900字范文 > 人力资源配置 human resource allocation英语短句 例句大全

人力资源配置 human resource allocation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 13:48:41


人力资源配置 human resource allocation英语短句 例句大全

人力资源配置,human resource allocation

1)human resource allocation人力资源配置

1.Study on Human Resource Allocation in Multi-Project Management in Enterprise;企业多项目管理中的人力资源配置研究

2.In this paper,the quantitative analysis ofhuman resource allocation is carried out by using the matrixing method.运用矩阵化方法实施人力资源配置的定量分析。

3.Such un-equilibrium talent turnover may result in either talent shortage or talent surplus of universities,in the worsenedhuman resource allocation,and in the under return of individual human capital investment and thus in the future talent supply shortage.这种人才流动现状使流出单位人才匮乏,流入单位人浮于事;使社会人力资源配置状况恶化;使个人人力资本投资得不到应得的回报,从而导致社会人力资本投资需求减少和未来人才资源短缺。


1.Human Resource Disposal and Construction of Labor Market in China;我国人力资源配置和劳动力市场建设

2.The Statistics and Rational Allocation Analysis of the Human Resource Configuration in College高校人力资源配置的统计及合理配置分析

3.The New Mode in Our Allocation of Human Resource--Talent Dispatch人才租赁——我国人力资源配置的新模式

4.Equity in Health Manpower Distribution of Zhejiang Province;浙江省卫生人力资源配置公平性研究

5.The Research on Design of Human Resource Positioning in Hunan Want Want Hospital;湖南旺旺医院人力资源配置设计研究

6.Study on Human Resources Disposition of Trade Association in Our Country;我国行业协会人力资源配置问题研究

7.The Research on the Human Resource Distribution Model of Athletics Sports in China;我国竞技体育人力资源配置模式研究

8.Staffing Organization Case Study of LN CDC;LN疾控中心人力资源配置案例研究

9.Positive Analysis on Properness of Our Human Resources Allocation;我国人力资源配置合适性的实证分析

10.On the Allocation of Human Resources in Public Security Authority;对公安机关人力资源配置问题的探讨

11.In the state-owned enterprise the human resources disposition analysis studies;国有企业中人力资源配置的分析研究

12.The Evaluation about the Configuration Efficiency of Information Human Resource in Enterprise;企业信息人力资源配置效率评价研究

13.An Analysis on the Allocation Way of Sport Human Resource in China;我国竞技体育人力资源配置方式分析

14.On the "Potentiality Standard" for Allocative Efficiency of Human Resources;论人力资源配置效率的“潜能标准”

15.Economic Analysis of Military Labor and Material Resources Allocation;战争人力资源与物力资源配置的经济分析

16.The distribution of educational resources is to arrange manual labor and material resources well.教育资源优化配置是指合理的配备人力和物力。

17.The Principle of Comparative Advantage and the Optimization of Labor Force Deployment从比较优势原理看人力资源优化配置

18.The rational allocation of human resources has its objective standard.人力资源的合理配置有其客观标准。


human resources allocation人力资源配置

1.Study on the Human Resources Allocation of Advantageous Industries in Fujian Province;福建省优势产业人力资源配置研究

2.The purpose of the study is to analyze the status of nursinghuman resources allocation in China.通过分析目前我国护理人力资源配置的现状,发现存在的主要问题有:医院护理人力资源配置可参考的标准陈旧;医院护理人员数量不足;医院护理人员年龄结构过于年轻化;医院护理人员学历层次偏低;医院护理人员职称结构不合理,中高职称比例低;医院护理人员流失大等。

3)Human Resources Disposition人力资源配置

1.A Research on the Patterns ofHuman Resources Disposition in Media Industry;传媒产业人力资源配置模式研究

2.Gets employed in the university student in the marketability advancement,the human resources disposition "the market flaw" revealed day by day.在大学生就业的市场化进程中,人力资源配置的"市场缺陷"日益显露。

3.Realizes urban and rural human resources disposition integration is a key factor to promote urban and rural integration.城乡一体化发展的关键因素之一是实现城乡一体化人力资源配置。

4)human resource disposal人力资源配置

1.Application of mu1ti-objective grey-state decision making tohuman resource disposal;多目标局势决策在企业人力资源配置中的应用

2.To perfect labor market is very important for optimizinghuman resource disposal.人力资源配置是人力资源开发和利用的关键,完善劳动力市场对优化人力资源配置至关重要。

5)Human resource configuration人力资源配置

1.Study on Enterprise Human Resource Configuration under the Knowledge-Based Economy;知识经济下企业人力资源配置研究

6)Resource allocation power资源配置力


