900字范文 > 电机防水 motor waterproof英语短句 例句大全

电机防水 motor waterproof英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-25 12:56:15


电机防水 motor waterproof英语短句 例句大全

电机防水,motor waterproof

1)motor waterproof电机防水

1.In allusion to the problem ofmotor waterproof of dust-exhaust system,frame improvement program ofmotor waterproof ,and through implementation,get good effect.针对TB880E型隧道掘进机除尘风机,电机轴端防水出现的问题,制定出了除尘系统电机防水改进方案,经过实施,效果良好。


1.Improvement of Motor Waterproof of Dust-exhaust System of TB880E-type TBMTB880E型隧道掘进机除尘系统电机防水的改进

2.Development of Termite and Rodent Resistant Water Blocking Cables for Airport Guiding Lamps防白蚁防鼠阻水型机场助航灯光电缆的研制

3.watertight camera for submarine cinematography海底拍摄用防水电影摄影机

4.Calculation on heat exchange and temperature field in water-cooled explosion-proof motor防爆型水冷电机内换热与温度场计算

5.Study of Sand-mud Abrasion, Cavitation Damage and Their Protections for the Turbines of the Sanmenxia Hydropower Station三门峡水电厂水轮机泥沙磨蚀及其防护的研究

6.Retrofit and Design of Increasing Capacity and Cavitation Resistance of Hydraulic Turbine for Guanan Gaoqiao Power Station;广安高桥水电站水力机组增容防蚀改造设计

7.Research on the Cause of Water Leakage and its Prevention of Double-water Internal Cooling Steamer Generator;双水内冷汽轮发电机漏水故障成因及预防研究

8.Research of Anti-abrasion of Turbine"s Blades of Gezhouba Hydropower Station葛洲坝水电站水轮机叶片抗磨蚀的研究与防护

9.Mechanism,Detection and Prevention of Water Treeing in XLPE Power Cables交联聚乙烯电力电缆水树产生机理、检测及预防

10.Calculation and Research on Heat, Refrigeration and Temperature Field in Water-cooled Explosion-proof Motor;防爆型水冷电机发热、换热与温度场计算研究

11.The corrosion mechanism and protection of CS pipes of cooling water system in coastal power plant滨海电厂冷却水系统钢管的腐蚀机理与防护

12.Control Measure and accidents reason of Waterwall and economizer on power plant电厂锅炉水冷壁及省煤器故障机理与防治

13.A Brief Discussion about Lightning Protection of Microcomputer and RTU in Hydroelectric Systems浅谈水电厂微机和远动装置的防雷保护

14.Research on Abrasion and Protection of Francis Turbine of Water Power Station in Yellow River Valley黄河流域水电站混流式水轮机的磨蚀与防护研究

15.Corrosion Prevention of Tubular Copper Conductor of Generator Stator and Quality Controlling of Its Cooling Water发电机定子空心铜导线防腐及其内冷水水质控制

16.Application of Kehong KH-D Wear and Corrosion Resistant Paint to 300 MW Hydraulic Turbine in Baishan Power Plant科虹KH-D耐磨防腐蚀涂料在白山水电厂30万kW水轮机组的应用

17.The Causes of Runner Crack of Turbine for the Manwan Hydropower Station and Prevention Measures浅析漫湾水电站水轮机转轮裂纹形成原因及预防措施

18.High-quality tape-recorders (radio cassette recorders) made in China are water-proof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic.国产优质收录机,能防水、防震、防磁。


waterproof machine防水电机

3)water proof machine防水式电机

4)hose-proof generator防水发电机

5)water-proof machine防水型电机

6)deluge proof motor防水电动机


