900字范文 > 偏压小净距隧道 unsymmetrical loading neighborhood tunnel英语短句 例句大全

偏压小净距隧道 unsymmetrical loading neighborhood tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-11 18:27:57


偏压小净距隧道 unsymmetrical loading neighborhood tunnel英语短句 例句大全

偏压小净距隧道,unsymmetrical loading neighborhood tunnel

1)unsymmetrical loading neighborhood tunnel偏压小净距隧道

2)Closely spaced bias double-tube tunnel小净距偏压隧道

3)symmetrically loaded closely-spaced tunnel偏压小间距隧道


1.A Study of Computation Model with Load-structure Method for Unsymmetrically Loaded Closely-spaced Tunnel;偏压小间距隧道的荷载结构特性研究

2.The Stress and Deformation Analysis of Closely Spaced Tunnel with Shallow Depth, Partial Pressed and Altitude Differences;浅埋偏压错台小间距隧道应力变形分析

3.Dynamic simulation analysis of displacement field of bias closely spaced tunnel with altitude difference偏压、错台小间距隧道施工位移场动态模拟分析

4.Application of the heterotypic shaped sets of arch in the tunnel entranced hole with small spacing shallow section and bias异型套拱在隧道洞口小净距浅埋偏压段的应用

5.Model Test on Mechanical Behavior of Two Shallow-buried Closely-spaced Tunnels at Different Elevations Under Unsymmetrical Load偏压错台小净距隧道力学性态相似模型试验

6.A Study on Calculation Method of Surrounding Rock Pressure About Deep-Buried Tunnel with Small Spacing深埋小净距隧道围岩压力计算方法研究

7.Monitoring and Measurement Technology of the Emergence of Shallow Buried Unsysmmetrical Loaded Small Guide Hole浅埋偏压隧道小导洞出洞施工与监控量测技术

8.Numerical Simulation for Construction of the Small Spacing Tunnel on Adverse Geological Conditions;恶劣地质条件下小间距隧道施工的数值模拟

9.Study on Pivotal Techniques of Neighborhood Tunnel in Complicated Environment;复杂环境下小间距隧道施工控制关键技术研究

10.Study on Dynamic Response during the Small Spacing Tunnels Blasting Excavation;小间距隧道施工过程中的动力响应研究

11.Application of Block Theory to the Stability of Rock Mass Surrounding Closely-Spaced Tunnel小间距隧道围岩局部稳定性的块体理论分析

12.Damage Control Research of Seismic Effect from Small Spacing Tunnels Blasting小间距隧道爆破地震效应的损伤控制研究


14.Study of Reasonable Minimum Spacing and Supporting on Small Clear Distance Tunnel;小净距隧道最小合理净距及支护研究

15.Numerical Analysis of the Asymmetrical Pressure on a Tunnel Embedded in Geologically Bedding Strata;地质顺层偏压隧道偏压作用的数值分析

16.FLAC~(3D) Numerical Simulation of Surface Subsidence and Adjacent Rock Deforming Caused by Backfill Grouting in Double-Tube Shield Tunnel with Small Spacing小间距双线盾构隧道壁后注浆对地表及围岩变形的FLAC~(3D)数值模拟

17.On ventilation technology in tunnel construction of small-section and long-distance pipes小断面长距离管道隧道施工通风技术

18.The Application of the CRD Method to the Bulongqing Tunnel布陇箐隧道浅埋偏压洞口段施工技术


Closely spaced bias double-tube tunnel小净距偏压隧道

3)symmetrically loaded closely-spaced tunnel偏压小间距隧道

4)small spacing tunnel小净距隧道

1.Construction Monitoring of the Small Spacing Tunnel and Numerical Simulation of Wall Rock s Stability;小净距隧道的施工监控量测和围岩稳定性的数值模拟研究

2.As large scale construction of highways in West China,moresmall spacing tunnels have been adopted due to the limitation of landscape.随着西部高速公路的大规模建设,受地形和施工场地的限制,小净距隧道已越来越多地在工程实际中使用。

3.Small spacing tunnel are highly accepted in recent years by civil engineers for certain advant.我国地形、地质条件复杂,山岭区所占比重极大,高等级公路建设,铁路的建设中大量遇到隧道工程,由于特殊地质及地形条件的限制,隧道间距一般都难以满足普通技术规范要求,因此需要采用小净距隧道及连拱隧道等特殊结构型式。

5)small-distance tunnel小净距隧道

1.On the construction of Jiuqusmall-distance tunnel;浅谈九曲小净距隧道的施工

2.Numerical simulation analysis of little tremie grouting effect while construction of going into portal atsmall-distance tunnel;小净距隧道施工小导管注浆效果的数值模拟分析

6)small clear distance tunnel小净距隧道

1.Taking the project of Wulongsmall clear distance tunnel driving blasting in Yu-chang high speed highway as the background,used FLAC3D numerical simulation to analyze the vibration effects on surrounding rock in the situation of tunnel driving blasting.以渝长高速公路武隆小净距隧道掘进爆破为背景,应用FLAC3D数值模拟法进行隧道掘进爆破条件下的前洞围岩振动效应分析。

2.The features ofsmall clear distance tunnel are as following, its floor area is less than separated one,cost is less than multi-arch tunnel,shape is beautiful,but,it is difficult to construct,and need more technology.小净距隧道的主要特点是比分离式隧道占地少,比连拱式隧道造价低,造型美观;但施工难度大,技术含量高。

3.There are a great many of tunnels in high-grade highway,it is necessary to adopt thesmall clear distance tunnel.针对我国在高等级公路建设中大量遇到隧道工程,需要采用小净距隧道等特殊结构的型式,就小净距隧道的最小合理净距、开挖方法,以及爆破震动控制等问题展开讨论,对于小净距隧道的安全施工和防震具有现实意义。


