900字范文 > 政府补贴 government subsidy英语短句 例句大全

政府补贴 government subsidy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-07 04:07:07


政府补贴 government subsidy英语短句 例句大全

政府补贴,government subsidy

1)government subsidy政府补贴

1.The function ofgovernment subsidy to agro-mechanization development;政府补贴对农机化发展的作用

2.Game Analysis On The Feasibility Of Government Subsidy For Credit Guarantee Of SMEs In China我国中小企业信用担保引入政府补贴的可行性探讨:基于博弈论的视角

3.Inducing the enterprises to make technology innovation bygovernment subsidy is not efficient all the time.通过政府补贴对企业创新的激励并不总是有效的。


1.Farming is partly subsidized by the government.农业部分受政府补贴。

2.Research of government s subsidy policy in technology cooperation game;技术合作博弈中的政府补贴政策研究

3.A Study on the Influence Mechanism of Government Subsidies on Venture Capital;政府补贴对风险投资的影响机制研究

4.Balancing subsidy: A subsidy given by the central government to help Balance the Budget of a local authority.平衡补贴:中央政府为帮助地方政府平衡预算而给予的补贴。

5.The government have Increase Its subsidy to the car Industry .政府已增加了对汽车工业的补贴。

6.Other government assistance, including subsidies, tax exemptions其他政府援助,包括补贴、免税

7.The company only exists on payouts from the government .这个公司仅靠政府救济补贴生存.

8.The government has refused to subsidize the car industry .政府已拒绝给汽车工业补贴。

9.a duty imposed to offset subsidies by foreign governments.外国政府抵消补贴金征收的关税。

10.The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries.政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业.

11.Government officials who travel on business are given traveling allowances.因公出差的政府官员享有出差补贴。

12.To Analyse on the Compensation to the Industry of Soybean by Chinese Government Based on the Game Theory;对中国政府大豆产业补贴的博弈分析

13.American Science Subsidy Policy and Its Policy Revelation to China;美国政府的科技补贴政策及对我国的政策启示

14.This is also consistent with government"s prevailing policy of not subsidising public transport.这与政府不补贴公共运输的现行政策是一致的。

15.Governments of differing political persuasions continued to support the subsidies.不同政治派别的各层政府都继续维持补贴。

16.The Government R&D Subsidy Policy Analysis under the International Economic Background;国际经济背景下政府R&D补贴政策分析

17.Analysis on the Government Applying the Compensation Policy after Raising the Agriculture Water Price in Incomplete Information;不完全信息政府提高农业水价再补贴政策分析

18.The Goal Selection and Policy Orientation of Government for Agricultural Subsidy;政府对农业补贴的目标选择和政策取向


governmental subsidy政府补贴

1.The oper-ation is well in developed regions where thegovernmental subsidy is enough;the operation is difficult in unde-veloped regions where thegovernmental subsidy is lack.从这5种模式运行看,政府补贴是发展农业保险的重要保障,经济发达地区政府补贴多,运行就比较好;经济欠发达地区,政府补贴少,运行就比较困难。

3)government subsidies政府补贴

1.The contractual relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs is modeled to investigate the influence mechanism ofgovernment subsidies on venture Capital.建立了风险投资者与创业者之间的契约关系理论模型,研究了政府补贴政策的影响机制。

2.The government\"s effective intervention is an indispensable power to solve this problem,bygovernment subsidies or government regulation,we can effectively overcome market failures and achieve the ideal supply of internship opportunities,so as to ensure all normal students’internship.而政府有效干预是解决这一问题的不可或缺的力量,通过政府补贴或政府规制,可以有效克服市场失灵,实现实习机会的理想供给,从而保证全体高师生的教育实习。


1.Education as public goods is only one way of government’ssubsidy to education .教育作为公共产品只是政府补贴教育的一种特殊制度安排。

5)policy of government subsidies政府补贴政策

6)government subsidy政府补助金,政府补贴


WTO补贴和反补贴措施协议WTO补贴和反补贴措施协议(Agreement on Subsidies and Counter-vailling Measures),由11个部分、32个条款、7个附件组成,涉及总则、被禁止的补贴、可控告的补贴、不可控告的补贴、反补贴措施、对发展中国家成员方的特殊待遇、过渡期安排与争端解决等内容。
