900字范文 > 住房消费函数 Housing Consumption Function英语短句 例句大全

住房消费函数 Housing Consumption Function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 19:00:05


住房消费函数 Housing Consumption Function英语短句 例句大全

住房消费函数,Housing Consumption Function

1)Housing Consumption Function住房消费函数

1.Research on theHousing Consumption Function of Shanghai Housing Market;上海市城市居民住房消费函数研究


1.Model of Housing Consumption Function of Xian Housing Market and an Empirial Study of It西安市城镇居民住房消费函数建模及实证分析

2.Consumption figures also exclude spending on residential housing.消费数据同样也将居民住房支出排除在外。

3.Mortgage Loan and the Stimulation of Consumption on Housing;住房抵押贷款对启动住房消费的作用

4.Wealth Effect of the Real Estate Market in China--Macro Consumption Functions Based on Life Cycle Hypothesis;中国房地产市场财富效应分析——基于生命周期假说的宏观消费函数

5.Demonstration Research on the Relations between Urban Inhabitants Housing Prices and Consumption--Based on the Macroscopic Consumption Function of the Life Cycle Hypothesis;中国城镇住宅价格与消费关系的实证研究——基于生命周期假说的宏观消费函数

6.While second-hand housing market can Qiaodong housing consumption?二手房市场能否撬动京城住房消费?

7.Enlightenment of Sino-German Bausparkasse to Chinese Housing Loan;中德住房储蓄银行对我国住房消费信贷的启示

8.Improve the mode of housing mortgage loan,promote thedevelopment of housing credit consumption;完善住房抵押贷款方式 推动住房信贷消费发展

9.Researc of China resident house consuming level and house structure adjustment research我国居民住房消费分层与住房结构调整研究

10.The development of the mid?to small?sized housing units needs to be promoted, which would help improve more efficient land utilization.要提倡节约使用住房的消费理念,鼓励中小户型住房的消费。

11.The nonparametric model of consumption functions of urban residents in China;中国城镇居民消费函数的非参数模型

12.Study of consumption function based on marginal consumption tendency descending;基于边际消费倾向递减的消费函数研究

13.Analysis on Consumption of China s Insurance Products under the Theories of Consumption Function;试用消费函数理论分析我国的保险产品消费

14.Trying the theory of the consumption function in order to analyze the influencing factors of the health consumption;试用消费函数理论分析影响卫生消费的因素

15.Consumer spending on housing, communications, cars and services grew significantly.住房、信、车和服务消费大幅度增加。

16.Research for Housing Consumption Behavior of College Teachers in Wuhan City;武汉地区高校教师住房消费行为研究

17.The Research on the Prevention of the Market Risk of Housing Consumption Loan;个人住房消费贷款市场风险防范研究

18.The Demand Flexibility Analysis about the Housing Consumption of Chinese Town Residents;中国城镇居民住房消费需求弹性分析


House consuming contribution function住房消费贡献函数

3)housing consumption住房消费

1.On China s housing commercialization andhousing consumption;论我国住房商品化与住房消费

2.Research for Housing Consumption Behavior of College Teachers in Wuhan City;武汉地区高校教师住房消费行为研究

3.An Empirical Analysis On Housing consumption of Rural residents In Anhui Province安徽农村居民住房消费实证分析

4)housing consumer住房消费者

1.Through the game ofhousing consumer and commercial, for one thing,housing consumer desides applying for loan or not,and commercial bank desides granting loan or not; for another ,housing consumer selects prepaying loan,paying loan on time or branking contract,and commercial bank .根据我国住房抵押贷款的实际情况,从2个方面进行阐述:一方面是住房消费者向商业银行负债的博弈,住房消费者决定是否申请贷款,商业银行决定是否发放贷款;另一方面是住房消费者向商业银行偿还贷款的博弈,住房消费者选择提前还款、按时还款或是违约拖欠,银行选择打官司和不打官司。

5)Consumption function消费函数

1.Does Stable Consumption Function Exist in China;中国存在稳定的消费函数吗——兼谈对E-G两步法的误用

2.Study of consumption function based on marginal consumption tendency descending;基于边际消费倾向递减的消费函数研究

3.Wealth Effect of the Real Estate Market in China——Macro Consumption Functions Based on Life Cycle Hypothesis;中国房地产市场财富效应分析——基于生命周期假说的宏观消费函数

6)Consumption Concept of Real Estate住房消费观念

1.TheConsumption Concept of Real Estate in Ningbo from the Advertising Communication in Ningbo Evening;从《宁波晚报》房地产广告传播表现看宁波住房消费观念


