900字范文 > 埋弧螺柱焊 submerged arc stud welding英语短句 例句大全

埋弧螺柱焊 submerged arc stud welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-13 16:56:22


埋弧螺柱焊 submerged arc stud welding英语短句 例句大全

埋弧螺柱焊,submerged arc stud welding

1)submerged arc stud welding埋弧螺柱焊

1.New welding technology of embeded parts in the national stadium—submerged arc stud welding国家体育场预埋件的焊接新工艺——埋弧螺柱焊


1.New welding technology of embeded parts in the national stadium-submerged arc stud welding国家体育场预埋件的焊接新工艺——埋弧螺柱焊

2.Inside Weld Crack Analysis and Control of SSAW Pipe螺旋埋弧焊管内焊缝裂纹分析与控制

3.Cause Analysis on Weld Brittleness of X80 Grade SSAW PipeX80级螺旋埋弧焊管焊缝脆化原因分析

4.Weld studs for arc weldingGB/T902.2-1989机动弧焊用焊接螺柱

5.Research on Strain Aging for X80 Grade HSAW Steel PipeX80级螺旋埋弧焊接钢管应变时效研究

6.Generation and Elimination of Slag in Gas Pocket of Spiral Submerged Arc Welded Pipe螺旋埋弧焊管焊缝夹珠型气孔的形成与消除

7.The Prediction of SSAW Pipe Weld Reinforcement Based on BP Neural Network基于BP神经网络的螺旋埋弧焊管焊缝余高预测

8.Effect of Outside Welding Groove Angle on Weld Quality of X80 Grade SSAW Pipe外焊坡口角度对X80级螺旋埋弧焊管焊缝质量的影响

9.Scattering Lines Screen in Radial Inspection of SSAW Pipe螺旋埋弧焊钢管拍片检测中散射线的屏蔽

10.automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨自动埋弧电弧焊

11.Development of High Strength and High Toughness Sintered Flux Used in X80 Grade SSAW PipeX80级螺旋埋弧焊管用高强度高韧性烧结焊剂的研制

12.Inside Weld Tiny Crack Analysis and Control of SSAW Pipe with Heavy Wall-thickness大壁厚螺旋埋弧焊管内焊缝微裂纹的分析及控制

13.Porosity Causes Comprehensive Analysis and Preventive Measure of SSAW Pipe螺旋缝埋弧焊管焊缝气孔产生原因综合分析及防止措施

14.The Comparision and Analysis Between Native and Australian Standards for Imperfections Determined by Radiographic Examination in Spiral Submerged Arc-Welded Steel Pipe Piles中/澳钢管桩埋弧焊螺旋焊缝射线检测验收标准比较

15.Research of the Welding Method and Technics on Rotating Arc of Hollow Stud;空心螺柱旋转电弧焊接方法与工艺研究

16.Guide Bending Property Analysis on X80 Grade SSAW Pipe Used in the Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线用X80级螺旋埋弧焊管导向弯曲性能分析

17.Formulate Steel Coil Consumption Quota Method During SSAW Pipe Production and Its Application螺旋埋弧焊管生产过程卷板消耗定额编制方法及应用

18.Forming Design for φ1219mm×18.4mm SSAW Pipe Used in the Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线工程φ1219mm×18.4mm螺旋埋弧焊管成型工艺初步设计


submergedarc stud welder埋弧螺柱焊机

1.The article introduces the performance,characteristics and its application scope of the new productsubmergedarc stud welder.介绍了新研制的埋弧螺柱焊机的性能、特点及其应用范围。

3)reinforced submerged arc stud welder钢筋埋弧螺柱焊机

4)arc stud welding螺柱弧焊


1.The Research of the Computer Control System for the Welds Geometry of Welded Tube bySSAW;螺旋埋弧焊管焊缝形状计算机控制系统的研究

2.High performance X70 hot-rolled strips forSSAW line pipes have been developed by Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Corporation in order to satisfy the demands of West-East Gas Line and Shanjing Second Gas Line Project in China.为配合中国西气东输、陕京二线管线工程的建设,武钢研制出高性能大口径螺旋埋弧焊管用X70热轧板卷。

3.4 mmSSAW pipe used for The Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project.4 mm螺旋埋弧焊管的试制情况及检验结果。

6)arc stud welding电弧螺柱焊

1.Realization of slow stud plunge inarc stud welding;电弧螺柱焊中实现螺柱的低速送进

2.Development and application ofarc stud welding technology;电弧螺柱焊技术的发展与应用

3.This paper illuminates the principle,method,equipment of capacitore stud welding,arc stud welding and submergearc pressure stud welding which used in mechanism,electric and construction.阐述了电容储能螺柱焊、电弧螺柱焊和埋弧压力螺柱焊的原理、方法,以及在机械、电子、建筑等行业的应用;探讨了电渣压力焊和摩擦压力焊在杆板和管板焊接中应用方面的发展。


焊接:埋弧焊 利用在焊剂层下燃烧的电弧进行焊接的方法(见图埋弧焊示意图 )。在焊接过程中﹐焊剂熔化產生的液态熔渣覆盖电弧和熔化金属﹐起保护﹑净化熔池﹑稳定电弧和渗入合金元素的作用。埋弧焊分为自动埋弧焊和半自动埋弧焊两种。前者应用较广泛﹐焊接电流可达600~2000安﹐焊接效率很高。埋弧焊是一种适於大量生產的焊接方法﹐广泛用於焊接各种碳钢﹑低合金钢和合金钢﹐也用於不锈钢和镍合金的焊接和表面堆焊。为了提高焊接效率和扩大使用范围﹐埋弧焊的电极可採用双丝﹑三丝﹑带极(用於堆焊)﹐还可在焊剂中添加金属粉等。焊剂层下的电弧与焊件接口的对正和调整﹐可用工业电视观察或用激光跟踪等方法探测。埋弧焊的焊接效率高﹐焊缝光洁﹐无飞溅﹐少烟尘﹐无电弧闪光﹐劳动卫生条件好﹐设备成本较低。缺点是限於平焊和长焊缝。与气体保护电弧焊相比﹐埋弧焊电弧不可见﹐接头装配要求较高﹐应用灵活性也较差。
