900字范文 > 减压炉管 vacuum furnace tube英语短句 例句大全

减压炉管 vacuum furnace tube英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-09 07:56:21


减压炉管 vacuum furnace tube英语短句 例句大全

减压炉管,vacuum furnace tube

1)vacuum furnace tube减压炉管

2)type of vacuum furnace减压炉炉型

3)vacuum furnace减压炉

1.The extensive analysis and study of metallurgy, performance, operating conditions, corrosion forms, corrosion products of the failed tubes ofvacuum furnace in atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit have located the corrosion media and corrosion causes of large scale corrosion of tube wall.通过对常减压蒸馏装置减压炉失效炉管的材质、性能、工作条件及腐蚀形貌、腐蚀产物的全面分析与研究,找出了使炉管管壁发生大面积腐蚀的腐蚀介质及其腐蚀原因。


1.Failure Analysis of Cr5Mo Tubes in Vacuum Furnace and Protection Measures减压炉Cr5Mo炉管失效分析与防护措施

2.Failure Analysis of Thermowell at Decompressor Outlet常减压装置减压炉出口热电偶套管失效分析

3.Adjustment of Superheating Steam Tubes of Convection Chamber in Atmospheric Pressure Furnace of Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit常减压装置常压炉对流室过热蒸汽炉管的调整

4.The engine is letting off steam to relieve the pressure in the boiler.机车正在放掉汽以减轻锅炉中的压力。

5.Atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit furnace process control analysis and transformation of instability常减压装置加热炉过程控制不稳定分析及改造

6.0.5 Mt/ a Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit to Optimize Energy- efficient Furnace Operation Analysis0.5Mt/a常减压蒸馏装置加热炉操作优化节能分析

7.power-compacted charge团块炉料, 压成炉料

8.Pressure Reducing Valve, PRV减压阀(俗名减压掣)

9.cylinder relief cock汽缸减压旋塞,减压器

10.Guide for pressure-relieving and depressuring systems泄压和减压系统指南

11.An Improvement on Pressure Equalizer at Furnace Top of No.1 Blast Furnace;武钢1~#高炉炉顶均压系统的改进

12.Sliding Mode Controller of Micro-differential Pressure of Converter Mouth转炉炉口微差压滑模变结构控制技术

13.TRT Device on the Influence of Blast Furnace Top Pressure and ControlTRT装置对高炉炉顶压力的影响和控制

14.Test Process of shurry Gasifier Grate and Driver Unit加压气化炉炉篦及驱动装置试车工艺

15.The boiler is producing too much pressure, it"ll have to be damped down锅炉产生的压力太大,得压压火。

16.attenuator: a device that attenuates an electrical signal.衰减器,减压器: 使电子讯号减弱的装置。

17.A device that attenuates an electrical signal.衰减器,减压器使电子讯号减弱的装置

18.hydraulic cupola hoist化铁炉用液压起重机


type of vacuum furnace减压炉炉型

3)vacuum furnace减压炉

1.The extensive analysis and study of metallurgy, performance, operating conditions, corrosion forms, corrosion products of the failed tubes ofvacuum furnace in atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit have located the corrosion media and corrosion causes of large scale corrosion of tube wall.通过对常减压蒸馏装置减压炉失效炉管的材质、性能、工作条件及腐蚀形貌、腐蚀产物的全面分析与研究,找出了使炉管管壁发生大面积腐蚀的腐蚀介质及其腐蚀原因。

4)furnace visbreaking炉管减粘

5)canal decompression推管减压

6)spinal canal decompression椎管减压

1.Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic effect of treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis with reduction and internal fixation of RF-Ⅱ pedicle screw spinal system andspinal canal decompression and bone graft fusion between vertebra.目的:探讨RF-Ⅱ椎弓根系统复位内固定、椎管减压、椎体间植骨融合治疗腰椎滑脱症的疗效。

2.Methods Thirty-nine cases of thoracolumbar burst fracture patients under the perspective of pedicle screws posterior fixation operation system treatment orspinal canal decompression,simultaneously detect and interbody fusion.结论椎弓根螺钉系统技术简单,操作方便,创伤较前路小,椎管减压效果仍理想,脊柱融合率较高,神经功能恢复满意,是一种较好的治疗胸腰爆裂骨折的方法。


