900字范文 > 投入机制 investment mechanism英语短句 例句大全

投入机制 investment mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-13 17:38:22


投入机制 investment mechanism英语短句 例句大全

投入机制,investment mechanism

1)investment mechanism投入机制

1.Researches oninvestment mechanism for non-profit water conservancy projects;公益性水利项目投入机制研究

2.Furthermore,the article analyses theinvestment mechanism and the integrated innovation modes of the integrated controlling.概述了国内外农业污染防治研究领域的历史与现状,阐明了农业污染防治新思路,即农业立体污染综合防治路线与措施,并进一步对农业立体污染综合防治的高效投入机制和集成创新模式进行了深入分析。

3.The present situation of forest bases for paper making is introduced and the operation model for paper making forest and afforestation fund, cutting quota, lax and expenses, management andinvestment mechanism in the construction of the bases are thoroughly discussed.对我国造纸林建设的现状和造纸林经营模式以及基地建设中的育林资金、采伐指标、税费、管理和投入机制等作了概括介绍和深入论述。


1.Leading into Venture Capital to Make Our System of R&D Funds More Market-oriented;引入风险投资实现我国科技投入机制市场化

2.The Exploration of Improving Investment Mechanism for Agricultural Mechanization;建立健全农业机械化投入机制的探讨


4.Discussion of Input Mechanism of Agro-mechanization Development after Entry WTO;浅论加入WTO后的农机化发展投入机制问题

5.Choice of Investment Mode in Higher Education Input Mechanism in Guizhou;贵州高等教育投入机制中的投资模式选择

6.Countermeasures of Perfecting the Rural and Fishery Villages Public Input Mechanism in Island Region;完善海岛农(渔)村公共投入机制的对策

7.The Analysis of Financial Investment Mechanism in the New Rural Construction;新农村建设的财政投入机制问题探讨

8.Research on Diversified Investment of Local Higher Education and Investment Mechanism of Privatized Higher School;地方高等教育投入多元化与民办高校投入机制研究

9.Working out a policy mechanism of financial input for population and family planning programs.51、建立人口与计划生育事业的政策性投入机制。

10.The Research on the Government Responsibility in the Compulsory Education Investment Mechanism of China;我国义务教育投入机制中政府责任研究

11.The financial support mechanism for investing in building new rural Thinking;对财政支持新农村建设投入机制的思考

12.Study on fiscal investment mechanism under fishery sustainable development;渔业经济持续发展的财政投入机制探讨

13.Legal analysis of the market access system of institutional investor;机构投资者市场准入制度的法理分析

14.Set up an operating system of market to activate the investment in higher education;建立市场运行机制 激活高等教育投入

15.The Study on Mechanism for Institution Investor to Intervene in Corporation Governance;机构投资者介入上市公司治理的机制探讨

16.How to Realize Restricted Control of Material Input in Management by Computer;如何实现计算机管理中材料投入的制约控制

17.The first digital computer was put into use in 1944.一九四四年,第一台二位制计算机投入了使用。

18.The Discussion on the Mechanism of FDI s Effect on the Income Distribution in China;外商直接投资对我国收入分配影响机制探讨


input mechanism投入机制

1.In our country,present land system,input mechanism ,grassland utilization system,the government’s decision-making,and so on ,are just the intrinsic restraint systems.当前土地制度、投入机制、草原利用制度、政府决策等现实制度问题正是我国现代荒漠化内在制约机制。

2.Taking the upper riches of Yangtze River as an example,the author analyzed the problems and the reasons ofinput mechanism of environmental protection in developing regions of west China.以长江上游地区为例,分析了西部欠发达地区环保投入机制存在的问题及原因,认为西部欠发达地区构建环保投入机制的基本思路是:畅通现有的环保投入渠道,开辟新的环保投入渠道,增加环保投入的供给;加强对环保投入资金、环保项目及工程的管理,提高环保投入资金的使用效果,压缩环保投入的需求。

3.This thesis analyses the public finance, financial credit, tax policy, legislation and so on in developed country, and puts forwad some valid paths to establish theinput mechanism of our agro-mechanization development.通过对发达国家发展农机化的财政投入、金融信贷、税收保护、法律法规等方面的研究分析,阐述了形成我国农机化发展投入机制的途径。

3)fiscal investment mechanism财政投入机制

1.Study onfiscal investment mechanism under fishery sustainable development;渔业经济持续发展的财政投入机制探讨

4)capital investment mecha-nism资金投入机制

5)Investment mechanism of science and technology科技投入机制

6)public input mechanism公共投入机制

1.Establishing the people s livelihood-oriented government requires constructing and perfecting the government spublic input mechanism for the purpose of people s livelihood.为了确保公共投入的民生取向,必须建构一系列公共投入机制,主要包括:公共投入的价值引导机制、利益表达机制、财权约束机制、公共投入的绩效评估机制和财政风险的防范机制。


