900字范文 > 双曲冷却塔 hyperbolic cooling tower英语短句 例句大全

双曲冷却塔 hyperbolic cooling tower英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 02:22:46


双曲冷却塔 hyperbolic cooling tower英语短句 例句大全

双曲冷却塔,hyperbolic cooling tower

1)hyperbolic cooling tower双曲冷却塔

1.Numerical simulation of mean wind load on largehyperbolic cooling tower大型双曲冷却塔平均风荷载的数值模拟研究

2.The natural frequency and the vibrational modes ofhyperbolic cooling tower on loess site and rock site by means of laser - holographic interferometry are studied, the natural frequency and the vibrational modes are proposed on the two kinds of foundation.利用激光全息干涉法的实验方法,对铜制“A”型支撑双曲冷却塔模型在黄土地基和岩石地基上的固有频率和振型进行了试验研究。


1.Numerical Simulation Study of Wind Load on Large Hyperbolic Cooling Tower;大型双曲冷却塔风荷载的数值模拟研究

2.Very Large Hyperbolic Cooling Towers Indirect Wind-induced Vibration Characteristics and Stress Analysis超大型间接双曲冷却塔的风振特性及应力分析

3.Numerical simulation of mean wind load on large hyperbolic cooling tower大型双曲冷却塔平均风荷载的数值模拟研究

4.Theoretical and Experimental Research on Wind Load and Wind Induced Response of Large Hyperbolic Cooling Towers大型双曲冷却塔的风荷载和风致响应理论分析与试验研究

5.The Research on Cooling Tower of Latticed of Double-Layer Hyperbolic Pyramid;双层双曲线四角锥网壳结构冷却塔的研究


7.Research on Cut Parameters for Blasting Demolition of Hyperbolic Cooling Tower双曲线型冷却塔爆破拆除切口参数研究

8.The Study of Hyperbolic Cooling Tower with Initial Geometrical Imperfections and Its Effects on Mechanical Behavior of the Shell;初始几何缺陷对双曲线型冷却塔筒壁受力性能影响的研究

9.A Research of Mechanical Behavior and Design Method of Hyperbolic Cooling Tower with an Opening;开洞双曲线冷却塔的力学性能研究及设计方法探讨

10.Influence of SSI effect on aseismic performance of hyperbolic cooling towerSSI效应对大型双曲线冷却塔结构抗震性能的影响

11.The Influence of Subsoil Damping Ratio to the Hyperbolic Cooling Tower"s Seismic Effect地基阻尼比对大型双曲线冷却塔地震作用效应的影响

12.Wind Pressure Distribution and Double Holes Position Optimization for Super Large-scale Cooling Towers with Flue Gas超大型排烟冷却塔风压分布及双孔道位置优化

13.Modeling of the Cooling Water Outlet Temperature of Closed Cooling Tower封闭式冷却塔冷却水出口温度的建模

14.The reason analysis and treatment method of lower cooling efficiency in cooling tower冷却塔冷却效率低的原因分析及处理

15.induced draft mechanical cooling tower抽风式机械通风冷却塔

16.forced draft mechanical cooling tower鼓风式机械通风冷却塔

17.horizontal intercooled ammonia converter卧式中间冷却氨合成塔

18.column, cooling, for the bread-grain-milling industry冷却塔,粮谷碾磨业用


hyperbolic thin-shell cooling tower双曲薄壳冷却塔

1.Equivalent beam-net design theory of aero-elastic model abouthyperbolic thin-shell cooling towers and its experimental investigation;双曲薄壳冷却塔气弹模型的等效梁格方法和实验研究

3)hyperbolic cooling tower双曲线冷却塔

1.Construction technique forhyperbolic cooling tower trunks in second-phase project of Yuelian Power Plant;粤连电厂二期工程双曲线冷却塔通风筒施工技术

2.Influence of SSI effect on aseismic performance ofhyperbolic cooling towerSSI效应对大型双曲线冷却塔结构抗震性能的影响

3.In this article, the author introduces some aspects of the climbing formwork system for construction of the tube body of the 5 500 square metershyperbolic cooling tower of Puqi Power Factory such as selection of formwork, every composition member and matters need attention and so forth.介绍蒲圻电厂5500m2双曲线冷却塔筒身施工用爬模系统模板的选型及各组成部分,以及注意事项等。

4)hyperbola cooling tower双曲线冷却塔

1.Under the circumstances of using slipform in the construction of frame structure and tubular structure(including water tower,chimney,hyperbola cooling tower,tubular warehouse and so on),it concludes the basic solutions to choose the platform,to prevent the inclination and to rectify the deviation of slipform together with the real examples.总结了框架结构及筒壁结构(包括水塔、烟囱、双曲线冷却塔、筒仓等)采用滑模施工时,其平台的选择、预防倾斜和纠偏的主要措施及工程实例。

5)double-curved cooling tower双曲线型冷却塔

6)large hyperbolic cooling-tower大型双曲冷却塔

1.Nowadays, with rapid development of power, nuclear, and mining industry, manylarge hyperbolic cooling-towers which can produce recycled cooling water are widely used.近年来,随着电力、石油、核能、采矿等工业的迅速发展,兴建了一大批用于冷却工业循环水的大型双曲冷却塔,其结构的体量愈来愈大,建筑间的密度越来越高。


