900字范文 > 六通道 Six channels英语短句 例句大全

六通道 Six channels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-13 08:58:45


六通道 Six channels英语短句 例句大全

六通道,Six channels

1)Six channels六通道


1.The Design of Six Channels DVD/VCD Driver;六通道DVD/VCD驱动芯片设计

2.Design of Sixteen-Channel Constant Current LED Driver十六通道恒流LED驱动芯片的设计

3.Transmission Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal with Six-Channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing二维光子晶体六通道波分复用器的透射谱

4.Design of HY136 Six-channel Radiation Level AnnunciatorHY136型六通道X、γ辐射场报警装置的研制

5.His heart grew heavier and he started to sweat as he entered aisle six.他的心情越来越沉重,进入第六通道时他已经开始流汗了。

6.At least five channels have morning cartoons on Saturdays.每个星期六早上至少有五个频道播放卡通节目。

7.The Chengdu-Leshan aquatic six levels of travelling route have been opened since May, 2002.成乐水上旅游航线六级航道已于2002年5月开通。

8.Research and Manufacture of One Channel of 6-DOF Motion Platform Based on Direct Drive Volume Control;直驱式六自由度运动平台单通道装置研制

9.Analysis and Extended Research on the Six-port Radio Channel of RFID Reader;RFID读写器六端口射频通道分析及扩展研究

10.It can acquire data from six channels at real time.它能通过六个通道实时采集要求的相关配变台区运行数据;

11.Modern Evolution of Beibu Gulf External Access in the Pattern of a few Problems and Inspiration --A Sixth Perspective for Influences Upon the Shift of the Beibu Gulf影响近代北部湾对外通道格局嬗变的三组关系——百年北部湾对外通道嬗变透视之六

12."It"s about 270 li by water, six days for the round trip, " ranted the old man.“水路去有三十多九呢! 来回得六天! 老通宝虎起了脸,像吵架似的嚷道:

13.Article26 The State encourages efforts to raise funds in accordance with law and through multiple avenues for developing vocational education.第二十六条国家鼓励通过多种渠道依法筹集发展职业教育的资金。

14.The Article 76 of "Road Safety Act" and the Ethical Analysis of Related Clauses;《道路交通安全法》第七十六条及相关条款的伦理分析

15.Key Construction Management Technique of ZhaoJiagou Bridge for No.6 Rail Transit in Shanghai上海轨道交通六号线赵家沟大桥施工监理关键技术

16.Effects of docosahexaenoic acid on large-conductance Ca~(2+)-activated potassium channels in rat coronary artery smooth muscle cells二十二碳六稀酸对大鼠冠状动脉平滑肌细胞BK_(Ca)单通道的作用

17.Ex Post and Ex Ante事后与事前分析——为《道路交通安全法》第七十六条第一款第二项辩护

18.Is the way/passage free?道路[通道]畅通吗?



3)six-channel recorder六通道记录仪

4)Six-qubit entangled state六粒子纠缠通道

5)vent assembly hex排气[通风]道总成六角边

6)shou zhong六道

1.This paper makes a study of the words liu dao;shou zhong and in zhong appearing in ancient Chinese agricultural treatises.“六道”、“首种”、“六种”是古农书中的几个词汇、迄今尚无确诂。


六甲基六乙烯基环六硅氧烷CAS:18304-82-0分子式:C18H36O6Si6分子质量:516.99中文名称:六甲基六乙烯基环六硅氧烷英文名称:Hexamethylhexavinylcyclohexasiloxane 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexamethyl-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexavinyl-cyclohexasiloxane
