900字范文 > 切割天井 incise courtyard英语短句 例句大全

切割天井 incise courtyard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 20:47:37


切割天井 incise courtyard英语短句 例句大全

切割天井,incise courtyard

1)incise courtyard切割天井

1.adopting middling deep hole scanty contrast blast formincise courtyard once,to accelerate mining intension ,to assure normal production safety.采用中深孔微差爆破一次形成切割天井,加快采矿强度,确保生产安全。

2)inclined cutting raise heading倾斜切割天井

1.Study and application ofinclined cutting raise heading together with inclined medium or deep hole kerve;倾斜切割天井与中深孔联合拉槽的研究

3)Cut raise切割井

4)incise incline切割天并

5)pull open grooving without grooving well无切割井拉槽

6)continuous sidewall core cutter连续式井壁岩心切割器


1.continuous sidewall core cutter连续式井壁岩心切割器

2.hard rock coring tool坚硬岩石井壁取心器

3.gas generated press sidewall coring tool产气压入式井壁取心器

4.electrically driven rotary sidewall sampler电动钻进式井壁取心器

5.side wall coring gun射入式取心器井壁取心枪

6.crimp-and-cleave lensed fiber optic connector压接-切割式透镜型光纤连接器

7.rotary sidewall coring tool旋转或旋进式井壁取心器

8.sickle-bar mower往复式切割器割草机

9.hookwall compression-set packer井壁式压缩座封封隔器

10.Layer value technology study on successive lithology profiles logging of exploration evaluation wells勘探评价井连续岩性剖面测井分层取值技术

11.In printing, to separate continuous-form paper into discrete sheets using a burster.在印刷技术中,用裁纸器将连续形式的纸分割成单张纸。

12.Contrast Test and Study on Disc Cutter of Sandy Shrub Harvester;沙生灌木圆盘式切割器切割对比试验研究

13.Technology Research on Extending Core Length of Hollow DTH Reverse Circulation Continuous Coring Drilling;贯通式潜孔锤反循环连续取心钻进提高岩心长度技术研究

14.continuous slot pipe base screen有连续割缝中心管的绕丝筛管

15.The influence factor analysis of rotary sidewall coring recovery rate旋转式井壁取心收获率影响因素分析

16.The wall is, also here, commonly talcose, and the beds of phyllite are cut and dragged by the movements.墙壁,这里也是,一般是滑石化的,千枚岩层被运动所切割、拖曳。

17.Discontinuities or weakness planes are those structural features which separate intact rock blocks within a rock mass.不连续面或弱面指在岩体内分割完整岩石的那些构造形迹。

18.Optimization Study on Working Parameters of Sugarcane Harvester Discal Cutter;甘蔗收割机圆盘式切割器工作参数优化研究


inclined cutting raise heading倾斜切割天井

1.Study and application ofinclined cutting raise heading together with inclined medium or deep hole kerve;倾斜切割天井与中深孔联合拉槽的研究

3)Cut raise切割井

4)incise incline切割天并

5)pull open grooving without grooving well无切割井拉槽

6)continuous sidewall core cutter连续式井壁岩心切割器


