900字范文 > 氦原子基态能量 He atom ground-state energy英语短句 例句大全

氦原子基态能量 He atom ground-state energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 14:30:00


氦原子基态能量 He atom ground-state energy英语短句 例句大全

氦原子基态能量,He atom ground-state energy

1)He atom ground-state energy氦原子基态能量

1.We calculated theHe atom ground-state energy using a double generalized Laguerre polynomial in the weakest bound electron potential model(WBEPM) theory.计算了在最弱受约束电子势模型理论下使用双广义拉盖尔多项式的氦原子基态能量。


1.Calculation of He Atom Ground-State Energy Using Double Generalized Laguerre Polynomial in the Weakest Bound Electron Potential Model Theory最弱受约束电子势模型理论下使用双广义拉盖尔多项式计算氦原子基态能量(英文)

2.Calculating Ground State Energys of Helium Atom and Quasi-heliumion by Use of Approximation Model用近似模型计算氦原子和类氦离子的基态能量

3.Treating the ground states of hydrogen, positronium and helium atoms by Bohr model uniquely用玻尔理论统一处理氢原子、电子偶素和氦原子基态能级

4.Research on Positron Collisions with Ground and Excited Helium;正电子与基态及激发态氦原子散射的理论研究

5.Theory Investigation on the Zeeman Effect of 1snp Configuration of Helium;氦原子1snp组态塞曼效应的理论研究

6.Collisional Energy Transfer between the Excitation States of Alkali Molecules and the Ground States of Alkali Atoms;碱分子激发态与基态原子间的碰撞能量转移

7.a bomb releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at high temperatures to form helium.一种通过轻原子核(氢)在高温下聚变成氦原子时释放大量能量的炸弹。

8.The force between a pair of helium atoms is so weak that helium does not solidify at all.一对氦原子之间的作用力微弱得使氦根本不能固化。

9.Quantum Chemistry Calculations on Metal Ion-Helium Complexes and Adsportion Study of Gas in Metal-Organic Frameworks;金属离子—氦原子团簇的量化计算与气体在金属有机骨架材料中的吸附性能研究

10.Using carbon-dating techniques, archaeologists can determine the age of many ancient objects by measurement the amount of radioactive carbon they contain.参考译文:在太阳深处的内核中,氦和氢经过一系列高热原子核反应熔合作用产生了太阳的能量。

11.Although helium is the most volatile gas known, significant quantities of the earth"s original helium still remain trapped in its interior.虽然氦是已知的挥发性最强的气体,但在地球内部至今仍以圈闭状态保存了相当数量的原生氦。

12.Many-Body Correlations among Helium Atoms & Equation of State of Condensed Helium at High Density and High Temperature;高温高密度状态下氦原子间多体相互作用与状态方程研究

13.Energy Transfer of Bend-Triatomic Molecule in Chaos;弯曲三原子分子的混沌态及能量传递

14.Design and Construction of Spin-polarized Electron Collision Apparatus and Study on Helium Integrated Stokes Parameters;极化电子碰撞谱仪的研制及氦原子积分Stokes参量实验研究

15.Diffraction Aberration of Focusing Atom Beam of Metastable Helium in Laser Standing Wave亚稳态氦原子束在激光驻波场中聚焦的衍射像差研究

16.Study of Angular Distributions of the Elastic Scattering of Low-Energy Positrons by He, Ne and Ar Atoms低能正电子被氦、氖、氩原子弹性散射角分布的理论研究

17.The Tensor Form of the Hamiltonian and Fine Structure of Helium Atom;哈密顿算符的球张量表示与氦原子的精细结构研究

18.Collisional Energy Transfer with the Participation of the Excited Cs Atoms;激发态Cs原子参与的碰撞能量转移


the atom He in its ground基态氦原子

3)helium in ground state氦原子基态

1.A kind of simple calculation ofhelium in ground state(variation);氦原子基态(变分法)的一种简便算法

4)2()~3P states of helium atom氦原子23P态

5)metastable helium亚稳态氦原子

1.A system ofmetastable helium atom beam source has been developed.研究设计了一种亚稳态氦原子束源系统。

6)sp configuration of Helium氦原子sp组态

1.The fine structure parameter of the spin-orbit interactions forsp configuration of Helium atom;氦原子sp组态的自旋-轨道相互作用精细结构参数


