900字范文 > 语言幽默 linguistic humor英语短句 例句大全

语言幽默 linguistic humor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 07:43:28


语言幽默 linguistic humor英语短句 例句大全

语言幽默,linguistic humor

1)linguistic humor语言幽默

1.In pragmatic view,the pragmatic mechanism of the production oflinguistic humor in Afant s funny stories is based on its violation to the cooperative principle and realistic principle of applied linguistics in conversation.从语用学的角度看,阿凡提笑话故事中语言幽默产生的机制在于其违反了会话交际中的合作原则和现实原则。

2.This thesis, with Skopos theory and Translation Variation Theory as the guiding theories, discusseslinguistic humor from translation a.本文正是从翻译研究的角度出发,采取翻译学实证研究中的描述性研究方法,以目的论和变译理论为指导,对语言幽默的英译汉可译性、英译汉策略和英译汉原则加以探讨。


1.The Comparison of Humor in English and Chinese: Ambiguity and Humor;英汉语言幽默方式之比较——歧义与幽默

2.On the Interpretive Power of Language Meme to Chinese and English Verbal Humor论语言模因对汉英语言幽默的阐释力

3.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略

4.coarse jokes, humour, language, etc粗鄙笑话、 幽默、 语言等.

5.A Pragmatic Approach to Humorous Utterances: Humorous Speech Acts and Strategies Realized in American Sitcom Friends幽默话语的语用研究:幽默言语行为与语用策略

6.Recreating Humor from English to Chinese: A Study on Alternative Translating Strategy of Verbal Humor再现幽默—论英语言语幽默另类中译策略

7.visual humour,ie humour that depends on actions rather than words for its effect视觉幽默(依靠动作而不依靠言语产生幽默效果)

8.Study of cognitive mechanism of verbal humor--An interpretation of conceptual integration for the generation of verbal humor;言语幽默的认知机制研究——论概念合成理论对言语幽默的阐释力

9.Strategies of Verbal Humor Translation from English to Chinese-A Study Based on the GTVH and Relevance Theory普通言语幽默理论和关联理论视角下的言语幽默翻译

10.The Cognitive Study of English Verbal Humor from the Perspective of Conceptual Blending Theory;概念整合对英语言语幽默的认知研究

11.A Study of English Humor from the Linguistic Perspective and Its Application;从语言学角度透析英语幽默及其应用

12.Cognitive Semantic Perspective:A Study of the Process of Verbal Humor Generation;从语义学视角看言语幽默的生成过程

13.Study of English Humorous Utterance Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;关联理论视角下英语幽默言语的翻译

14.The Interpretation of English Verbal Humour through Conceptual Integration Theory;概念整合理论对英语幽默言语的解读

15.Humorous Expressions in Advertising Language and Their Pragmatic Analysis;广告语言中的幽默现象及其语用分析

16.Pressuppostions in Verbal Humor-A Pragmatic Approach to Chinese Short Commedies中国小品中言语幽默的语用预设研究

17.A Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Presuppositional Clashes in Verbal Jokes言语幽默中预设冲突的认知语用阐释

18.A Novel Model on Verbal Humor Perception Based on Incongruity Theories;基于乖戾理论的言语幽默的全新模式


humorous utterances幽默言语

1.An Illustration and Analysis on Humorous Utterances Research under the Background of Cognition;当前认知科学背景下幽默言语理论研究述评

2.It is argued that on one hand, making the motivation vague will greatly help to generatehumorous utterances; on the other hand,humorous utterances depends on the appliance of pragmatic ambivalence and specific context.从认知和语用的角度分析了幽默言语的生成机制,一方面语用动机的模糊化有助于幽默言语的产生;另一方面幽默言语有赖于语用模糊和语境。

3.Based on the principles of Cognitive-Pragmatics, this paper brings some examples ofhumorous utterances into the scope of the principle of relevance in order to explore the theoretical explanation forhumorous utterances.本文试图在认知语用学的框架下,运用关联理论对幽默言语进行研究,通过分析幽默言语实例,找出幽默言语交际成功的理论依据。

3)humorous language幽默语言

1.The skills and effects ofhumorous language in teaching practice;教师教学幽默语言运用的技巧与作用

2.Thehumorous language is a pragmatic language art with clean content, elegant pattern and vivid form.幽默语言是一种内容健康、格调高雅、形式活泼、具有很高实用价值的语言艺术。

3.This paper shows us the formation ofhumorous language from the aspect of rhetorics and stylistics.幽默是人的思想、学识、智慧和灵感在语言中的结晶,幽默语言产生的情况多种多样,拟从幽默与修辞、幽默与语体两方面探讨了幽默语言的产生及其关系。

4)Verbal humor言语幽默

1.Study of cognitive mechanism of verbal humor——An interpretation of conceptual integration for the generation of verbal humor;言语幽默的认知机制研究——论概念合成理论对言语幽默的阐释力

2.The Cognitive Study of English Verbal Humor from the Perspective of Conceptual Blending Theory;概念整合对英语言语幽默的认知研究

5)humor language幽默语言

1.The paper argues that if you want to translatehumor language, you must have the ability to identify humor.翻译幽默语言应首先具备识别幽默的能力。

2.The author studied the form ofhumor language.本文主要就幽默语言的构成规律进行观察,认为幽默语言的构成主要是采用了语言的积极修辞手法:如词语的歧义选挥、双关、反语等。

6)verbal humor幽默言语

1.Interpreting mental mechanism ofverbal humor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics;认知语言学视域下的幽默言语心理机制解读

2.It is of great significance to know the internal mechanism ofverbal humor for the purpose of both producing and understanding cross-talk.文章主要探讨相声幽默言语的语用策略,从语言层面、认知层面、交际层面和修辞层面进行剖析,并在此基础上归纳出相声幽默言语的语用策略特点。

3.As a linguistic phenomenon,verbal humor hasits own charm and special pragmatic effects as well.幽默言语作为一种语言现象,颇具魅力,有着特殊的语用效果。


