900字范文 > 亚分级 inferior classification英语短句 例句大全

亚分级 inferior classification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-09 05:08:50


亚分级 inferior classification英语短句 例句大全

亚分级,inferior classification

1)inferior classification亚分级

1.Meantime,we get the discipline when the phyllite encourter water,by which we raised theinferior classification of phyllite.并由此延伸提出了适合千枚岩的亚分级。


1.An algorithm for GPS baseline processing in precision ofsub-decimeter亚分米级GPS基线解算新算法

3)flax grader亚麻分级工

4)sub-level classification围岩亚级分级


1.Methods for surrounding rock sub-classification of road tunnels公路隧道岩质围岩亚级分级方法研究

2.Study on Rock Mass Sub-Classification in Construction Stage for Road Tunnel;公路隧道施工阶段岩体围岩亚级分级研究

3.Study of quantification theory of rocky surrounding rock sub-classification during construction岩质围岩施工阶段亚级分级的数量化理论研究

4.Study of Sub Class of Rock Mass in Construction Moment Based on Theroy of Qualification;基于数量化理论的岩质围岩施工阶段亚级分级方法研究

ments on the Classification of Surrounding Rocks for Road Tunnels公路隧道围岩分级中存在问题的探讨

6.Classification and Mechanical Properties of Surrounding Rocks at Expansion Project of Yantan Hydropower Station岩滩水电站扩建工程围岩分级及其力学特性

7.Discussion and Analyses on the Fitness of Classification for Highly-stressed Surrounding Rocks高地应力围岩分级方法适宜性分析探讨

8.System Research of Surrounding Rock Mass Dynamic Classification in Highway Tunnel of Construction State;高速公路隧道施工阶段围岩动态分级系统研究

9.The Methods of Surrounding Rock Classification and Their Application in the Expressway Tunnel of Mountainous Area;山区高速公路隧道围岩分级方法及应用研究

10.Study on the Mechanical Parameters and the Method of Rockmass Classification of Sandy Surrounding Rock of Tunnel;砂质土隧道围岩力学参数及分级方法研究

11.Development and Application of the Surrounding Rock Intelligent Classfication System on Long Tunnel长大隧道围岩智能分级系统开发与应用

12.Rock Classification of Diversion Tunnel Study of Jinping Ⅱ Hydropower Station in Yalong River雅砻江锦屏二级水电站引水隧洞围岩分类研究

13.Tunnel Surrounding Rock Classification based on Gray Theory基于灰色聚类法的下洲隧道围岩分级研究

14.Several problems should be noted in surrounding rock classification of railway tunnel in the loess region黄土地区铁路隧道围岩分级应注意的几个问题

15.Application of Uncertainty Average Clustering Measurement Model to Classification of Tunnel Surrounding Rock隧道围岩分级判别的未确知均值聚类模型

16.On the smooth blasting technique used in the Ⅲ-class and Ⅳ-class surrounding rock of karst region tunnel石灰岩地区隧道Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级围岩光面爆破施工

17.Study on Surrounding Rock Dynamic Classification and Reasonable Supporting Schemes for Freeway Tunnel under Construction in Soft Surrounding Rock石灰岩地区高速公路隧道围岩动态分级与支护合理性研究

18.Author points out that correct classification directly influences the construction and operation safety of tunnel.指出围岩分级的正确与否直接影响着隧道施工和运营的安全。



1.An algorithm for GPS baseline processing in precision ofsub-decimeter亚分米级GPS基线解算新算法

3)flax grader亚麻分级工

4)sub-level classification围岩亚级分级

5)LBP sub-fraction枸杞多糖亚级分

1.In order to understand more about their structures and functions, the studies were conducted on the extraction, purification, and structural elucidation of them, and on the valuation of their functions with total LBP (LBPt), LBP fractions,LBP sub-fractions, and .目的:提取、分离、纯化枸杞多糖(Lycium barbarrum polysaccharide,LBP),研究枸杞多糖亚级分的组成和结构特点及枸杞总多糖、枸杞多糖级分和亚级分的抗氧化、抗衰老活性,评价枸杞多糖口含片的延缓衰老和抗疲劳保健功能。

6)sub-micron grading machine亚微米分级机

1.This paper analyzes the structure,working methods,theoretical research,and several other aspects of the UT360-sub-micron grading machine and introduces the application ofsub-micron grading machine and the broad prospects of such machinery on the market.从UT360型亚微米分级机的结构组成、工作方式、理论研究等方面进行了分析,介绍了亚微米分级机在工程实际中的应用及此类机械的发展前景。


alpha-亚麻酸分子式:C18H30O2分子量:278.43CAS号:463-40-1性质:密度0.914。熔点-11°C。沸点230-232°C (1 mmHg)。折射率1.480。水溶性INSOLUBLE。
