900字范文 > 和谐铁路 harmonious railway英语短句 例句大全

和谐铁路 harmonious railway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-02 09:52:06


和谐铁路 harmonious railway英语短句 例句大全

和谐铁路,harmonious railway

1)harmonious railway和谐铁路

1.Try our best to safeguard the safety of the sixth speed-up and the further development ofharmonious railway construction;全力确保提速持续安全 为推进和谐铁路建设提供可靠保障

2.Research on the application of broad project financing paradigm in the course of constructingharmonious railway;广义项目融资在构建和谐铁路中的应用

3.Upgrade self-innovation abilities of railway staff and provide technical support forharmonious railway construction;增强铁路自主创新能力 为和谐铁路建设提供技术支撑


1.Upgrade self-innovation abilities of railway staff and provide technical support for harmonious railway construction;增强铁路自主创新能力 为和谐铁路建设提供技术支撑

2.Research on the application of broad project financing paradigm in the course of constructing harmonious railway;广义项目融资在构建和谐铁路中的应用

3.Based on a Harmonious Railway Construction under the Green Cargo Transportation Organization基于和谐铁路建设下的绿色货物运输组织

4.Promote the Development of Container Transport to Contribute to the Construction of Harmonious Railway Overall and Deeply;推动集装箱铁路运输又好又快发展 为全面深入推进和谐铁路建设多作贡献

5.Capturing the historical opportunity to accelerate railway reform and development,making strides to make a harmonious railway construction environment抓住难得历史机遇 加快铁路改革发展 进一步开创和谐铁路建设新局面

6.Earnestly carrying out the spirit of the Party s Seventeenth NPC Further create the new situation of harmonious railway construction;认真贯彻落实党的十七大精神 进一步开创和谐铁路建设的新局面

7.Try our best to safeguard the safety of the sixth speed-up and the further development of harmonious railway construction;全力确保提速持续安全 为推进和谐铁路建设提供可靠保障

8.To strengthen planning and research to map grand blueprint and promote harmonious railway construction rapidly and soundly加强规划研究 绘就宏伟蓝图 又好又快推进和谐铁路建设

9.Exploration of building harmonious enterprises by state-owned enterprises国有铁路施工企业构建和谐企业初探

10.The Research of Influence to the Line Protection and Bus Protection in Power System with Harmonics and Negative Generated by the Electrical Railway电铁供电谐波和负序对电力系统线路与母线保护的影响研究

11.Evaluation Report on the Harmonic Wave and Negative-sequence(Fundamental Wave)from Shudigou Traction Substation of Datong-Zhungeeer Railway大准铁路黍地沟牵引变电站谐波和负序(基波)评估报告

12.The Harmonious Development Way in Hebei Iron and Steel Industry--To Observe the Predicting from China’s Apparent Consumption of Steel;河北钢铁工业和谐发展之路——从我国钢铁表观消费量的预测情况来看

13.Simulation Study on High-Order Harmonic Resonance in Traction Power Supply System of High-Speed Railway高速铁路牵引供电系统高次谐波谐振仿真研究

14.Design and Research on Harmonic Treatment of Electrified Railway电气化铁路谐波治理工程设计与研究

15.The railway line runs parallel with / to the highway.铁路线和那条公路平行。

16.Harmonious Ethics Supporting Harmonious Society and Its Way;和谐伦理支撑和谐社会及其路径分析

17."Harmony Human": the selection of the path to harmonious society“和谐人”:走向和谐社会的路径选择

18.A man employed to inspect and repair railroad tracks.铁路养路工检查和修理铁轨的工人


harmonious railway construction和谐铁路建设

1.Earnestly carrying out the spirit of the Party s Seventeenth NPC Further create the new situation ofharmonious railway construction;认真贯彻落实党的十七大精神 进一步开创和谐铁路建设的新局面

2.Grasp the rare opportunities by recognizing current situation to facilitate the joint development of multiple operation and transportation business in the process ofharmonious railway construction;认清面临形势 抓住难得机遇 在和谐铁路建设中推进多元经营与运输主业相互促进共同发展

3.Capturing the historical opportunity to accelerate railway reform and development,making strides to make aharmonious railway construction environment抓住难得历史机遇 加快铁路改革发展 进一步开创和谐铁路建设新局面

3)highway and railway公路和铁路

4)harmonics in electrified railways电气化铁路谐波

1.With regard to the two technical methods aiming at alleviating the effect ofharmonics in electrified railways,a calculation equation is proposed to establish such quantitative relations,with comparison of examples.计算数据表明,机车的功补装置有利于电气化铁路谐波问题的合理解决。

5)ferromagnetic resonance circuit铁磁谐振电路

6)ferroresonant computing circuit铁谐振计算线路


