12.Elderly pneumonia in patients with chronic heart failure clinical study of changes in coagulation老年患者肺炎合并慢性心功能不全凝血功能改变的临床研究

13.The Rearch on Clinical Experience of Famouse Traditional Chinese Doctor Tang Kunhua Therapy on Infertility of the Type of Luteal Phase Defect名老中医汤昆华教授治疗黄体功能不全致不孕不育的临床经验研究

14.isolated deficiency of anterior pituitary hormone单一性垂体前叶功能不全

15.Effect of astragaloside Ⅳ on relaxation and molecule mechanism in isolated rat aortic rings from hypertensive rats黄芪皂苷甲对高血压大鼠离体血管舒张功能及一氧化氮的影响


17.Experimental Study on Renal Blood Flow in Dogs with Acute Cardiac Insufficiency;急性心功能不全时肾血流改变的实验研究

18.Influence of Uremic Clearance granules on blood fat in chronic renal insufficiency patients尿毒清颗粒对慢性肾功能不全患者血脂的影响


Luteal phase defect黄体功能不全

1.Effects of Bu Chong Wan to ER and PR in Endometria from Patients with Luteal Phase Defect Whose Syndromes Type Belong to Deficiency of Kidney;补冲丸对肾阳虚型黄体功能不全患者子宫内膜雌孕激素受体影响

2.Objective: Application of Bushen conditioning menstrual cycle with the moxibustion treat infertility due to luteal phase defect, to observe the clinical effect of the Act, to explore the mechanism, and to provide a new effective therapy for the treatment of infertility in Chinese medicine.目的:应用补肾调周配合艾灸法治疗黄体功能不全性不孕症,观察该法临床疗效,探讨其机制,为中医药治疗不孕症提供新的有效的疗法。

3.Objective To assess integrin β3 and pinopode expression in luteal phase defect(LPD) women with infertility and clarify their relationships.目的探讨黄体功能不全(LPD)不孕患者和正常育龄妇女着床期子宫内膜整合素β3的表达及超微结构改变。

3)luteal phase defect-induced infertilitas feminis黄体功能不全型不孕

4)Luteal insufficiency黄体功能不足

1.Objective: To study the relationship between endometrium receptor of Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Progesterone Receptor (PR) in infertile women withLuteal insufficiency.目的:探讨黄体功能不足患者治疗前后子宫内膜雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)的表达,为临床内分泌治疗和预后判断提供理论依据。

5)Luteal phase deficiency黄体功能不健

6)luteal function黄体功能


