900字范文 > 中西药疗法 Chinese and western medicine therapy英语短句 例句大全

中西药疗法 Chinese and western medicine therapy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-25 18:13:08


中西药疗法 Chinese and western medicine therapy英语短句 例句大全

中西药疗法,Chinese and western medicine therapy

1)Chinese and western medicine therapy中西药疗法

2)therapeutics of TCM/Western Medicine therapy中医药疗法/西医治疗

3)Drug therapy of western medicine combined with traditional Chinese medicine中西医结合药物疗法

4)treatment with Chinese and western medicine中西药治疗

1.Result:the overview oftreatment with Chinese and western medicine on depressive disorder could provide the evidence to study work.目的:综述抑郁症的中西药治疗研究概况。


1.Clinical study of drug therapy for retinitis pigmentosa中西药治疗视网膜色素变性临床研究

2.Systemly Quality Evaluat the Literatures of Insomnia Treatment Use Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine and Meta Analysis中西药治疗失眠文献系统质量评价及Meta分析

3.The acupuncture and moxibustion series curative effect of Western medicine series against Chinese medicine contrasts in primary dysmenorrhea中西药与中药针灸治疗原发性特通疗效对照

4.The Analysis of Zhuang Folk Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Modern Medicine′s Advantages in Wind Disease Treatment壮 中 西医药治疗风毒病优势解析

5.Clinical Obsevation of Intergrating Traditional Chinese and Western Medcine on Treating 30 patients with Chronic Renal Failure中西药结合治疗慢性肾功能衰竭30例

parative Observation of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Treatment for Unruptured Tubal Pregnancy中药治疗与西药治疗非破裂型输卵管妊娠的对比观察

parison of Effect in Chinese Medical Herbs and Western Medicines in Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia;中西药物治疗良性前列腺增生症疗效的比较

8.The clinical curative effects observation of the Chinese medicine combined with the western medicine for treating cervical erosion中西药结合治疗宫颈糜烂的临床疗效观察

9.Therapeutic Effect of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Hypohepatia Induced by Antitubercular Drugs中西医结合治疗抗结核药所致肝损害疗效观察

10.The Systematic Review of the Recent Efficacy for the Treatment of RA with Chinese Herbal Alone or Chinese Herbal with West Medicine口服中药及其联合西药治疗类风湿关节炎近期疗效的系统评价

11.Observer Group began in the Western SARS, stop bleeding, rehydration treatment with Chinese medicine on the basis of proprietary treatment.观察组术后在西医抗炎、止血、补液治疗的基础上配合中药方剂治疗。

12.Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease by Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine Enema Combined with Physiotherapy中西药灌肠联合理疗治疗慢性盆腔炎60例疗效分析

13.Effect of Colon Lavage with Chinese Traditional and Western Medicines on Acute Pancreatitis中西药结肠灌洗灌注治疗急性胰腺炎效果观察

14.Studies on the Effect of the Combination of Chinese Herbs and Colchicines on Liver Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Dogs;中西药结合对犬实验性肝损伤治疗的研究

15.The Study of Experimental on Lupus Model Mice with Chinese Herbal Medicine and Modern Medicine in Combination;中西药合用治疗BXSB狼疮模型鼠的实验研究

16.Questionnaire of Cancer Resident Patients in Western Hospital If Receive Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment;西医院癌症住院病人对中医药治疗的意向调研

17.The Clinical Study on the Treatment of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in Pregnancy with Integration of Modern Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine;中西药结合治疗孕期外阴阴道念珠菌病

18.The clinical observation of66cases with trichomonal vaginitis treated by combining using of Chinese traditional and Western medicine;中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎66例临床观察


therapeutics of TCM/Western Medicine therapy中医药疗法/西医治疗

3)Drug therapy of western medicine combined with traditional Chinese medicine中西医结合药物疗法

4)treatment with Chinese and western medicine中西药治疗

1.Result:the overview oftreatment with Chinese and western medicine on depressive disorder could provide the evidence to study work.目的:综述抑郁症的中西药治疗研究概况。

5)Treatment with Chinese herbs中药疗法

6)TCM therapy中药疗法


