900字范文 > BiFeO3/PbTiO3多层薄膜 BiFeO3/PbTiO3 multilayer film英语短句 例句大全

BiFeO3/PbTiO3多层薄膜 BiFeO3/PbTiO3 multilayer film英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-15 23:20:04


BiFeO3/PbTiO3多层薄膜 BiFeO3/PbTiO3 multilayer film英语短句 例句大全

BiFeO3/PbTiO3多层薄膜,BiFeO3/PbTiO3 multilayer film

1)BiFeO3/PbTiO3 multilayer filmBiFeO3/PbTiO3多层薄膜

2)BiFeO3 filmBiFeO3薄膜

1.BiFeO3 films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by sol-gel process and using Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and Fe(NO3)3·9H2O as starting materials.9H2O为原料,用溶胶-凝胶方法在Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si制备了BiFeO3薄膜。

2.BiFeO3 film and 10 % La A site substitutedBiFeO3 films were prepared on LaNiO3 bottom electrode by sol-gel process.用溶胶-凝胶方法在LaNiO3底电极上制备了纯的和10%A位La替代的BiFeO3薄膜。

3.TheBiFeO3 films were deposited on LaNiO3 coated SiO2/Si substrates by different annealing technology by Sol-Gel process.采用溶胶-凝胶(Sol-Gel)法,在LaNiO3包覆的SiO2/Si衬底上采用不同退火工艺制备了BiFeO3薄膜。

3)PbTiO_3 thin filmPbTiO3薄膜

1.According to the authors developed three dimensional model and related algorithm for the simulation of multi-element oxide thin film(see authors another paper),a pack of simulation software was developed,and the simulated initial morphology ofPbTiO_3 thin films under different deposition conditions was reported in this paper.根据本文作者提出的基于Monte Carlo方法模拟多元氧化物薄膜生长的三维模型及模拟算法(详见另文),编制了模拟软件,并以PbTiO3薄膜为例模拟了多元氧化物薄膜生长初期的表面形貌。

2.Simulation of the growth ofPbTiO_3 thin film by Monte Carlo method Ⅰ:model and algorithm;提出了一种基于Monte Carlo方法的模拟多元氧化物薄膜生长的三维模型及模拟算法,并以模拟PbTiO3薄膜的生长为例加以说明。

4)BiFeO3-SrBi2Nb2O9 ferroelectric thin filmsBiFeO3-SrBi2Nb2O9铁电薄膜

5)multilayer films多层薄膜

1.TiN/TiCNmultilayer films have been deposited on HSS,SS and Cu substrates by arc ion plating (AIP) at different biases with other parameters kept constants.用电弧离子镀方法在高速钢、不锈钢与铜基体上沉积合成TiN/TiCN多层薄膜 ,在其他参数不变的情况下只改变负偏压 ,着重考察不同负偏压下薄膜的沉积温度、膜基结合强度、显微硬度以及表面形貌等 ,研究基体负偏压在沉积多层薄膜中所起的作用。


1.Theory of Interlayer Exchange Coupling in F/NM Multilayers Film;铁磁/非铁磁多层薄膜的层间耦合理论

2.Solid State Reaction Mechanism in Interfaces of Fe/Ti Nanometer-Scale Multilayers;Fe/Ti纳米多层薄膜界面反应机制研究

3.The Properties of Photoluminescence of LiNbO_3/SiO_2/Si Multilayer Films;LiNbO_3/SiO_2/Si多层薄膜光致发光性能研究

4.Nonlinear Diffusion Kinetics in Nanometer-scale Multilayers;纳米多层薄膜非线性扩散动力学研究

5.Ferroelectric property of BiFeO_3/PbTiO_3 multilayer filmPbTiO_3/BiFeO_3多层薄膜的铁电性质

6.Ti/DLC multilayer synthesized using plasma immersion ion implantation and depositionPIIID技术制备Ti/DLC纳米多层薄膜

7.The Preparation and Properties of Unsupported Al Films and Au/Gd Multilayer Films;无支撑铝膜及金钆多层薄膜的制备及性能研究

8.Superhard Multilayer Films Prepared by Pulsed Bias Arc Ion Plating;脉冲偏压电弧离子镀沉积超硬多层薄膜

9.Modulation Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Fe/Cu Nanometer-scale Multilayers;Fe/Cu纳米多层薄膜调制结构及力学行为研究

