900字范文 > 键角 Bond angle英语短句 例句大全

键角 Bond angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 16:22:35


键角 Bond angle英语短句 例句大全

键角,Bond angle

1)Bond angle键角

1.For an apropo interpretation of structural formula of dimers in Ⅲ A family,the hybridization of atoms in Ⅲ A family is illustrated in this paper as a two-equivalence hybridization (two SP2 hybrid orbits and two SP5 hybrid orbits),the bond angles and bond lengths Calculated from which are approching experimental measurements.由此,计算出的键角,键长更接近于实验测定值。


1.* The crucial role of good governance;良好政府所扮演的关键角色;

2.b. The crucial role of good governance;二、良好政府所扮演的关键角色;


4.he Application of Roles Model for the Choices of Key Roles in R&D Team;角色模型在R&D团队关键角色选择中的应用研究

5.The thalamus is thought to have a key role in the physical basis of consciousness.认为丘脑在身体意识基础中扮演关键角色。

6.You can scroll the view using the arrow keys.你可以用键盘上的方向键移动视角。

7.Operation manual: Control it control there aren"t protagonist key, at jump key, last stoic dartlike weapon Gege shelf W keys empty.操作指南:左右键控制主角移动,上键跳跃,空格格档W键发射忍者镖。

8.Type a number that has an angular unit, for example: 30deg.键入带有角度单位的数字,例如: 30 度。

9.Plato′ s metaphor of the cave is crucially important to the understanding of The Unicorn.解读《独角兽》的关键是柏拉图的洞喻。

10.Design of Gear Shaping Cutter Chamfering Edge for Intemal Rectangular Splines内矩形花键插齿刀倒角刃的参数设计

11.Research and Application on the Essential Algorithms of Triangular Surface Modeling三角曲面造型关键算法的研究与应用

12.The key technical research in interference-free tool path of torus cutter圆角刀无干涉刀具轨迹关键技术研究

13.Operate guidebook: The keyboard↑↓ controls the gunning angle of the cannon, press down→ the dint, the blank space key shoot.操作指南:键盘↑控制炮的射击角度,按住→力,空格键发射。

14."A quarter of the amino acids in keratin are cystine, whose ability to form strong Bridging (disulfide) Bonds with other cystine units accounts for keratin"s great stability."角蛋白的氨基酸中,1/4是胱氨酸,能形成很强的架桥键(二硫键),因此角蛋白十分稳定。

15.A small, hexagonal accordion with bellows and with buttons for keys.六角手风琴一种小的,带有风箱和按键的六角形乐器

16.Keywords: path compensation, wire-EDM, corner accuracy.关键词:线切割放电加工、迹补偿、角加工精度。

17.Check all role combinations which are unique (toggle using space bar).选中所有唯一的角色组合(使用空格键切换)。

18.In the science of crystallography it is crucial, as it is also in many aspects of chemistry.在结晶学科学或是化学方面更扮演关键的角色。


Bond Angles键角

3)bond lengths键长键角

4)bond angle of covalent bond共价键键角

5)bond angles and bond length键角与键长

6)bond angle factor键角因素

1.It also richened and accomplished the traditional theory with thebond angle factor furtherly,and explained the theory with many factors.讨论了醛、酮结构在羰基亲核加成反应中所起的作用 ;还讨论了羰基的电子因素和空间因素 ;进一步用键角因素丰富和完善了传统理论 ,用许多因素解释了这一理


