900字范文 > 底盘抵抗线 bottom burden英语短句 例句大全

底盘抵抗线 bottom burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-15 10:39:35


底盘抵抗线 bottom burden英语短句 例句大全

底盘抵抗线,bottom burden

1)bottom burden底盘抵抗线

1.It is difficult to precisely collect some important parameters such as bench height,bottom burden and actual burden of frontal line by rough estimation,so weak surface and larger burden would be caused and potential dangers would exist.由于参数采集过程的粗略,很难精确地采集到爆破台阶高度、底盘抵抗线和前排孔的实际抵抗线等一些重要的参数,由此可能产生爆破弱面和抵抗线过大等问题,为爆破安全、质量埋下隐患。

2.The normal formula that confirms deep-hole blastingbottom burden is analyzed.分析了常用深孔爆破底盘抵抗线计算公式。

2)Burden at the toe of holes底部抵抗线

3)small burden小抵抗线

1.Recently,the practice improved that using technique of wide-spacesmall burden blasting can improve the rock crushing,low the big crushing rock rate,reduce the secondary crushing cost.本文介绍了云浮硫铁矿在台阶应用宽孔距小抵抗线爆破技术改善爆破质量,从而降低爆破成本提高经济效益的情况。

2.The holes pattern of wide space,small burden in 4.8m的宽孔距、小抵抗线的孔网参数取代原来的 2 。


1.Testing Study of Effect of Burden on Motion Speed of Interlayer Fill Soil最小抵抗线对层间充填土运动速度影响的实验

2.Test of Large Hole Distance and Small Resistant Line Blasting Technique in Underground Stope大孔距小抵抗线爆破技术在地下中深孔采场中的试验

3.Under-drilling is calculated on the maximum theoretical burden.底部钻凿是按最大理论抵抗线计算。

4.Mitochondria Fusion Protein Mfn2 and Insulin Counteraction线粒体融合蛋白Mfn2与胰导素抵抗

5.Matrix should be of martensite, because it can resist impact and has little deformation.基体应是马氏体,它能抵抗冲击,变形小。

6.Association Between Clopidogrel Resistance and Platelet P2Y_(12) Receptor氯吡格雷抵抗与血小板P2Y_(12)受体

7.High Density Lipoprotein Can Defense Mouse Damage Induced by EndotoxinHDL能抵抗内毒素引起得小鼠损伤

8.Resistance and Reflection:Ecological Fiction As Symptomatology of Modernity抵抗与反思:现代性症候的生态小说

9.Clinical Analysis on Acupoint Catgut-embedding Therapy for Abdominal Obesity;穴位埋线对腹型肥胖患者胰岛素抵抗的影响

10.Improved against off-line dictionary attack password change protocol改进的抵抗离线字典攻击的口令更新协议

11.Scalar Multiplication on ECC Resistant Against SPA and DPA抵抗SPA和DPA的椭圆曲线上点的标量乘法

12.Explosive blasted per delay and burden effects on the time-frequency characteristic of vibration induced by blast爆破振动时频特征的段药量及抵抗线效应

13.After two hours" heavy fighting, we bore down the enemy"s resistance.经过两小时的激战,我们粉碎了敌人的抵抗。

14.She reported German troop movements and organized Resistance groups while caring for goats.一边放羊,一边报告德军的行动,组织抵抗小组。

15.Mice infected with this virus showed no resistance to bacterial pathogens.感染这种病毒的小鼠对致病菌没有抵抗力。

16.Study of the Association between Reticulated Platelets and Aspirin Resistance;网织血小板与阿司匹林抵抗的关系研究

17.The Limit of Resistance;抵抗的限度——以《欲望的旗帜》等三部小说为例

18.Inflammatory Stress Induce Insulin Resistance in the liver in the CD36 Knockout Mice炎症应激加重CD36基因敲除小鼠肝脏胰岛素抵抗


Burden at the toe of holes底部抵抗线

3)small burden小抵抗线

1.Recently,the practice improved that using technique of wide-spacesmall burden blasting can improve the rock crushing,low the big crushing rock rate,reduce the secondary crushing cost.本文介绍了云浮硫铁矿在台阶应用宽孔距小抵抗线爆破技术改善爆破质量,从而降低爆破成本提高经济效益的情况。

2.The holes pattern of wide space,small burden in 4.8m的宽孔距、小抵抗线的孔网参数取代原来的 2 。


1.Explosive blasted per delay and burden effects on the time-frequency characteristic of vibration induced by blast爆破振动时频特征的段药量及抵抗线效应

2.Large holespacing and small burden blast can enlarge the angle of crater, produce an arc free face beneficial to the intensification of reflecting tensile stress and the distribution of velocity field, and enhance the utilization of blasting energy and improve blast efficiency.大孔距小抵抗线爆破技术使爆破漏斗角增大,产生有利于反射拉应力增加及速度场分布的弧形自由面,爆破能量利用率高,爆破效果好。

3.Six causes were analyzed, which are connected with toes after blasting: including geological condition, insufficience in terms of plugging length, burden, charge quantity and subdrilling, and unreasonable initiation technology.以在水泥矿山露天台阶式开采的经验和相关理论为主 ,分析了与产生根底有关的六个方面的原因 :地质条件恶劣、堵塞长度不足、抵抗线太小、装药量不足、超深不足、起爆技术不合理 ,并提出了相应的减少爆后根底的一些对策 ,并列举了一个工程实例。

5)Resistance line抵抗线

1.Determination of heading wall s reasonable resistance line in the case of short delay blasting;微差爆破底盘合理抵抗线的确定

2.The paper had set up the related parameters of the loose blasting with the loose blasting circle, approximated equivalent resistance line and gray decision theory Those related parameters applied to Majiagou Mine of Kailuan were obtained with obvious economic benefits The successful experience of the technology has a certain reference to the mines with the caving mining production应用爆破松动圈、近似等值抵抗线和灰色决策等理论确定松动爆破有关参数,在开滦矿务局马家沟煤矿取得了明显的经济效果。

6)large burder大抵抗线


最小抵抗线最小抵抗线line of least resistancezulx{。0 dlkongxla门最小抵抗线(line、)f least res;st:*nee)在实施岩石爆破时,从装在矿岩内部的药包中心到自由面的最短距离它指示药包在岩石中爆破时,岩石阻力最小的方向。因此,最小抵抗线的方向是爆破时,岩石破碎和移动的主导方向在露天矿台阶爆破中,当台阶的坡面是倾斜面时,为了克服爆破时台阶底盘的过大阻力和减小根底,常用沿底盘面从深孔装药中心到台阶坡底线的最短的水平距离·称为底盘抵抗线〕最小抵抗线的大小表示一次爆破矿岩的体积大小因此,它是计算爆破体积和装药量的主要参数。在矿岩爆破中,为了取得良好的爆破效果,应根据矿岩的物理力学性质、炸药的性能、装药量以及其他爆破参数来正确选取最小抵抗线如果最小抵抗线值选取得过大,由于矿岩的阻力过大,容易产生“冲天炮”,矿岩不易崩下来,即使崩落下来也会产生过多的大块;如果选取的最小抵抗线值过小,‘方面浪费了炸药.增加r爆破的费用,另一方面,由于岩块抛移过远,会降低装载效率,甚至出现个别飞石而引起爆破事故。由于矿岩爆破是一个极其复杂的过程,在选取最小抵抗线时,多采用类比法,即采用类似工程的经验数据;或者采用经验公式计算、然后用生产试验或小型试验获得的数据来修正
