900字范文 > 技术规范 Technical specification英语短句 例句大全

技术规范 Technical specification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 03:43:43


技术规范 Technical specification英语短句 例句大全

技术规范,Technical specification

1)Technical specification技术规范

1.Analysis of technical specification about single-phase multi-rate electric watt-hour meter;单相多费率电能表达技术规范的分析

2.Research of Manufacture Information Engineering Technical Specification;制造业信息化技术规范研究

3.Function and technical specification of digital language lab数字化语音室的功能和技术规范


1.Technical code for engineering survey in beach-shallow sea滩海工程测量技术规范

2.Technical code for building foundation treatment建筑地基处理技术规范

3.Technical code for maintenance of inland river navigation channels内河航道维护技术规范

4.Technical code for construction of highway subgrades公路路基施工技术规范

5.Specifications for electronic chartsGB15702-1995电子海图技术规范

6.Technical code for aerial rope-way engineering架空索道工程技术规范

7.Technical code for construction of highway tunnel公路隧道施工技术规范

8.Technical code for strengthening steel structures钢结构加固技术规范

9.Technical specification of pipeline system for beach-shallow sea滩海管道系统技术规范

10.Technical code for brick silos砖砌圆筒仓技术规范

11.Technical code for assembly steel formworks组合钢模板技术规范

12.specified grading技术规范中指定级配

13.Technical Code for flexible pier railway bridge铁路柔性墩桥技术规范

14.There were many technology standard about component technology.构件技术有多种技术规范可以使用。

15.Research of OPC Specification and HMI Interface Technology;OPC技术规范的研究及其与HMI接口技术

16.Research and Implementation Specification of Citizen Card;北京市民卡技术规范关键技术研究与实现

17.Storing Distance Learning Technical Specifications XML Binding Documents Use RDBMS远程教育技术规范XML文档关系数据库存储技术

18.Technical code for water supply and sewerage of petroleum engineering in beach-shallow sea滩海石油工程给水排水技术规范


technical code技术规范

1.Set uptechnical code for building joint sealant to realize optimal sealing design;建立建筑接缝密封技术规范 实现建筑接缝最佳密封设计

2.Discussion on some regulations of "technical code for waterproofing of und erground works;关于《地下工程防水技术规范》有关规定的商榷

3.It emphasized the comparison among currenttechnical codes and pointed out some problems.本文介绍了我国水电工程安全监测标准化和立法概况,重点对我国各种现行水电工程安全监测技术规范进行了对比分析,指出了标准体系目前所存在的问题。

3)technical standard技术规范

1.The development of food safety home and abroad and its maintechnical standards are analyzed.对国内外食品安全发展的状况、主要技术规范进行了比较分析,并提出了影响食品安全的主要因素。

2.The author makes an approach to certain technical problems found in the presenttechnical standard of safety monitoring of concrete dams according to the current dam safety monitoring practice and the author s knowledge of dam safety.根据目前大坝安全监测的事实,结合作者对大坝安全的认识,对现行混凝土大坝安全监测技术规范中的几个技术问题进行了探讨。

3.This paper briefly introduces the meaning of thetechnical standards, and probes into the necessity of thegeneration of thetechnical standard from three aspects of the theoretical guidance needed by the technical practice, thelimitation ofthe scientific standard in the technical field, and the existence ofthe technical problem, etc.简要介绍了技术规范的含义,从技术实践需要理论指导、科学规范在技术领域的局限性和技术问题的存在三方面探讨了技术规范产生的必要性。

4)technical criterion技术规范

1.Approach of relative subjects on establishment and improvement of China s framework oftechnical criterion of fertilizer evaluation;建立与完善我国肥料评价技术规范体系若干问题的探讨

2.Thetechnical criterion for identification and evaluation of drought-resistance has been proposed.为统一旱稻抗旱性鉴定评价标准,全国农技推广中心委托研究制定“旱稻抗旱性鉴定评价技术规范”。

3.By analyzing the characteristics of automobile air-condition maintenance and the use of refrig-erant,thetechnical criterion of callback,cleansing,pouring,checkout and other operations on refrigerant are researched and indicated,which will check the release and consumption of refrigerant,so it is an effe.通过对汽车空调维修特点及制冷剂使用的分析,研究提出制冷剂回收、净化、加注、检验作业等技术规范,能够遏制制冷剂的释放与消耗,是汽车维修业保护臭氧层、减少温室气体排放的有效措施。


ments on designspecifications for box girder of crane;对起重机箱形梁设计技术规范的一些看法

2.Specification is an enforced requlation which is scientifically made,Disputed problems should not be listed in thespecification.对振冲技术规范中有关护桩设置、承载力深度修正系数确定、应力比选定、填料级配及粒径进行了探讨。

3.This paper introduces the related concepts ofspecification, taxonomy, instance about XBRL, shows the core thinking of dealing with financial statements by XBRL technology, through a example which is data mapping from tables to XML, XML files parsed forming XBRL files, presenting XBRL files through XSLT displays the whole process that is financial statements implement network sharing.介绍通用业务报告语言XBRL中的技术规范、分类标准和实例文档的相关概念,对其在财务报表处理过程中的核心思想进行分析,通过实例描述财务报表映射为XML文档、XML解析生成标准XBRL实例文档和XSLT展示XBRL文档的3个步骤和财务报表实现网络共享的全过程。

6)technical specifications技术规范

1.The article contrasts and comment on 10 revised contents of the road petrol asphalttechnical specifications in Part IV of the new standard.针对原《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》(JTJ032-1994)已跟不上公路建设的需要,交通部组织对其进行了修订,制定新的《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》(JTGF40-)。


《中华蜜蜂活框饲养技术规范》《中华蜜蜂活框饲养技术规范》The Standard for Keeping and Management Technology of Chinese Bee Apis cerana cerananology of Chinese Bee AP台cera朋ee枷区)饲养中华蜜蜂的国家专业标准(ZBB47001一88)。内容包括:名词术语,中蜂场基本操作技术,繁殖期管理,流蜜期管理,短途转地放蜂,渡复管理,越冬管理以及附录(过箱操作技术,主要病虫害症状鉴别)等。这是一项全面系统的中华蜜蜂活框饲养技术规范。1989年5月开始推行。由中国农业科学院蜜绮研究所负责实施及解释。(杨冠垃),.,二,口惟词界技术规范》(Thda记for Keenin口会ndM,n,。。一一‘e Stan·
