900字范文 > 历史制度主义 Historical institutionalism英语短句 例句大全

历史制度主义 Historical institutionalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-04 16:12:32


历史制度主义 Historical institutionalism英语短句 例句大全

历史制度主义,Historical institutionalism

1)Historical institutionalism历史制度主义

1.Meanwhile,the school of neo-institutionalism arised in the area of political studies characterized by its rational-choice institutionalism,historical institutionalism,and sociological institutionalism.在新制度经济学陷入困境的同时,政治学领域兴起了以理性选择制度主义、历史制度主义和社会学制度主义为代表的新制度主义浪潮。

2.As a frontier science, new institutionalist politics consists of three main theoretical schools: historical institutionalism, rational cho.作为当代西方政治科学的前沿,新制度主义政治学主要由历史制度主义、理性选择制度主义、社会学制度主义等流派组成。

3.This article examines the basic ideas and problems of historical institutionalism and ra-tional choice of institutionalism,which are major schools of neo-institutional politics.本文检视了新制度主义政治学主要流派历史制度主义和理性选择制度主义的基本观点、存在的问题,提出了理论整合的必要。


1.The Structural and Historical Change of the Examination and Approval System of China s Administration--On the Basis of Historical Institutional Paradigm;中国行政审批制度的结构与历史变迁——基于历史制度主义的分析范式

2.Historical Institutionalism Analysis of Engineering Education System-Paradigms in America and Germany工程教育体系的历史制度主义分析——美国与德国的范例

3.Market Orientation of University Self-determination Depending on the Orientation of Government Decentralization--Verification of Historical Institutionalism;大学自主政策的市场取向受制于政府分权取向——历史制度主义的求证

4.The Theories of New Institutionalism from the Perspective of Historical Materialism新制度主义理论观点评析──历史唯物主义视角

5.Socialist Economy System: Design and evolution;制度设计与变迁——社会主义经济体制的历史考察

6.The institutional analysis based on historical materialism can be the foundation of general institutional analytical paradigm.基于历史唯物主义的制度分析可以成为一般制度分析范式的基础。

7.Historical reference and theoretical reflections:comments on Study of Election System in New Democratic Revolution Period;历史的借鉴与理论的反思——《新民主主义革命时期选举制度研究》述评

8.Historical textuality and textual history--Analysis of American Pastoral from new historicism历史的文本性与文本的历史性——从新历史主义角度分析《美国牧歌》

9.The Concept of Commerce Focus in History;浅论历史上的重商主义——从世界历史的角度看重商主义

10.To analyze the leap development from the historical materialism angles;从历史唯物主义角度透视跨越式发展

11.We shall be satisfied if history proves the superiority of the Chinese socialist system.只要历史证明中国社会主义制度的优越性就够了,

12."Over the past 50 years, Tibet has achieved a giant leap in the historical development of it social system and embarked on a socialist road. "这50年里,西藏实现了社会制度的历史性跨越,走上了社会主义道路。

13.The ideological and social system of feudalism has a place only in the museum of history.封建主义的思想体系和社会制度,是进了历史博物馆的东西了。

14.On the Reformation of the Socialism Capital Accumulation in China and Its System Construction;中国社会主义资本积累方式变革的历史回顾及制度建设

15.The Historical Merit of Deng Xiao-ping about Reestablishing the Socialism Basic System of Economy;邓小平对重新确立社会主义基本经济制度的历史功绩

16.Historical Breakthroughs in the Theory and Systemof Socialist Distribution of Personal Income;社会主义个人收入分配理论和制度的历史性突破

17.The Construction of a New Socialist Countryside and the Development of Rural Environmental Law社会主义新农村建设与环境法律制度的历史性变革

18.The Advantage of Socialist System and the Leadership of the Communist Party Are the Fundamental Factors beyond the Limitation of"Historically Periodical Law"社会主义制度优越性和中国共产党领导是跳出“历史周期律”的根本


On Historical Institutionalism关于历史制度主义

3)historical attitude历史主义态度


1.The Problem with Popper’s Philosophic Viewpoints of Anti-historicism;波普尔反历史主义的哲学视角问题

2.Husserl s Critique ofHistoricism and Its Revelation to Us;胡塞尔现象学的历史主义批判及其启示


1.Going out of Two Opposing Extreme Branches of Modernism andHistoricalism;走出现代主义与历史主义的两极误区

2.ract: This essay mainly discusses the historical method and its application in the study of literature history,and has defined the two concepts of historicalism and historical method in the study of literature history at the same time.文章就历史方法在文学史研究中的运用及其意义进行了系统的阐述 ,并总结了历史方法在实践中的三个不同的要求 ,同时还对所谓历史主义与历史方法的概念进行了辨析和界定。

6)historical principle历史主义

1.Mainly has had the logical real diagnosis principle, the critique rationalism, thehistorical principle and so on, they have carried on the effective exploration centered on the science to mark off, the science development pattern, the scientific method and so on,they have formed respective scientific view.主要产生了逻辑实证主义、批判理性主义、历史主义等流派,他们围绕着科学的划界标准、科学的发展模式、科学方法等问题进行了有效探索,并产生了各自的科学观,试对他们的观点进行概括和总结。

2.By applyinghistorical principle,Deng Xiaoping analyzed Mao Zedong s thought and socialist system and put forward understanding the issues of"what socialism is"and"how to construct socialism", from the past ,today and future of socialism.邓小平通过对我国社会主义实践的历史主义分析,提出要搞清楚"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义"的问题,从社会主义的过去、现在和未来相互关系中把握住社会主义本质。


