900字范文 > 剪切刚度比 ratio of shear rigidity英语短句 例句大全

剪切刚度比 ratio of shear rigidity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-01 07:38:15


剪切刚度比 ratio of shear rigidity英语短句 例句大全

剪切刚度比,ratio of shear rigidity

1)ratio of shear rigidity剪切刚度比

1.The design of prestressed thick slab of transfer story for Qianhongyuan building is introduced in this paper, which includes the configuration selection of structure, 3-D structural integral analysis, design of prestressed thick slab, theratio of shear rigidity up and down the thick slab of transfer story, construction detail.简要介绍上海乾苑大厦预应力厚板转换层结构设计,其内容包括结构选型、三维空间结构整体分析、预应力厚板设计、厚板转换层上下剪切刚度比控制、构造措施等。

2)the ratio of equivalent shear rigidity等效剪切刚度比

3)shearing rigidity剪切刚度

1.In this study, we analyzed the mechanical interaction of warp and weft yarns in shearing deformation, and established theoretical equations expressing the relationship between theshearing rigidity and fabric structures.通过分析剪切变形过程中纱线间的力学作用,研究织物结构与剪切刚度的关系。


1.Damage identification approach of frame structure based on equivalent shear stiffness等效剪切刚度的框架结构损伤识别方法

2.Shear Stiffness Prediction of Stitched Composite Sandwich Structure with Foam Core缝合复合材料泡沫夹芯结构剪切刚度预报

3.New Method for Inter-story Stiffness Identification of Shearing Structures Under Ambient Excitation环境激励下剪切型结构层间刚度识别的新方法

4.Stability Analysis of Shear-band and Surrounding-rock System Considering Stiffness Deterioration考虑刚度劣化的剪切带-围岩系统稳定性分析

5.Influence of the Anisotropy on Surface Roughness, Shear Angle and Cutting Force in Diamond Tuning of Optical Crystal Materials;光学晶体材料的各向异性对金刚石车削表面粗糙度、剪切角及切削力的影响

6.testing methods for shear strength of plastics by punch tool塑料剪切强度试验方法

7.Euroflock shearing tester欧罗剪切牢度试验仪

8.surface shear viscometry表面剪切粘度测定法

9.uniform strain shearing strengh tester等应变剪切强度测试仪

10.Analysis and Treatment on the Problem of Parallelism in Plate Cutting with Disc Shears圆盘剪剪切平行度问题的分析与对策

11.The Study for the Shear Test Method of the Elastomeric Bearings for Bridge and Stiffness of Testing System;桥梁板式橡胶支座剪切模量检测方法研究及抗压弹性模量测试系统刚度分析

12.Storey Stiffness Ratio Analysis of Frame-shear Wall Structure With Shear Wall Interruption;框剪结构剪刀墙中断处楼层刚度比分析

13.Research on the Rational Shearing Speed of High-speed Precision Shearing for Metal Bar金属棒料高速精密剪切适宜剪切速度的研究

14.Dynamic and Static Analysis of the Shera-Wall Structure with Variable Stiffness in the Tall Building;高层变刚度剪力墙结构的动静力分析

15.Optimal Analysis for Lateral Stiffness in Mid-highriseRC Frame Shearwall Structure with Special-shaped Columns;中高层异形柱框剪结构抗侧刚度优化

16."Maximum shear Strength 63Kg/mm2(90,000psi) maximum (based on 75% yield) "剪切强度最大63Kg/mm2(90000psi)(为屈服强度的75%)


18.Testing Method for Tensile and Shear Strength of High Strength Photosensitive Glue高强度光敏胶拉伸剪切强度测试方法


the ratio of equivalent shear rigidity等效剪切刚度比

3)shearing rigidity剪切刚度

1.In this study, we analyzed the mechanical interaction of warp and weft yarns in shearing deformation, and established theoretical equations expressing the relationship between theshearing rigidity and fabric structures.通过分析剪切变形过程中纱线间的力学作用,研究织物结构与剪切刚度的关系。

4)shear stiffness剪切刚度

1.The shear deformation of the shear wall increases as theshear stiffness of the frame increa.根据实例分析可得抗震墙剪切变形对整体结构变形影响很小,因此一般情况下在计算框架-抗震墙结构时忽略剪切变形是合理的;同时发现框架剪切刚度越大,抗震墙剪切变形对框架-抗震墙结构整体变形的影响就越大,反之则越小。

2.By applying the theory of elastic cylindrical shell and simplified circular function,the overall stiffness of segment tunnel is separated as circumferential and radialshear stiffness and their effects on the deformation and internal forces are analyzed.基于弹性板理论,考虑板壳剪切变形的影响,将隧道作为弹性地基上的柱壳,采用弹性柱壳理论及简化三角函数表达的地基位移函数,经理论推导,提出将盾构管片隧道刚度离散为显式的环向剪切刚度及径向剪切刚度,并从理论上计算分析和探讨板壳弯曲刚度和剪切刚度对隧道横断面结构内力的影响,得出提高隧道切向剪切刚度能够改善纵向结构传力性能,减少横向弯曲变形等重要结论;提出在软弱地层中,隧道横向采用一定刚度的柔性设计,而隧道纵向则采用一定柔度的刚性设计的设计思想,这对于优化现行隧道纵、环向刚度设计具有指导意义,是隧道纵向剪切传递理论的一个重要补充。

3.The test results indicated that the values of theshear stiffness depend on the asperities and strengthes of structural face, as well as the values of normal stress acting on it, and the magnitudes of the normal stifness depend primarily on the opening state of the structural fa.结合三峡永久船闸高边坡工程,在试验室条件下,对三峡岩体结构面的剪切刚度和法向刚度特性进行了专门试验研究。

5)shear rigidity剪切刚度

1.At the same time,the calculation ofshear rigidity and lateral drifts of the system is discussed.本文分析了交错桁架体系结构特点,在此基础上结合常规做法对这种体系的柱、楼板和桁架设计提出了一些具体建议,并对交错桁架结构的剪切刚度及侧移计算进行了研究。

6)shearing stiffness剪切刚度

1.A new type of the specimens used forshearing stiffness test of bolts is designed.本文在总结以往螺栓剪切刚度试验技术的基础上,设计出一种新的螺栓剪切刚度试验件。

2.The rational determination of the flexural stiffness and theshearing stiffness of concrete filled steel tube is very important in the deformation calculations.合理地确定钢管混凝土的抗弯刚度和剪切刚度是进行其变形计算的重要前提,目前国内外很少有系坑的研究和报道。

3.The interfacialshearing stiffness will soften with the increase of the load level.文章按照界面弹簧理论所建立的双曲线模型,对试验实测数据进行了拟合分析,并采用有限元法对锚杆上拔试验进行了模拟,对比计算结果和实测结果得出的主要结论为:采用双曲线模型拟合锚固轴力随深度变化的曲线,可以取得良好的拟合效果;在逐级加载的条件下,界面的剪切刚度呈软化的趋势;在锚固界面没有发生较大滑移的情况下,计算位移和实测位移比较接近。


