900字范文 > 圆柱直径 cylinders diameter英语短句 例句大全

圆柱直径 cylinders diameter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-06 02:03:02


圆柱直径 cylinders diameter英语短句 例句大全

圆柱直径,cylinders diameter

1)cylinders diameter圆柱直径

1.The effect of measurementcylinders diameters on the measuring result of the gears M Value is analysed.分析了圆柱直径的大小对齿轮 M值测量结果的影响 。


1.High-Precision On-Line Measuring System for Cylinder Diameter with Large Range高精度圆柱直径大量程在线测量系统

2.The diameter of the inside of a round cylinder, such as a tube.口径圆柱体内侧圆的直径,如管道

3.Research on Diameter Measurement Technique of Thin Cylinder by Laser Diffraction;激光衍射法细圆柱体直径测量技术研究

4.The eupatheostat consisted of a vertical cylinder 550 mm high by 190 mm diameter.拟人器是由一个直径为190mm,高度为550mm的垂直圆柱体构成。

5.diameter of root circular-arc center circle齿根圆弧中心圆直径

6.diameter of tip circular-arc center circle齿尖圆弧中心圆直径

7.diameter of top circular-arc juncture circle齿顶圆弧衔接点圆直径

8.diameter of tip circular-arc juncture circle齿尖圆弧衔接点圆直径

9.diameter of root circular-arc juncture circle齿根圆弧衔接点圆直径

10.A large, cylindrical container, usually made of staves bound together with hoops, with a flat top and bottom of equal diameter.桶圆柱形大容器,常由桶板及周围的铁箍组成,平顶平底且直径等同

11.Research on the Dynamic Response of the Large-cylinder Shell Structure and Numerical Simulation of the Stochastic Wave Forces;大直径圆柱壳结构动力响应及随机波浪力数值模拟研究

12.Research on the Stability of a Large-diameter Ground-supported Flat-bottomed Cylindrical Steel Silo Load of Alumina Powder大直径落地式平底氧化铝圆柱钢筒仓稳定性能研究

13.The Summarization on Measuring of Large Diameter Based on Chord Length and Bow Altitude基于弓高弦长的大型圆柱工件直径检测方法的研究

14.Mathematical Optimization Model for Embedded Large-Diameter Cylindrical Shell Structure under Lateral Loads横向荷载作用下插入式大直径圆柱壳结构的优化数学模型

15.straight-cut gear直齿圆柱齿轮,正齿齿轮

16.straight spur gear-on-gear pump圆柱直齿[外啮合]齿轮泵

17.spur gear differential直齿圆柱齿轮差速器

18.Investigation into the Performance of Hydrostatic Support Column Pair of Radial Piston Pump;径向柱塞泵静压支承圆柱副性能研究


cylinder shell of different diameters不同直径圆柱壳

3)shell cylind er with large diameter大直径圆柱壳

4)Diameter of thin cylinder细圆柱体直径

5)diameter,single ~ of a basically cylindrical surface圆柱面单一直径

6)large-diameter cylinder shell大直径圆柱壳结构

1.Thelarge-diameter cylinder shell is a new-type structure, which has been applied to the harbor and offshore engineering, especially on the silt seashore and soft clay regions.大直径圆柱壳结构是港口及近海工程中的一种新型结构,其力学机理、破坏形态、作用荷载以及计算方法等均亟待研究。


