900字范文 > 空调扇叶 air-conditioner vane英语短句 例句大全

空调扇叶 air-conditioner vane英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-11 22:41:59


空调扇叶 air-conditioner vane英语短句 例句大全

空调扇叶,air-conditioner vane

1)air-conditioner vane空调扇叶

2)fan in air conditioner空调风扇

1.This paper presents effects of blade on frequency offan in air conditioners using finite element analysis method when the angle of air-inlet and the chordal length of blade are changed.用有限元方法对空调风扇叶片进口角、叶片弦长变化对其固有频率的影响规律进行了研究 。


1.Numerical Simulation and Experiment Research of the Air Condition Axial Fans Matching the Shroud;空调风扇及其导风罩匹配的数值模拟与实验研究

2.Research on the Correlation Mechanism of Rotor-duct Match Design with Discrete Frequence Noise Rropagation in Air Conditionings空调风扇系统结构设计与离散声辐射关联机制的研究

3.Install the fan shroud, electric cooling fan and radiator and condenser (if equipped with A/C).安装风扇罩、电动冷却风扇、散热器和冷凝器(如果配备有空调)。

4.Axial air flow generating fan. Stretch to resize.用于空气流通的轴向风扇。拉伸可调整大小。

5.cruise fan aerodynamics巡航风扇空气动力学

6.In each life or activity region, there are shower room of hygiene and related fan , air conditioner , dim stove , ventilation fan .每个生活或活动区内,均设有卫生沐浴间并配套风扇、空调、暧炉、排气扇。

7.Structure Analysis and CAD Software of Centrifugal Fan in Domestic Air-conditioner;空调室内机离心风扇的结构分析及其CAD软件设计

8.The Effect of Rotating Speed of Fan and Protecting Mesh of Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit on Aero-acoustic Noise空调器室外机组风扇转速和防护网对气动噪声的影响

9.With the Wind-Fixing Pill in his mouth, Monkey could not be moved no matter how hard the princess waved the fan.悟空二次来借扇,公主又用扇扇他,悟空口含定风丹,一动不动。

10.centrifuges and filtering apparatus装有风扇的通风或空气循环机

11.The cab is equipped with adjustable seat, side sliding window, wiper, electric fan and ROPS device. It has the characteristic of low noise, wide viewing area. Air conditioner is optional.噪音低、野宽阔、调式的司机座椅、滑窗玻璃、雨器,并配备电风扇,滚翻保护架。可选配空调器。

12.conditioned blast air空调鼓风,调温调湿送风

13.Airflow Distribution Research at the Outlet of Cooling Fan on Electrical Motor;电机冷却风扇出口空间流量分配研究

14.Optimal design of the axial-flow fan in the aeronautic electronic devices航空电子设备冷却轴流风扇优化设计

15.a belt driven by the crankshaft that drives a fan that pulls air through the radiator.受机轴控制驱动风扇使风扇在散热器里拖拉空气的带子。

16.During hot weather, the city’s electrical system is often overloaded by fans and air conditioners.天气炎热时, 这座城市的电力系统常常因电风扇和空调器的使用而过载。

17.A.C. electric fans and regulatorsGB/T13380-1992交流电风扇和调速器

18.The Realization of the Fan"s Speed Controller Based on MSP430基于MSP430风扇速度自调装置的实现


fan in air conditioner空调风扇

1.This paper presents effects of blade on frequency offan in air conditioners using finite element analysis method when the angle of air-inlet and the chordal length of blade are changed.用有限元方法对空调风扇叶片进口角、叶片弦长变化对其固有频率的影响规律进行了研究 。

3)hollow fan blade空心风扇叶片

4)air-condition axial flow fan空调轴流风扇

5)fan blade扇叶

6)aeroengine fan blades航空发动机风扇叶片


