900字范文 > 管理体制创新 Innovation of management system英语短句 例句大全

管理体制创新 Innovation of management system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-14 19:24:21


管理体制创新 Innovation of management system英语短句 例句大全

管理体制创新,Innovation of management system

1)Innovation of management system管理体制创新


1.Innovation of Government Administrative SystemUnder Urumqi-Changji Economic Integration;乌昌经济一体化下政府管理体制创新

2.Theories and Patterns of Administrative System Innovation Inside Institutions of Higher Education;高校内部管理体制创新的理论与模式

3.The Theory of Stakeholder and the Innovation of University Management System;利益相关者理论与大学管理体制创新

4.The Innovation of Logistic System Reform of Local Administrative Organs;地方行政机关后勤管理体制创新研究

5.Research on the Managerial System Innovation of National Scenic Areas in China;国家级风景名胜区管理体制创新研究

6.Innovation of the Government Management System in E-Government Times;电子政府发展中的政府管理体制创新

7.Recreation of Administrative management System in a Harmonious Society;和谐社会背景下的政府管理体制创新

8.On the Innovation of Government Administrative System Based on the Notion of Scientific Development;基于科学发展观的政府管理体制创新

bination of Technology,System and Management Innovation;论技术创新与制度和管理创新一体化

10.On the Hi-Tech Innovation and Systematical Innovation in Hi-Te Zones;论高新区技术创新与园区管理体制及制度创新

11.Innovate Society Management System and Improve Society Management Level;创新社会管理体制 提高社会管理水平

12.Integrate Social Management Resource and Blaze Social Management System New Trails;整合社会管理资源 创新社会管理体制

13.Real estate management - renewal of urban community management system in the changing period of China;物业管理:城市社区管理体制的创新

14.Innovative Research on the Reformation of the Greening Management System滨海新区绿化管理体制改革创新研究

15.Founding the New Popular Sports Management Mode of Our Country;创立我国群众体育新型管理体制模式

16.Innovation of the Management System Reform of Mass Sports in Shanghai上海市群众体育管理体制改革的创新

17.On the Management System of the Rural Compulsory Education from the System Innovation;从制度创新看农村义务教育管理体制

18.The terfect the system of the university-owned enterprise,the promote the reform science and Technology;理顺校办企业管理体制,促进科技创新


System of Innovation management创新管理体制

3)innovation of internal management system内部管理体制创新

4)Innovation of Coal Administrative System创新煤炭管理体制

5)innovation of management system管理机制创新

1.The significance of realizing theinnovation of management systems in state owned enterprises is to help them enhance their competitivemess, increase profits and meet the challenges after China s entering WTO.介绍了国企实现管理机制创新的意义是提高企业竞争力 ,提高企业经济效益和迎接WTO挑战。

6)innovate management system创新管理制度


