900字范文 > 统计素养 statistical literacy英语短句 例句大全

统计素养 statistical literacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-29 19:32:08


统计素养 statistical literacy英语短句 例句大全

统计素养,statistical literacy

1)statistical literacy统计素养

1.Probing into the transformation from low to high comprehension levels,it is showed that the experimental class students comprehension level is higher than the comparison class students developingstatistical literacy,which can be used in the statistics teaching.教学实验结果显示,教学实验从整体上提高了学生对统计量的理解水平,促进了学生统计观念的形成,探索出了提高初中生统计素养的教学策略,这对统计量内容的教学很有启发。

2.Various countries have attached great importance to "statistical education", and it has become a hotspot in international mathematics education to carry out studies on statistics teaching and learning from the perspective of "statistical literacy".随着各国对“统计教育”的日益重视,从“统计素养”的角度开展的统计教与学的研究已经成为国际数学教育的一个热点内容。

3.It is necessary and urgent to initiate a discussion on how to develop students\"statistical literacy in statistics education.文章在文献研究的基础上,提出统计素养的一个构成模型,指出生成统计素养的元素和影响统计素养表现的因素,并以"变异性"概念为例,论述了在概率统计教学中培养学生统计素养的设想。


1.Research on Teaching Strategy of Improving Rural Middle School Students Statistical Literacy;提高农村初中生统计素养教学策略研究

2.An Empirical Investigation on Statistical Literacy of Grade One Students of a Key Senior High School in Shandong Province山东省某重点高中高一学生统计素养状况的调查研究

3.Research on the Methods of Cultivating University Students Information Literacy in Statistics Teaching and Learning;统计学教学中大学生信息素质培养方法探讨

4.The Design of Database Application on Transform from Food Consumption to Nutrients of Chinese Residents;中国居民食物消费与营养素转换数据库应用系统的设计开发

5.Statistic Research on Scientific Accomplishment of the College Students Majoring in Science Education;综合理科教育专业学生科学素养调查统计分析研究

6.Statistic Research on Scientific Accomplishment of Junior School Teachers of Science Courses in Yangzhou;扬州市部分初中理科教师科学素养调查统计及分析

7.Cultivation of students′ quality and ability in statistics at medical universities and colleges;浅谈医学院校学生统计学教学与素质和能力的培养

8.He Searching for Methods of Cultivating Students" Ability and Quality in the Teaching of Probability and Statistics of Vocational and Technical College高职高专概率统计教学中探索培养学生能力与素质的方法

9.Geostatistics and GIS-based Spatial Distribution of Microelements in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area基于地统计学和GIS的三峡库区土壤微量营养元素空间变异性研究

puterized management maintenance systems计算机化管理保养系统

11.On the Writing Accomplishment--The Unification of Writing Ability and Emotional Accomplishment;写作素养论——写作能力与情意素养的统一

12.The statistical discrepancy exists between fBMSCs and293 cells cultured with culture medium Added Tetracycline HCl.培养液中加入四环素的骨髓间充质干细胞和293细胞的增殖有统计学上的差异。

13.According to the statistical result of the data provided by thequestionnaire, the paper analyses the current state about informationliteracy of teaching administrator.通过对调查问卷数据的统计结果,分析了教学管理人员信息素养的现状。

14.Probe the pattern of training good character student,set up the new teaching principle探索高素质人才培养模式 构筑教学新理念——概率论与数理统计教学改革的研究

15.Research on Case Teaching Design to Train Normal College Students Literacy of Educational Technology;培养师范生教育技术素养的案例教学设计研究

16.The Computer Training Ways On Vocational Teaching Information Literacy谈高职计算机教学中学生信息素养的培养途径

17.Improving Information Literacy and Cultivating Innovative Ability in Graduation Design毕业设计中信息素养的提升与创新能力的培养

18.Chinese Traditional Regime and Enhancing College Students Humanism;中华传统养生教育与大学生人文素养的提升


Developing Statistical Literacy论统计素养的培养

3)accountant accomplishment会计素养

1.Construction quality "flow leading"accountant accomplishment educational pattern构建高职“流程主导型”会计素养教育模式

4)nutrition statistics营养统计

5)Computer literacy计算机素养

1.The model suggests that there is a relationship between computer literacy and language learning motivation and action.该模式指出,计算机素养对学习者的学习动机和学习行为有一定的影响。

6)statistic quality统计素质

1.This thesis discusses on some measures of curriculum construction of Statistics, which deal with syllabus, teaching content and teaching material in non-majoring in statistics, practice, application of modern teaching means and cultivation of thestatistic quality.本文就非统计专业统计学课程的教学大纲、教学内容、教材建设和实习和实训、充分利用现代教学手段 ,培养统计素质等方面 ,探讨建设统计学课程的措


分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)fenbu he tezhengliang tongjj分布和特征量统计见统计分析。