10.Structural Characterization and Evolution during Thermal Annealing for Fe/Ti Nanometer-scale Multilayers;Fe/Ti纳米多层薄膜的结构及其退火行为研究

11.The Study and Evaluation of Multi-layer Films Preparation on Surface of Nickel Titanium Alloy;镍钛合金表面多层薄膜的制备研究与评价

12.Preparation and Characterization of Modulation Structure for Fe/Ti Nanometer-scale Multilayers;Fe/Ti纳米多层薄膜制备及其调制结构研究

13.Interface roughness of multilayer dielectric optical thin film多层介质薄膜膜层间界面粗糙度及光散射

14.High-K Ferroelectric Films and Multilayers Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition;脉冲激光法制备高介电系数铁电薄膜和多层膜

15.Study on Deposition and Analysis of LiNbO_3 and h-BN Films for Multilayered SAW;多层膜声表面波器件LiNbO_3、h-BN薄膜的制备及分析

16.Analysis and Deposition of AlN Films for High Frequency Multilayered SAW Devices;适用于多层膜高频SAW器件的AlN薄膜制备与表征

17.Preparation and Properties of NbN Thin Films and NbN/SiN_x Nano-multilayers;NbN薄膜和NbN/SiN_x纳米多层膜的制备及性能研究

18.Preparation of L1_0-FePt film for perpendicular magnetic recording media by using FePt/Au mutilayers利用FePt/Au多层膜结构制备垂直磁记录L1_0-FePt薄膜


BiFeO3 filmBiFeO3薄膜

1.BiFeO3 films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by sol-gel process and using Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and Fe(NO3)3·9H2O as starting materials.9H2O为原料,用溶胶-凝胶方法在Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si制备了BiFeO3薄膜。

2.BiFeO3 film and 10 % La A site substitutedBiFeO3 films were prepared on LaNiO3 bottom electrode by sol-gel process.用溶胶-凝胶方法在LaNiO3底电极上制备了纯的和10%A位La替代的BiFeO3薄膜。

3.TheBiFeO3 films were deposited on LaNiO3 coated SiO2/Si substrates by different annealing technology by Sol-Gel process.采用溶胶-凝胶(Sol-Gel)法,在LaNiO3包覆的SiO2/Si衬底上采用不同退火工艺制备了BiFeO3薄膜。

3)PbTiO_3 thin filmPbTiO3薄膜

1.According to the authors developed three dimensional model and related algorithm for the simulation of multi-element oxide thin film(see authors another paper),a pack of simulation software was developed,and the simulated initial morphology ofPbTiO_3 thin films under different deposition conditions was reported in this paper.根据本文作者提出的基于Monte Carlo方法模拟多元氧化物薄膜生长的三维模型及模拟算法(详见另文),编制了模拟软件,并以PbTiO3薄膜为例模拟了多元氧化物薄膜生长初期的表面形貌。

2.Simulation of the growth ofPbTiO_3 thin film by Monte Carlo method Ⅰ:model and algorithm;提出了一种基于Monte Carlo方法的模拟多元氧化物薄膜生长的三维模型及模拟算法,并以模拟PbTiO3薄膜的生长为例加以说明。

4)BiFeO3-SrBi2Nb2O9 ferroelectric thin filmsBiFeO3-SrBi2Nb2O9铁电薄膜

5)multilayer films多层薄膜

1.TiN/TiCNmultilayer films have been deposited on HSS,SS and Cu substrates by arc ion plating (AIP) at different biases with other parameters kept constants.用电弧离子镀方法在高速钢、不锈钢与铜基体上沉积合成TiN/TiCN多层薄膜 ,在其他参数不变的情况下只改变负偏压 ,着重考察不同负偏压下薄膜的沉积温度、膜基结合强度、显微硬度以及表面形貌等 ,研究基体负偏压在沉积多层薄膜中所起的作用。

6)multilayer thin film多层薄膜

1.A method for calculating reflection factor ofmultilayer thin film on metallic background is deduced by calculating characteristic matrix ofmultilayer thin film structure and using microwave network ideas.通过计算多层薄膜结构的特征矩阵,应用微波网络的思想导出了金属背景多层薄膜结构反射系数的计算方法,并举例验证了该计算方法的正确性,为金属背景多层薄膜结构电磁散射的近似计算提供了理论基础。


