900字范文 > 零库存 zero inventory英语短句 例句大全

零库存 zero inventory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-07 07:13:01


零库存 zero inventory英语短句 例句大全

零库存,zero inventory

1)zero inventory零库存

1.Practical Impact of Zero Inventory of Chinese Decoction Pieces in Our Hospital;中药饮片零库存在我院施行的实际作用

2.According to the theory of supply chain sys-tem and integration, the paper discusses operating method,operating effect, operating principle and tactics of applyingVMI in "zero inventory" management.从供应链系统化、集成化理论出发,针对VMI策略挑战零库存管理的运行方法、运行效果、原则和策略进行了探讨。

3.The concept ofzero inventory for creative products is put forward and deeply analyzed.针对创新性产品,提出并深入研究了零库存的概念,建立了适合企业生产及库存预测的电子商务供应链模型,实现产品的生命周期与零库存的无缝链接。


1.Zero inventory is the ideal state in which phase the inventory is zero.零库存是库存状态为零的理想阶段。

2.Lowering Inventory Cost of Chinese Patent Drugs by Means of Zero-Inventory-Ordering System运用零库存订货法降低我院中成药库库存成本

3.Experiences on partial zero inventory in drug storehouse药库实行“局部零库存”模式的实践

4.Talking about "Zero Inventory" Management in Enterprises Inventory Control;浅谈企业存货管理中的“零库存”管理

5.Applying Supply Chain Inventory Administration Method to Implement Enterprise Zero Inventory;运用供应链库存管理方法实现企业“零库存”

6.The Dicussion of Adopting Zero-inventory in Manufactruing Enterprise;生产企业内部“零库存”实施的探讨

7.Application of VMI in "Zero Inventory" Management;VMI在“零库存”管理应用中的研究

8.Application of Zero Stock Management in Shipbuilding Enterprise;浅析“零库存管理”在造船企业的运用

9.Application of Zero inventory Control Theory in Manufacturing Enterprises零库存管理理论在制造企业中的应用

10.Practice of "zero stock" of chinese medicinal herbs我院中草药“零库存”实施的实践与体会

11.Train of Thought on Enterprises" Materials Purchase Management-"Free of Warehousing"浅谈企业物资“零库存”管理的思路

12.Management of Zero Inventory under the Pattern of Supply Chain in Iron & Steel Industry;论钢铁行业在供应链条件下的零库存管理

13.The Research about Inventory Decision Support System on Retail Enterprise;零售企业库存管理决策支持系统研究

14.To Load the Units Graphics to Database by Using VB6.0;运用VB6.0实现零件数据库中图形的存取

15.Research on WIP Inventory Control of Automobile Component Enterprises汽车零部件企业在制品库存控制研究

16.Design of Retail Stock Management System Based on VMI基于VMI的零售业库存管理系统设计

17.Research on Model of Medicine JIT Management Based on Hospitals in District;基于区域性的医院药品“零”库存管理模式的研究

18.Study on Inventory Management under Supply Chain Environment of Automotive Parts Company;汽车零部件企业供应链环境下库存问题的研究


zero stock零库存

1.Probing into the new administrative model in "Thezero stock"and "the supermarket" storage deputy to warehouse of equipment department;设备科仓库“超市化”仓储代理式“零库存”管理新模式的探索

2.How to reduce stock and apply the conception ofzero stock is a big task for management innovation for large iron and steel complex company.生产制造周期是反映一个经济实体资金运营及管理水平的统计指标,大型钢铁联合企业如何最大限度减少库存资金占用,充分运用零库存的管理理念,是企业创新管理的一大课题。

3.Under the general background of reform and system transformation of stat-owned large and medium enterprises,a "Zero stock"manage rial made was presented to the spare-parts storage management of Minerals Company of Benxi Iron & Steel Group Corp.在国有大中型企业改革和转制的大背景下,对本钢矿业公司备件仓储管理提出了“零库存”的管理模式;详细阐述了通过实行部分备件零库存及降低备件周转天数等措施,以达到减少不良资产,盘活存量资金,促进流动资金周转的目的。


1.Study onzero-inventory of raw material of apparel enterprises;服装业原材料订货零库存方案研究

2.Thezero-inventory policy can help decreasing cost of manufactruing enterprise,enhancing commodity quality,customer satisfaction degree (CSD) and core competence of comodity.在生产型企业中实施零库存能有效降低生产企业成本,提高产品质量、顾客满意度和产品核心竞争力。

3.It includes: JIT ,rid faults , waste elimination, and strive for ZD、zero-inventory.精益生产模式基本的内容就是及时制造,消灭故障,消除一切浪费,向零缺陷、零库存努力。


1.Discussion ofnull-stock for materials in hospital from modern management view;从现代化管理角度探讨医院器材“零库存”

2.Based on the research and analysis on the existing kinds of classifications,this article unifies practical application in hospital and proposes"null-stock"classification method under the management plan,which seems more scientific and reasonable.在研究分析国内现有的五大类医用耗材分类方法的基础上,结合医院实际应用,提出了“零库存”管理方案下的较为科学合理的分类方法。

5)null stock零库存

1.Practice and experience onnull stock in our hospital drug storehouse;我院药库实施零库存的实践与体会

2.OBJECTIVE:To discuss the possibility ofnull stock in hospital drug storehouse.目的 :探讨医院药库实施零库存的可能性。

6)zero inventory JIT零库存JIT


