900字范文 > 直接工程费 Direct Project Costs英语短句 例句大全

直接工程费 Direct Project Costs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 09:02:44


直接工程费 Direct Project Costs英语短句 例句大全

直接工程费,Direct Project Costs

1)Direct Project Costs直接工程费


1.The Research on Monitoring Direct Costs of the Project by Construction Enterprise Project Management施工企业项目管理中直接工程费的监控研究

2.Direct costs are those that form the part of the product, e.g. direct labor, direct materials and direct expenses.直接成本是构成产品实体的成本,如直接人工、直接材料和直接费用。

3.direct work"直接用工工程,见 force account"

4.Labor and factory overhead known as conversion cost, are often through the process.直接人工、制造费用是转换成本,整个生产过程都要发生。

5.Prime costs represent the costs of direct material and of direct labor.主要成本中包含了直接材料和直接人工费用。

6.The cost relates directly to the amount of time spent on the job.费用与工作所耗的时间直接相关。

7.Variances for factory overhead are generally more difficult to understand than those for direct materials and direct labor.制造费用差异比直接材料差异和直接人工差异更难理解。

8.Trade Union Funds Should be Directly Paid by Union Members Instead of Paid by Enterprise;工会经费应从拨缴制改为由会员直接交纳制

9.capital assistance [Direct Subsidy Scheme]工程设备资助〔直接资助计划〕

10.Direct Calculation of Structural Strength and Optimization Design Based on Engineering Ship;工程船结构强度直接计算及优化研究

puter Drawing Used Directly in the Teaching of Engineering Drawing;计算机绘图直接应用于工程制图教学

12.On project practice for direct weighting in long-distance water pipeline长距离输水管道直接加压的工程实践

13.Soil Heat Characteristic Test of Grounding System in Dc Transmission Line直流输电工程接地极土壤热特性测试

14.Fixture straight screwconnection technology in the engineering钢筋直螺纹连接技术在工程中的应用

15.Connects the processes in the workflow flowchart by using straight or curved lines.在工作流程图中用直线或曲线连接各个进程。

16.The Region has three characteristics:1.Main indusries in the region are immediate consumable industries andassembly type machinery industries.该区有三个特点:1.以直接消费品工业和装配型机械工业为主;

17.Welding Process of Pipeline with Diameter of 1219 mm in India East to West Gas Transmission Pipeline Project印度东气西输工程直径1219mm管道焊接工艺

18.The design of access road of large-scale hydropower station could directly influence its cost and construction progress, as well as local society and economy.大型水电工程对外交通设计直接影响工程造价和施工进度。


indirect construction cost工程间接费

3)direct labor hour rate直接人工小时费用率

4)direct cost直接费用

1.This paper dissertates thedirect cost of anticorrosion construction in inner and outer surfaces of Maocaojie-bridge steel tube arch,and discusses how to control construction cost in arc-spraying anticorrosion of steel structures.本文对茅草街大桥钢管拱内、外表面防护施工直接费用进行了详细论述,探讨钢结构电弧喷涂防腐施工应如何进行成本控制。

5)direct cost直接费

1.On the relation between construction management anddirect costs;浅谈施工管理与直接费的关系

2.Through comparison between two calculating methods of the cost, this paper managed to find the inflexion ofdirect cost of tanks overhaul quota for using in determination of the cost of scaffold building and removing.通过对石化企业中储罐检修脚手架搭拆费用计算的两种方法的比较,试图找出储罐检修定额直接费的交叉点,以方便甲乙双方在确定脚手架搭拆费用方法时选用。

3.Calculating thedirect cost correctly and reasonably will help protect the legal economical interests of both the construction contractors and employers.直接费索赔是建筑承包商进行费用索赔的重点、难点,在直接费索赔计算工作中做到准确、有理、有据,能够更好地维护承包商和业主双方的合法经济利益。

6)straight-fee system直接费制


