900字范文 > 减隔震设计 seismic isolation design英语短句 例句大全

减隔震设计 seismic isolation design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-20 11:34:38


减隔震设计 seismic isolation design英语短句 例句大全

减隔震设计,seismic isolation design

1)seismic isolation design减隔震设计

1.Research onseismic isolation design for long-span continuous bridges;大跨度连续梁桥减隔震设计研究

2.The status quo of theseismic isolation design on the bridge was expounded.采取减隔震措施满足大型桥梁结构抗震要求的设计方法近年来得到了普遍的认同,对大型减隔震桥梁减隔震设计分析中涉及到的关键问题进行了探讨,在阐述国内外桥梁减隔震设计研究现状的基础上,总结了作者近年来的工作成果,提出了解决方案及原则建议。


1.Study on Design Method and Parameters for Seismically Isolated Railway Bridges;铁路桥梁减隔震设计方法及设计参数研究

2.A Preliminary Analysis Research of Seismic Isolation Design for Continuous Girder Bridge in Severe Earthquake Region高烈度地震区连续梁桥减隔震设计初步分析研究

3.Discussion on the anti-earthquake design method and seismic mitigation isolation technology of bridge浅谈桥梁抗震设计方法与减隔震技术

4.Seismic Control Optimum Design and Experimental Research of Base Isolation and "Adding Story and Seismic Decrease" Structures;基础隔震与加层减震结构抗震控制优化设计和试验研究

5.The Research on Parameters Optimization of Seismic-isolated Bearings of Railway Steel Truss Arch Bridge铁路钢桁拱桥减隔震支座设计参数的优化研究

6.The Earthquake Response、Optimum Design and Earthquake Action Calculation of the Base-Isolation and the ASSD Structures;基础隔震与加层减震结构随机响应、优化设计及等效地震作用取值的复模态法

7.On seismic performance analysis of isolation earthquake design for frame structure框架结构的隔震设计之抗震性能分析

8.Optimization of base-isolated structure with LRB under vertical earthquake考虑竖向地震作用的LRB隔震结构优化设计

9.The Application Investigation of Rubber to Seismic Isolation Engineering Design of Standing Tanks;立式储罐橡胶隔震工程应用设计研究

10.An introduction to the design and test of the first building that uses asphalt damping vibration isolation cushion;沥青阻尼隔震垫建筑设计与测试介绍

11.Seismic Isolation Design for Long-span Prestressed Concrete Continuous Girder Bridge预应力混凝土大跨连续梁桥隔震设计

12.The Practice of Designing a Base-isolated Building as a Graduating Project;隔震结构设计作为毕业设计题目的实践

parative Research on Design Response Spectrum and Design Method of Isolated Structures to Codes for Seismic Design of China, Japan and the United States;中、日、美三国抗震设计反应谱及隔震设计方法比较研究

14.Studies on Performance-Based Seismic Design Method for Steel Structure with Dampers;耗能减震钢结构基于性能的抗震设计方法研究

15.Performance-Based Seismic Design Method for Passive Energy Dissipated Steel Structures;被动耗能减震钢结构基于性能的抗震设计方法

16.Performance-Based Seismic Design Method for Buildings Equipped with Passve Energy Dissipation Systems;被动耗能减震结构基于性能的抗震设计方法

17.Optimum Design Method of Structure Seismic Strengthening and Passive Energy Dissipation;结构抗震加固和消能减震优化设计方法

18.Seismic Response Analysis and Vibration Mitigation Design for Partially Cable-Strayed Bridge with Three Towers三塔部分斜拉桥地震反应分析及减震设计


seismic isolation design隔震设计

1.Aiming at theseismic isolation design of large steel standing tanks,a double-restriction seismi.基于这一思想,对大型立式钢制储罐的隔震设计问题,提出了考虑晃动和液固耦联振动双约束下的储罐隔震设计方法。

3)isolation design隔震设计

1.Theisolation design character of continuous beam bridge on the high-pier and large-span railway was introduced based on the engineering background of Yexihe bridge on the Yi-Wan railway.以宜万铁路叶溪河大桥的隔震设计与施工为工程背景,阐述了高墩大跨铁路连续梁桥隔震设计的特点以及隔震施工应注意的事项,为类似工程提供参考借鉴。

2.Systemicisolation design of a brick masonry residence building is processed.对某砖混结构住宅楼进行了基础隔震设计,采用规范规定的简化计算方法对该砖混结构的地震反应进行计算。

4)earthquake-reduction design减震设计

1.In the viscous damped energy-dissipatedearthquake-reduction design scheme,the law how to choose damp exponent and how to choose optimal.根据自锚式悬索桥独特的动力特性,提出了在该悬索桥主梁与过渡墩、辅助墩之间沿横向设置粘滞阻尼器的消能减震设计方案,以控制悬索桥的横向地震反应。

2.When we take theearthquake-reduction design of cable-staye.对斜拉桥进行减震设计时,其主导思想是在地震作用下,斜拉桥的内力和位移都是越小越好,但通常情况下这两个方面往往是相互矛盾的,要使得内力反应小,往往要付出较大的位移作为代价,反之亦然。

5)aseismic design减震设计

6)earthquake isolation and reduction隔震减震

1.This paper found that geogrid equals toearthquake isolation and reduction through earthquake damages survey of reinforced earth embankment , and direct shear test、drawing test、vibration table test and therefore it is a good seismic strengthening method in embankment engineering.本文通过加筋路堤震灾调查,土工格栅加筋土大型直剪、拉拔实验,振动台实验等研究,发现土工格栅具有隔震减震作用,对路堤工程是一种很好的抗震加固措施。


