900字范文 > 加味小承气汤 Jiawei Xiaochengqi Decoction英语短句 例句大全

加味小承气汤 Jiawei Xiaochengqi Decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 18:56:45


加味小承气汤 Jiawei Xiaochengqi Decoction英语短句 例句大全

加味小承气汤,Jiawei Xiaochengqi Decoction

1)Jiawei Xiaochengqi Decoction加味小承气汤

1.Effect ofJiawei Xiaochengqi Decoction on Intestinal Endotoxemia of Chronic Hepatic Injury Rats;加味小承气汤对慢性肝损伤大鼠肠源性内毒素血症的影响

2)Modified Taohe Chengqi decoction加味桃核承气汤

1.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Different Extractions on Myocardial Flbrosis of Rats with Diabetes;加味桃核承气汤及不同提取物对糖尿病大鼠心肌纤维化的影响

2.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Its Composition of Prescription on Diabetes Mellitus Endothelium Dysfunction;加味桃核承气汤及其不同配伍组方对糖尿病血管内皮损伤的影响


1.Experimental Research of Jia Wei Tao He Cheng Qi Soup on Preventing the Fatty Liver of Rat;加味桃核承气汤防治大鼠脂肪肝的实验研究

2.Approach on TCM Law of Syndrome about Metabolic Syndrome and the Intervention Mechanism of Jia Wei Tao He Cheng Qi Tang;代谢综合征中医证候规律及加味桃核承气汤干预机制探讨

3.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Its Composition of Prescription on Diabetes Mellitus Endothelium Dysfunction;加味桃核承气汤及其不同配伍组方对糖尿病血管内皮损伤的影响

4.A study of modified Taohe Chengqi decoction and its composition on cell cycle and apoptosis of diabetic vascular smooth muscle cell加味桃核承气汤对糖尿病VSMC细胞周期及细胞凋亡影响的实验研究

5.Clinical Research on Modified Peach Kernel for Activating Qi Decoction in Treating Insulin Resistance in Gerontism Diabetes Mellitus (Deficiency of Both Vital Enegy and Yin, Obstruction of Collaterals by Blood Stasis);加味桃核承气汤治疗老年糖尿病胰岛素抵抗(气阴两虚、瘀血阻络)的临床研究

6.Effects on of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Its Composition and Different Extractions on Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis of Diabetic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell;加味桃核承气汤不同配伍组方及提取方法对糖尿病血管平滑肌细胞增殖、凋亡的影响

7.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Its Extracts on the Myocardium and Arterial Aorta in Diabetic Rats;加味桃核承气汤及其不同提取物对糖尿病大鼠心肌和主动脉病变的影响

8.Provention and Treatment of Tao Ren Cheng Qi Tang on DIC and Acute Lung Jure in Endotoxin-treated Rats;加味桃仁承气汤对内毒素性大鼠DIC及肺损伤的研究

9.Clinical Study of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Blocking Lung Disease with Syndrome of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Obstructing Lung Treatment with Taohechengqitang Enema桃核承气汤加减灌肠治疗急性加重期痰瘀阻肺型COPD的临床研究

10.Studies on the Content Change of Amygdalin between Single and Mixed Decoction of Prunus Persica Andglycyrrhiza Uralcnsis in Taohechengqi Decoction桃核承气汤中桃仁单煎与桃仁甘草合煎的苦杏仁苷含量变化研究

11.The Mechanism of Tao He Cheng Qi Decotion on Glomerular Sclerosis;桃核承气汤对肾小球硬化大鼠的作用机制研究

12.Experimental Study on Treating Alloxan Rabbit, Adrenaline Diabetes Mellitus Jimpy Mice with Xiaokeping Jiaonang;加减桃核承气汤(消渴平胶囊)治疗四氧嘧啶性家兔、肾上腺素性糖尿病小鼠的实验研究

13.To Reaserch the Characteristics of the Syndromes of Taohe Chengqi Tang and Shenqi Pill Based on the Clinical Cases基于现代医案研究桃核承气汤与肾气丸的证治特点

14.Modified Dachengqi Decoction in Paralytic Ileus Treatment:Clinical Observation加味大承气汤治疗麻痹性肠梗阻临床观察

15.Modified Zengye Chengqi Decoction in Early Inflammatory Intestinal Obstruction after Operation:clinical report of 25 cases增液承气汤加味治疗术后早期炎性肠梗阻25例

16.Experimental Study on Action and Mechanism of Tao He Cheng Qi Decoction and Compatability of Prescriptions Resisting Renal Interstitial Fibrosis;桃核承气汤及其拆方配伍抗肾间质纤维化作用机理的实验研究

17.Effects of Taohechengqitang on Gene Expression of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in Artery Vessels of Experimental Xuxuezheng Rats;桃核承气汤对蓄血证大鼠血管MMP-2,TIMP-2基因表达的影响

18.Experimental Study on the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease of Heat and Blood Stasis by Tao He Cheng Qi Decoction;桃核承气汤治疗热郁血瘀型盆腔炎大鼠的实验研究


Modified Taohe Chengqi decoction加味桃核承气汤

1.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Different Extractions on Myocardial Flbrosis of Rats with Diabetes;加味桃核承气汤及不同提取物对糖尿病大鼠心肌纤维化的影响

2.Effect of Modified Taohe Chengqi Decoction and Its Composition of Prescription on Diabetes Mellitus Endothelium Dysfunction;加味桃核承气汤及其不同配伍组方对糖尿病血管内皮损伤的影响

3)Jiaweizengyechengqi decoction加味增液承气汤

1.Objective:After the operation in patients with gynecologic tumors,Jiaweizengyechengqi decoction was used to enhance the recovery of gastrointestinal function.目的通过对妇科良恶性肿瘤患者术后采用加味增液承气汤治疗,探讨其促进患者胃肠功能恢复的作用。


1.The efficacy ofDachengqi addition for manic;大承气汤加味在狂症中的应用

5)Supplemented Taoren Chengqi decoction加味桃仁承气汤

1.Effect ofSupplemented Taoren Chengqi decoction on NIT-1,a pancreatic β-cell from a transgenic NOD/Lt mouse;复方加味桃仁承气汤对小鼠胰岛β细胞作用的研究

6)Taohe Chengqi Tang加味桃核承气汤

1.Objective:To discuss the affection on tissue plasminogen activator(tPA)and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1)in the culture solution of diabetic human vascular endothelial cell by modifedTaohe Chengqi Tang as a whole and its ingredients.目的:探讨加味桃核承气汤及其拆方对糖尿病损伤 HUVEC 培养液中 tPA 和 PAI 含量的影响。

2.Objective:To discuss the affection on ET-1,NO and ICAM-1 in the culture solution of i high glucose induced human vascular endothelial cell by modifedTaohe Chengqi Tang as a whole and its ingredients.目的:探讨加味桃核承气汤及其拆方对糖尿病损伤 HUVEC 培养液中 ET-1、NO、ICAM-1含量影响。


